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Write an SQL query that will get the most a book has been sold for? Table structure for table `author` CREATE TABLE `author` ( `author_numb`

  1. Write an SQL query that will get the most a book has been sold for?

Table structure for table `author` CREATE TABLE `author` ( `author_numb` int(11) NOT NULL, `author_last_first` char(128) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- Dumping data for table `author` -- INSERT INTO `author` (`author_numb`, `author_last_first`) VALUES (1, 'Bronte, Charlotte'), (2, 'Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan'), (3, 'Twain, Mark'), (4, 'Stevenson, Robert Louis'), (5, 'Rand, Ayn'), (6, 'Barrie, James'), (7, 'Ludlum, Robert'), (8, 'Barth, John'), (9, 'Herbert, Frank'), (10, 'Asimov, Isaac'), (11, 'Funke, Cornelia'), (12, 'Stephenson, Neal'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `book` -- CREATE TABLE `book` ( `ISBN` char(17) NOT NULL, `work_numb` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `publisher_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `edition` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `binding` char(20) DEFAULT NULL, `copyright_year` char(4) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- Dumping data for table `book` -- INSERT INTO `book` (`ISBN`, `work_numb`, `publisher_id`, `edition`, `binding`, `copyright_year`) VALUES ('978-1-11111-111-1', 1, 1, 2, 'Board', '1857'), ('978-1-11111-112-1', 1, 1, 1, 'Board', '1847'), ('978-1-11111-113-1', 2, 4, 1, 'Board', '1842'), ('978-1-11111-114-1', 3, 4, 1, 'Board', '1801'), ('978-1-11111-115-1', 3, 4, 10, 'Leather', '1925'), ('978-1-11111-116-1', 4, 3, 1, 'Board', '1805'), ('978-1-11111-117-1', 5, 5, 1, 'Board', '1808'), ('978-1-11111-118-1', 5, 2, 19, 'Leather', '1956'), ('978-1-11111-119-1', 6, 2, 3, 'Board', '1956'), ('978-1-11111-120-1', 8, 4, 5, 'Board', '1906'), ('978-1-11111-121-1', 8, 1, 12, 'Leather', '1982'), ('978-1-11111-122-1', 9, 1, 12, 'Leather', '1982'), ('978-1-11111-123-1', 11, 2, 1, 'Board', '1988'), ('978-1-11111-124-1', 12, 2, 1, 'Board', '1989'), ('978-1-11111-125-1', 13, 2, 3, 'Board', '1965'), ('978-1-11111-126-1', 13, 2, 9, 'Leather', '2001'), ('978-1-11111-127-1', 14, 2, 1, 'Board', '1960'), ('978-1-11111-128-1', 16, 2, 12, 'Board', '1960'), ('978-1-11111-129-1', 16, 2, 14, 'Leather', '2002'), ('978-1-11111-130-1', 17, 3, 6, 'Leather', '1905'), ('978-1-11111-131-1', 18, 4, 6, 'Board', '1957'), ('978-1-11111-132-1', 19, 4, 1, 'Board', '1962'), ('978-1-11111-133-1', 20, 4, 1, 'Board', '1964'), ('978-1-11111-134-1', 21, 5, 1, 'Board', '1964'), ('978-1-11111-135-1', 23, 5, 1, 'Board', '1962'), ('978-1-11111-136-1', 23, 5, 4, 'Leather', '2001'), ('978-1-11111-137-1', 24, 5, 4, 'Leather', '2001'), ('978-1-11111-138-1', 23, 5, 4, 'Leather', '2001'), ('978-1-11111-139-1', 25, 5, 4, 'Leather', '2001'), ('978-1-11111-140-1', 26, 5, 1, 'Board', '2001'), ('978-1-11111-141-1', 27, 5, 1, 'Board', '2005'), ('978-1-11111-142-1', 28, 5, 1, 'Board', '2008'), ('978-1-11111-143-1', 29, 5, 1, 'Board', '1992'), ('978-1-11111-144-1', 30, 1, 1, 'Board', '1952'), ('978-1-11111-145-1', 30, 5, 1, 'Board', '2001'), ('978-1-11111-146-1', 31, 5, 1, 'Board', '1999'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `condition_codes` -- CREATE TABLE `condition_codes` ( `condition_code` int(11) NOT NULL, `condition_description` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- Dumping data for table `condition_codes` -- INSERT INTO `condition_codes` (`condition_code`, `condition_description`) VALUES (1, 'New'), (2, 'Excellent'), (3, 'Fine'), (4, 'Good'), (5, 'Poor'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `customer` -- CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `customer_numb` int(11) NOT NULL, `first_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `last_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `street` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `city` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `state_province` char(2) DEFAULT NULL, `zip_postcode` char(10) DEFAULT NULL, `contact_phone` char(12) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- Dumping data for table `customer` -- INSERT INTO `customer` (`customer_numb`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `street`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postcode`, `contact_phone`) VALUES (1, 'Janice', 'Jones', '125 Center Road', 'Anytown', 'NY', '11111', '518-555-1111'), (2, 'Jon', 'Jones', '25 Elm Road', 'Next Town', 'NJ', '18888', '209-555-2222'), (3, 'John', 'Doe', '821 Elm Street', 'Next Town', 'NJ', '18888', '209-555-3333'), (4, 'Jane', 'Doe', '852 Main Street', 'Anytown', 'NY', '11111', '518-555-4444'), (5, 'Jane', 'Smith', '1919 Main Street', 'New Village', 'NY', '13333', '518-555-5555'), (6, 'Janice', 'Smith', '800 Center Road', 'Anytown', 'NY', '11111', '518-555-6666'), (7, 'Helen', 'Brown', '25 Front Street', 'Anytown', 'NY', '11111', '518-555-7777'), (8, 'Helen', 'Jerry', '16 Main Street', 'Newtown', 'NJ', '18886', '209-555-8888'), (9, 'Mary', 'Collins', '301 Pine Road, Apt. 12', 'Newtown', 'NJ', '18886', '209-555-9999'), (10, 'Peter', 'Collins', '18 Main Street', 'Newtown', 'NJ', '18886', '209-555-1010'), (11, 'Edna', 'Hayes', '209 Circle Road', 'Anytown', 'NY', '11111', '518-555-1110'), (12, 'Franklin', 'Hayes', '615 Circle Road', 'Anytown', 'NY', '11111', '518-555-1212'), (13, 'Peter', 'Johnson', '22 Rose Court', 'Next Town', 'NJ', '18888', '209-555-1313'), (14, 'Peter', 'Johnson', '881 Front Street', 'Next Town', 'NJ', '18888', '209-555-1414'), (15, 'John', 'Smith', '881 Manor Lane', 'Next Town', 'NJ', '18888', '209-555-1515'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `publisher` -- CREATE TABLE `publisher` ( `publisher_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `publisher_name` char(50) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- Dumping data for table `publisher` -- INSERT INTO `publisher` (`publisher_id`, `publisher_name`) VALUES (1, 'Wiley'), (2, 'Simon & Schuster'), (3, 'Macmillan'), (4, 'Tor'), (5, 'DAW'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `sale` -- CREATE TABLE `sale` ( `sale_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `customer_numb` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `sale_date` date DEFAULT NULL, `sale_total_amt` decimal(8,2) DEFAULT NULL, `credit_card_numb` char(20) DEFAULT NULL, `exp_month` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `exp_year` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- Dumping data for table `sale` -- INSERT INTO `sale` (`sale_id`, `customer_numb`, `sale_date`, `sale_total_amt`, `credit_card_numb`, `exp_month`, `exp_year`) VALUES (1, 1, '2021-10-13', '510.00', '1234 5678 9101 1121', 10, 18), (2, 1, '2021-01-05', '125.00', '1234 5678 9101 1121', 10, 18), (3, 1, '2021-06-15', '58.00', '1234 5678 9101 1121', 10, 18), (4, 4, '2021-06-30', '110.00', '1234 5678 9101 5555', 7, 17), (5, 6, '2021-06-30', '110.00', '1234 5678 9101 6666', 12, 17), (6, 12, '2021-07-05', '505.00', '1234 5678 9101 7777', 7, 16), (7, 8, '2021-07-05', '80.00', '1234 5678 9101 8888', 8, 16), (8, 5, '2021-07-07', '90.00', '1234 5678 9101 9999', 9, 15), (9, 8, '2021-07-07', '50.00', '1234 5678 9101 8888', 8, 16), (10, 11, '2021-07-10', '125.00', '1234 5678 9101 1010', 11, 16), (11, 9, '2020-07-10', '200.00', '1234 5678 9101 0909', 11, 15), (12, 10, '2021-07-10', '200.00', '1234 5678 9101 0101', 10, 15), (13, 2, '2021-07-10', '25.95', '1234 5678 9101 2222', 2, 15), (14, 6, '2021-07-10', '80.00', '1234 5678 9101 6666', 12, 17), (15, 11, '2021-07-12', '75.00', '1234 5678 9101 1231', 11, 17), (16, 2, '2021-07-25', '130.00', '1234 5678 9101 2222', 2, 15), (17, 1, '2021-07-25', '100.00', '1234 5678 9101 1121', 10, 18), (18, 5, '2021-08-22', '100.00', '1234 5678 9101 9999', 9, 15), (19, 6, '2021-09-01', '95.00', '1234 5678 9101 7777', 7, 16), (20, 2, '2021-09-01', '75.00', '1234 5678 9101 2222', 2, 15); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `volume` -- CREATE TABLE `volume` ( `inventory_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `ISBN` char(17) DEFAULT NULL, `condition_code` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_acquired` date DEFAULT NULL, `asking_price` decimal(7,2) DEFAULT NULL, `selling_price` decimal(7,2) DEFAULT NULL, `sale_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- -- Dumping data for table `volume` -- INSERT INTO `volume` (`inventory_id`, `ISBN`, `condition_code`, `date_acquired`, `asking_price`, `selling_price`, `sale_id`) VALUES (1, '978-1-11111-111-1', 3, '2019-06-12', '175.00', '175.00', 1), (2, '978-1-11111-131-1', 4, '2019-01-23', '50.00', '50.00', 1), (3, '978-1-11111-133-1', 2, '2018-04-05', '300.00', '285.00', 1), (4, '978-1-11111-142-1', 1, '2018-05-05', '25.95', '25.95', 2), (5, '978-1-11111-146-1', 1, '2018-05-05', '22.95', '22.95', 2), (6, '978-1-11111-144-1', 2, '2019-05-15', '80.00', '76.10', 2), (7, '978-1-11111-137-1', 2, '2019-06-20', '80.00', NULL, NULL), (8, '978-1-11111-137-1', 3, '2019-06-20', '50.00', NULL, NULL), (9, '978-1-11111-136-1', 1, '2018-12-20', '75.00', NULL, NULL), (10, '978-1-11111-136-1', 2, '2018-12-15', '50.00', NULL, NULL), (11, '978-1-11111-143-1', 1, '2019-04-05', '25.00', '25.00', 3), (12, '978-1-11111-132-1', 1, '2019-06-12', '15.00', '15.00', 3), (13, '978-1-11111-133-1', 3, '2019-04-20', '18.00', '18.00', 3), (14, '978-1-11111-121-1', 2, '2019-04-20', '110.00', '110.00', 3), (15, '978-1-11111-121-1', 2, '2019-04-20', '110.00', '110.00', 5), (16, '978-1-11111-121-1', 2, '2019-04-20', '110.00', NULL, NULL), (17, '978-1-11111-124-1', 2, '2020-01-12', '75.00', NULL, NULL), (18, '978-1-11111-146-1', 1, '2019-05-11', '30.00', '30.00', 6), (19, '978-1-11111-122-1', 2, '2019-05-06', '75.00', '75.00', 6), (20, '978-1-11111-130-1', 2, '2019-04-20', '150.00', '120.00', 6), (21, '978-1-11111-126-1', 2, '2019-04-20', '110.00', '110.00', 6), (22, '978-1-11111-139-1', 2, '2019-05-16', '200.00', '170.00', 6), (23, '978-1-11111-125-1', 2, '2019-05-16', '45.00', '45.00', 7), (24, '978-1-11111-131-1', 3, '2019-04-20', '35.00', '35.00', 7), (25, '978-1-11111-126-1', 2, '2019-11-16', '35.00', '55.00', 8), (27, '978-1-11111-141-1', 1, '2019-11-06', '24.95', NULL, NULL), (28, '978-1-11111-141-1', 1, '2019-11-06', '24.95', NULL, NULL), (29, '978-1-11111-141-1', 1, '2019-11-06', '24.95', NULL, NULL), (30, '978-1-11111-145-1', 1, '2019-11-06', '27.95', NULL, NULL), (31, '978-1-11111-145-1', 1, '2019-11-06', '27.95', NULL, NULL), (32, '978-1-11111-145-1', 1, '2019-11-06', '27.95', NULL, NULL), (33, '978-1-11111-139-1', 2, '2019-11-06', '75.00', '50.00', 9), (34, '978-1-11111-133-1', 1, '2019-11-16', '125.00', '125.00', 10), (35, '978-1-11111-126-1', 1, '2019-10-06', '75.00', '75.00', 11), (36, '978-1-11111-130-1', 3, '2018-12-06', '50.00', '50.00', 11), (37, '978-1-11111-136-1', 3, '2018-12-06', '75.00', '75.00', 11), (38, '978-1-11111-130-1', 2, '2019-04-06', '200.00', '150.00', 12), (39, '978-1-11111-132-1', 3, '2019-04-06', '75.00', '75.00', 12), (40, '978-1-11111-129-1', 1, '2012-04-06', '25.95', '25.95', 13), (41, '978-1-11111-141-1', 1, '2019-05-16', '40.00', '40.00', 14), (42, '978-1-11111-141-1', 1, '2019-05-16', '40.00', '40.00', 14), (43, '978-1-11111-132-1', 1, '2019-11-12', '17.95', NULL, NULL), (44, '978-1-11111-138-1', 1, '2019-11-12', '75.95', NULL, NULL), (45, '978-1-11111-138-1', 1, '2019-11-12', '75.95', NULL, NULL), (46, '978-1-11111-131-1', 3, '2019-11-12', '15.95', NULL, NULL), (47, '978-1-11111-140-1', 3, '2019-11-12', '25.95', NULL, NULL), (48, '978-1-11111-123-1', 2, '2019-08-16', '24.95', NULL, NULL), (49, '978-1-11111-127-1', 2, '2019-08-16', '27.95', NULL, NULL), (50, '978-1-11111-127-1', 2, '2020-01-06', '50.00', '50.00', 15), (51, '978-1-11111-141-1', 2, '2020-01-06', '50.00', '50.00', 15), (52, '978-1-11111-141-1', 2, '2020-01-06', '50.00', '50.00', 16), (53, '978-1-11111-123-1', 2, '2020-01-06', '40.00', '40.00', 16), (54, '978-1-11111-127-1', 2, '2020-01-06', '40.00', '40.00', 16), (55, '978-1-11111-133-1', 2, '2020-02-06', '60.00', '60.00', 17), (56, '978-1-11111-127-1', 2, '2019-02-16', '40.00', '40.00', 17), (57, '978-1-11111-135-1', 2, '2019-02-16', '40.00', '40.00', 18), (58, '978-1-11111-131-1', 2, '2020-02-16', '25.00', '25.00', 18), (59, '978-1-11111-127-1', 2, '2020-02-25', '35.00', '35.00', 18), (60, '978-1-11111-128-1', 2, '2019-12-16', '50.00', '45.00', 19), (61, '978-1-11111-136-1', 3, '2019-10-22', '50.00', '50.00', 19), (62, '978-1-11111-115-1', 2, '2019-10-22', '75.00', '75.00', 20), (63, '978-1-11111-130-1', 2, '2019-07-16', '500.00', NULL, NULL), (64, '978-1-11111-136-1', 2, '2019-03-06', '125.00', NULL, NULL), (65, '978-1-11111-136-1', 2, '2019-03-06', '125.00', NULL, NULL), (66, '978-1-11111-137-1', 2, '2019-03-06', '125.00', NULL, NULL), (67, '978-1-11111-137-1', 2, '2019-03-06', '125.00', NULL, NULL), (68, '978-1-11111-138-1', 2, '2019-03-06', '125.00', NULL, NULL), (69, '978-1-11111-138-1', 2, '2019-03-06', '125.00', NULL, NULL), (70, '978-1-11111-139-1', 2, '2019-03-06', '125.00', NULL, NULL), (71, '978-1-11111-139-1', 2, '2019-03-06', '125.00', NULL, NULL);

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