You are oohsdening the folawing two prejects and can tale only one. Your coot of capitar is 112 . The cash fows for the two projechs are as follows is roilonk a. What is tho MRR of each grojoct? b. What is the NPY of nach projed at your cost of copitai? E. Al what cost of capial are you indiflerent botwoen the fwo propects? a. What aheuld you do7 Data table a. What is the IRR of each project? The IRR for project hils Wis (Reund to one decmar puose.) The BRR lor project B is Is (Aleund to one decimal place ) b. What ia the NeV of each propert at your cost of captal? The NeV for propect A is 1 milion. (Round to two decimal places) The NPU far project a at I milion. (Ridend io two decimal placos.) c. A what oosf of capial are you haderern between the twe grojects? You wat be indifirsint if the cont of caphas is dtound ta one decienal place.) d. What should you 00 '? Dien your cost of capial, whin propet woud you chootel (toelect by best choice tokeri) A. You shourd irwest in propect B, as it has the higher ant? C You shodd invest in pirguct 0, as if kas the Wigher baty. a. What is the IRR of eash project? b. What is the NPY of each project at your cost of capitar? c. At what cost of cogitail are you inditherent betaeen the fwo propects? d. What shoild youdo? Data table H. What is the iRR of each prtelect? The aRR for projnct h is K (Round to one decimal place? The IRR for projact be is k. (Round to one decimal citise.) 5. What is the NPV of each project at yuur cost of caplal? The RipV for project A is 1 meion. (Round to pwo decima piaces.I The NPV foe projecta is 5 milson. (Round fe two decimel pilycest c. At whar oeat of oagual are you inditherent bewwen the fwo projects? -You will be inditlerom if the osst of capital is (Round to one decimal efleces) d. What shosid you do? Given your cost of cngltal, wheh projsct would you chocse? (Select the best chicice belowi) A. Yoj athotd irrest in project B,as it has lthe higher IfR. 8. Pou stwald niweat in progect A; 8 , 4 has tha highar NSTV. c. You ahould weat in proiod E, as it has tha Nohor NPN. 10. You shauld invest in proioct A, as it has the higher lifR