You are the new Ethics Compliance Officer at MGM Resort International (MGM). MGM has asked your team In recommend a solution to MGM's ethical dilemma: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) vs, profitability How can MVGM achieve a balance between CSR and its profit-seeking objectives? Write a case analysis, recommending a way for MGM to increase their gaming revenue while simultaneously promoting Corporate Social Responsibility Choose one of the ethical frameworks we have discussed and show how you would apply is to the case: icnts Choose one of the ethical frameworks and show how you would apply it to the case; . Utilitarianism: The greatest good for the greatest number of people SUUICES . The Common good appmach The greatest good for the entire community . Virtue approoch Actions reflect the kind of person or company we want to be Following the first two steps of case analysis (ie. identifying the problem and analyzing the most significant facts]. You must develop and evaluate two alternatives, Of these two solutions, which is the more ethica ore? Explain why in your answer, and be sure to include some effort to examine and analyze the berlenich costs and consequences of your choice relative to any other nations following the basic steps of case analysis lic, identifying issues, problems and opportunities, analyzing them, developing and evaluating twe alternatives, making a Link recommendation and a plan to inelement that recommendation) In your recommendation, exp on low Your team the drawibacks of your chosen solution and explain why this solution is nevertheless better Eltemarive You willalso need to identify and outline how you would go about planning a course or nic ion you recommend Assessment All submesit grunentis wool Joss ni your overall proce