write a PYTHON program only using if-elif-else, loops, and reading from file and avoiding any other advanced material
Question 2: Counting Words In this question you will write a program that asks the user to enter two filenames. One file contains a list of words that you want to count. For the followingexplanation, let's call it words.txt. (When your program runs, the user could type a different name. Do not hardcode any filenames in your code.) The second file contains the text that you want to search for each word. For the explanation, let's call it story.txt Ask the user to enter the name of each file. Assume that the files are located in the same directory as your code file. For each word in words.txt, search through story.txt and count how many times the word occurs. Print a summary similar to the sample output below. Note 1: You should consider a "word" to be anything bounded by whitespace. You do not need to do any processing to account for punctuation or other special characters. For example, in the sample below,"time." (with a period) is not considered the same as the word "time" (without a period). Capitalization will also matter. "The" will not be considered the same word as "the". Note 2: You should test your program with small files of your own creation, until you are sure that the counting is correct. Your program will be tested with word files containing 10-20 words, and fairly large story files obtained from Project Gutenberg (https://www.gutenberg.org). Download a book of your choice from Project Gutenberg, and verify that your program works with a large file. Sample input file, words.txt: a time Sample input file, story.txt: Once upon a time there was a dog. The dog ran around and around, and had a great time. The end. Sample program output(blue text is typed by the user): Enter the name of the file containing the words to count: words.txt Enter the name of the file containing the story: story.txt The word "a" occurs 3 times. The word "time" occurs 1 times. Program terminated normally