xy zy 1.1. Programming (pere pring2018/chapter/1/section/1 https/ @ Help/FAQ . zyBooks catalog y library> CSCE 1030 home> 1.1: Programming (general) Computational thinking Mathematical thinking became increasingly important throughout the industrial age, to enable people to successfully live and work In the information age,many people believe computational thinking or creating a sequence of instructions to solve a problem, will become ncreasingly important for work and everyday life A sequence of instructions that solves a problem is called an algorithm 115 Computational thinking Creating algorithms to draw shapes draws a triangle using steps like Pen down and Forward 100 press Runt to see Modify the algorithm to draw a square, using the following 8 steps 1. Put the pencil down on the paper 2. Move the pencil forward 3. Turn the pencil left 90 degrees 4. Move the pencil forward 5. Turn the pencil left 90 degrees Move the pend forward 7. Turn the pencil left 90 degrees 8. Move the pencil forward Now try to draw your intials (preas Clear first) Can you decompose the task of drawing your initials into a basic sequence of stepo? Pen upPen down Forwardu left Glear oe@ 0 xy zy 1.1. Programming (pere pring2018/chapter/1/section/1 https/ @ Help/FAQ . zyBooks catalog y library> CSCE 1030 home> 1.1: Programming (general) Computational thinking Mathematical thinking became increasingly important throughout the industrial age, to enable people to successfully live and work In the information age,many people believe computational thinking or creating a sequence of instructions to solve a problem, will become ncreasingly important for work and everyday life A sequence of instructions that solves a problem is called an algorithm 115 Computational thinking Creating algorithms to draw shapes draws a triangle using steps like Pen down and Forward 100 press Runt to see Modify the algorithm to draw a square, using the following 8 steps 1. Put the pencil down on the paper 2. Move the pencil forward 3. Turn the pencil left 90 degrees 4. Move the pencil forward 5. Turn the pencil left 90 degrees Move the pend forward 7. Turn the pencil left 90 degrees 8. Move the pencil forward Now try to draw your intials (preas Clear first) Can you decompose the task of drawing your initials into a basic sequence of stepo? Pen upPen down Forwardu left Glear oe@ 0