When peforming sensivity analysis in linear programming. there are several things we can change. Motch the changes to the their effect on the probiem. Changing a sechnological coefficient A. Changes the sizeishape of the feasible region by shifing a contersint lne toward or Changing a contribution rase coefficient away frem the origin Changing the amount of an available resource B. Changes the slope of the iscpeofitisocost ine C. Changes the shapalsize of the feaside region by changing the alspe of a constrint QUESTION 2 When performing senalivity analysis on the objective functien, we want to know how much wo can change a corthbution rate coetficient without changing the optimal solution. This range of diowsble changes is caled. Range of optemalty Range of Feasiblity Feasible Region Optimal Sclution QUESTION 3 When performing sens tivity analysis on a constraint, we want to know how much we can change the amount of resource avallable (F43) witheut changing the shadow price. This range of alownble changes is called: Range of optimalty Range of Feasiblity Fearible Region Cptenal 5olution When peforming sensivity analysis in linear programming. there are several things we can change. Motch the changes to the their effect on the probiem. Changing a sechnological coefficient A. Changes the sizeishape of the feasible region by shifing a contersint lne toward or Changing a contribution rase coefficient away frem the origin Changing the amount of an available resource B. Changes the slope of the iscpeofitisocost ine C. Changes the shapalsize of the feaside region by changing the alspe of a constrint QUESTION 2 When performing senalivity analysis on the objective functien, we want to know how much wo can change a corthbution rate coetficient without changing the optimal solution. This range of diowsble changes is caled. Range of optemalty Range of Feasiblity Feasible Region Optimal Sclution QUESTION 3 When performing sens tivity analysis on a constraint, we want to know how much we can change the amount of resource avallable (F43) witheut changing the shadow price. This range of alownble changes is called: Range of optimalty Range of Feasiblity Fearible Region Cptenal 5olution