Yes B D G H Mortgage Problem: You take out a 15 year mortage of $181.600 with an APR of 5.625% and monthly payments. 2. The first payment is due immediately. Finish the following loan amortization schedule. 3 4 Input Data 5 Orginal amount of mortgage 181600 6 Term of mortgage 15 7 Number of payment in a year 12 8 APR 5625% 9 Efective interest rate period 0.469% 10 Number of payment period in cont 180 11 First Payment Oue at Signing The amortization model results depend on whether 011 is "Yes" or "No" 12 13 Outcome 14 Monthly Mortgage Payment $1,488 92 518,24261) 15 16 Month Beg. Amt. Pmt Interest Principal End, Bal. 17 $ 181,600 $1 488 92 S $1,488.92 $180, 111 18 1 $180.1111 $1,488.92 5 844 27 $644 65 5179.466 19 2 $179,466 $1.488.92 $ 841.25 $647 67 $178 819 20 3 $178,819 $1.488 92 $ 838 21 $650.70 $178,168 192 175 $7,341 51,488 92 5 34 41 51 454 51 55,887 193 176 $5,887 51.488.92 $ 27 59 $1.461 32 $4 425 194 177 $4.425 $1,488 92 $ 20.74 $1.468.17 $2.957 195 178 52.957 $1.488.92 5 13.86 $1 475 06 51.482 196 179 51,482 51,488.92 $ 6.95 $1.481.97 50 197 198 Both amortization schedulos are provided below for your reference. I recommend that you take the following steps. 1991. Bulld each of the schedule provided below separately 200 2. Inspect the models to find way to combine them into one model as indicated above with "First Payment Due at Signing at the driver 2013. Check that changing input in "First Payment Due at Signing produces the corresponding results as shown below. 202 4. Determine both schedules below completely and check that your model still works. 203 Data/Inputs Data/inputs 204 Original amount of mortgage 181500 Ongina amount of mortgage 1600 205 Term of mortgage 15 Term of mortgage 36 206 Number of payment in a year 12 Number of payment in a year 207 APR 5.625% APR 5625% 208 First Payment Due at Signing Yes First Payment Due at Signing No 209 210 Outcomes Outcomes 180 211 Number of payment period in cont 180 Number of payment period in con 0.46889 212 Effective interest rate/ period Effective interest rate period 046 $1.488.92 213 Monthly Mortgage Payment $1,49590 Monthly Mortgage Payment 214 215 Month Beg Amt. Pet Interest Principal End. Bal. Month Beg. Amt Pet Interest Principal End. Hal 216 $1,488 92 $180.111 1 S181.600 51488 92 S $544.65 $180,955 $ 101,600 31.495.90 S851 25 217 2 1 644.65 5180.111 51.488.92 $ 844 27 5179.466 $180,955 51.495 90 5. 84123 $6676 5180 308 3 218 5647 67 2 5650.70 5179.657 $178,819 $179,466 $1,458.92 $ 541 25 $180,300 $1495,90 5 845 19 4 5650.70 219 5178,160 5663 75 5179.003 $179,657 51495 90 3 34214 3 5178,819 51,488 92 $ 838 21 220 5 5653 75 5178,168 51.488 92 $ 835 16 5171.514 4 $179,003 51.495.90 5.8.1908 5656 12 S178.346 392 176 177 $4425 14416 $5,887 51.488 92 527 59 51,461 22 55,914 51495 90 527 72 51,455 17 393 177 54 425 $1.488 92 5 2074 $1468.17 $2.957 170 54,446 51,495 50 520 54 3147505 394 51 129 178 $2.957 $1.488 S2 S 13.36 51 475 06 $2,571 51.495 90 5 1393 31451.97 180 395 179 6.95 $1.481.97 50 50 51,482 $1488 92 5 $1,419 51.495905 6.9051 1882 396 397 398 399 400 401 Yes B D G H Mortgage Problem: You take out a 15 year mortage of $181.600 with an APR of 5.625% and monthly payments. 2. The first payment is due immediately. Finish the following loan amortization schedule. 3 4 Input Data 5 Orginal amount of mortgage 181600 6 Term of mortgage 15 7 Number of payment in a year 12 8 APR 5625% 9 Efective interest rate period 0.469% 10 Number of payment period in cont 180 11 First Payment Oue at Signing The amortization model results depend on whether 011 is "Yes" or "No" 12 13 Outcome 14 Monthly Mortgage Payment $1,488 92 518,24261) 15 16 Month Beg. Amt. Pmt Interest Principal End, Bal. 17 $ 181,600 $1 488 92 S $1,488.92 $180, 111 18 1 $180.1111 $1,488.92 5 844 27 $644 65 5179.466 19 2 $179,466 $1.488.92 $ 841.25 $647 67 $178 819 20 3 $178,819 $1.488 92 $ 838 21 $650.70 $178,168 192 175 $7,341 51,488 92 5 34 41 51 454 51 55,887 193 176 $5,887 51.488.92 $ 27 59 $1.461 32 $4 425 194 177 $4.425 $1,488 92 $ 20.74 $1.468.17 $2.957 195 178 52.957 $1.488.92 5 13.86 $1 475 06 51.482 196 179 51,482 51,488.92 $ 6.95 $1.481.97 50 197 198 Both amortization schedulos are provided below for your reference. I recommend that you take the following steps. 1991. Bulld each of the schedule provided below separately 200 2. Inspect the models to find way to combine them into one model as indicated above with "First Payment Due at Signing at the driver 2013. Check that changing input in "First Payment Due at Signing produces the corresponding results as shown below. 202 4. Determine both schedules below completely and check that your model still works. 203 Data/Inputs Data/inputs 204 Original amount of mortgage 181500 Ongina amount of mortgage 1600 205 Term of mortgage 15 Term of mortgage 36 206 Number of payment in a year 12 Number of payment in a year 207 APR 5.625% APR 5625% 208 First Payment Due at Signing Yes First Payment Due at Signing No 209 210 Outcomes Outcomes 180 211 Number of payment period in cont 180 Number of payment period in con 0.46889 212 Effective interest rate/ period Effective interest rate period 046 $1.488.92 213 Monthly Mortgage Payment $1,49590 Monthly Mortgage Payment 214 215 Month Beg Amt. Pet Interest Principal End. Bal. Month Beg. Amt Pet Interest Principal End. Hal 216 $1,488 92 $180.111 1 S181.600 51488 92 S $544.65 $180,955 $ 101,600 31.495.90 S851 25 217 2 1 644.65 5180.111 51.488.92 $ 844 27 5179.466 $180,955 51.495 90 5. 84123 $6676 5180 308 3 218 5647 67 2 5650.70 5179.657 $178,819 $179,466 $1,458.92 $ 541 25 $180,300 $1495,90 5 845 19 4 5650.70 219 5178,160 5663 75 5179.003 $179,657 51495 90 3 34214 3 5178,819 51,488 92 $ 838 21 220 5 5653 75 5178,168 51.488 92 $ 835 16 5171.514 4 $179,003 51.495.90 5.8.1908 5656 12 S178.346 392 176 177 $4425 14416 $5,887 51.488 92 527 59 51,461 22 55,914 51495 90 527 72 51,455 17 393 177 54 425 $1.488 92 5 2074 $1468.17 $2.957 170 54,446 51,495 50 520 54 3147505 394 51 129 178 $2.957 $1.488 S2 S 13.36 51 475 06 $2,571 51.495 90 5 1393 31451.97 180 395 179 6.95 $1.481.97 50 50 51,482 $1488 92 5 $1,419 51.495905 6.9051 1882 396 397 398 399 400 401