You are trying to decide how much to save for roticomen. Assumo you plan to save $7,000 per year with the first investment made one year trom now. You think you can eam 7 , per year on your investmenta and you plan to retre in 35 years, immediately after making your last $7,000 kvestment. a. How much will you have in your resirement account on the day you retie? b. If, instead of investing $7,000 per year, you warted to make one lump-aum investment today for your rotinement that will tesult in the same retrement axving, how much would trat lump sum need to be? c. If you hope to live for 24 years in fetirement, how much can you withdraw every year in resromert (starting one year after retkement) so that you wil just exhavist your savings wen the 24 th withdrawal (assume your savingt will continue to earn 7S in retirement)? d. If, instesd, you decide to wohdraw $80.000 per year in retrement (again with the frat withdrawal one year ahor retring), how many years will it take untit you oxhaust your savings? e. Assuming the most you can afford to save is $1,400 per year, but you want to retro with $1,000,000.00 in your invesiment account, how high of a resum do you need to eam on your investrnents? You are trying to decide how much to save for retrement, Assume you plan to sove 57,000 per year with the first investment maste one year from now You thirk you can eam 7 , per year cen you investments and you plan to retire in 35 years, immediately after making your last $7,000 investment. a. How much will you have in your rotirement account on the day you retiee? to be? c. If you hope to five for 24 years in retirement, how much can you withdraw every year in retrement (utarting one year after retroment) so that you wal just eahaust your savngs with the 24 th withdrawal (essume your savings will conbinue to earn 7% in retirementh? d. If, instead, you deoide to withdraw $90,000 per year in refrement (again with the frst withdrawal one year aller retringli how many years wit it take unti you eahaut your savengs