You are a marketing consultant who has been commissioned to write a report convincing the Northern Territory government to either allow or deny a large alcohol chain store the right to open a store in Darwin. You decide if you wish to argue for or against the new store. There has been both support and opposition from the local community. Apply a social marketing systems lens to the issue by rst identifying the key stakeholders (4-6). For each stakeholder outline their ultimate goal. their level of power in the decision and suggest strategies to minimise their ability to create obstacles or assist with your venture. You must also outline their ethical and moral position in relation to whatever side you take in the debate. A marketing system is made up of structures. actors. behaviours. motivations. values. activities and actions that have social, cultural. political and psychological characteristics (Domegan et al., 2016). Create a map of the marketing system that would be created by the new alcohol superstore. Use this map as evidence for your argument for or against the store. A marketing system is dened as 'complex social networks of individuals and groups linked through shared participation in the creation and delivery of economic value through exchange' (Layton. 2014. p. 2). That is. the new alcohol super store will be your starting point and your map should include the stakeholders you have identied. Using arrows to make connections include a plus or a minus to indicate if the relationship is positive or negative. explain and justify your choices in the text. The relationship may be both positive and negative. For example. an alcohol superstore will provide employment in the local community. but it may also increase violence. Drawing from this analysis as well as academic research clearly identify what the problem is (perhaps it is a wicked problem?}, why the problem can or can not be overcome and ultimately why you think an alcohol superstore would be a positive or a negative for the city of Darwin