(which consists only of salary) for purposes of this problem. December 31,2022 To the friendly student tax preparer: Hi, it's Shady Slim again. I just got back from my 55 th birthday party, and I'm told that you need some more intormation from me in order to complete my tax return. Im an open booki IIl tell you whatever I think you need to know Let me tell you a few more things about my itfe. As you may recall, I am divorced from my wife. Alice i know that it's unusual, but I have custody of my son, Shady Jr. The Judge owed me a few favors and I really love the kid. He lives with me full time and my ex-wife gets him every other weekend. I pay the vast majority of my son's expenses I think Allce should have to pay some child support, but she doesn't have to pay a dime. The judge didn't owe me that much, I guess. I had to move this year after getting my job at Roca Cola. We moved on February 3 of this year, and I worked my job at Roca Cola for the rest of the year. I stili live in the same state, but I moved 500 males away from my oid house. I hired a moving company to move our stuff at a cost of $2,300, and i drove Juntor in my car Junior and I got a hotei room aiong the way that cost us $65 (1 love Super 8 ) Can you believe rm still paytng off my student loans, even after 15 years? I paid a total of $900 in interest on my old student loans this year. Remember when I told you about that guy that hit me with his car? I had a bunch of medical expenses that were not teimbursed by the lawsut or by my insurance. I incurred a total of $20.000 in medical expenses, and I was only. reimbursed for $11,000 Good thing I can write off medicat expenses, right? I contributed a iot of money to chanty this year (and have receipt documentation for all contributons) Fm such a nice guy! I gave 51,000 in cash to the March of Dimes. I contributed some of my old furniture to the church. It was some good stuffi contributed a red velvet couch and my old reciner. The furniture is considered vintage and is worth $5,000 today fthe appraiser surpised mel), even though I onty pald $1,000 for it back in the day. When I contributed the fumiture, the pastor sald he didn't like the fabnc and was going to sell the furnture to pay for some more pews in the chureh. On weil, some peopie Just have no taste, nght? Roca Cola had a charity dirve for the United Way this year and I contributed $90. Turns out, I don't even miss it Decause Roca Cola takes it right off my paycheck every month.. \$15 a month starting in July My pay stub venties that I contributed the 590 to the United Way. On, one other bit of chanty from me this year. An okd buddy of mine was down on his luck. He lost his job and has house I gave him $500 to heip him out. I paid a lot of money in interest this year. I paid a total of $950 in personal credit card interest I also paid $18,000 in interest on my $500,000 home mortgage that helped me buy my dream home. I also paid \$2,000 in real estate taxes for my new house A few other things I want to tell you about this year. Someone broke into my house and stole my kid's brand new bicycle and my set of golf clubs. The total loss from theft was $900. I paid $125 in union dues this year. i had to pay $1,200 for new suits for my job. Roca Cola requires its managers to wear suits every day on the job. I spent a total of $1,300 to pay for gas to commute to my job this year. Oh, this is pretty cool. Ive always wanted to be a firefighter. I spent $1,400 in tuition to go to the local firefighter's school I did this because someone told me that I can deduct the tultion as an itemized deduction, so the money would be coming back to me. That should be all the information you need nght now. Please caiculate my taxable income and complete page 1 of Form 1040 (through taxable income, IIne 15) and Schedule A. You're still doing this for free, ight? a. Calculate the taxable income