You ve made the decision to purchase an item that is affordable only with a loan. When shopping for a loan, there are many aspects of the loans that you should examine. Which of the following questions should be asked and answered about a specific loan proposal before accepting a londer's offer? Check all that apply. What late payment charges, if any, can be accessed, and when? Does the loan have a prepayment penalty? Do the loan's monthly payments fit in my budget? If I accept the loan, what is my new debt safety ratio? What is the loan's APR? You're shopping for a big loan, but you have misgivings about Sam, the loan officer at an institution you just visited. What are some reasons that may have you uneasy about accepting a loan there? Check all that apply. When you filled out the application, Sam said if you weren't sure about something on it, you could take the application home and complete it when you had the correct answers. Sam gave you a range of terms and sald they'll be worked out at closing. ront most of the time emphasizing benefits of loans with balloon payments and interest-only payments. You're shopping for a big loan, but you have misgivings about Sam, the loan officer, at an institution you just visited. What are some reasons that may have you uneasy about accepting a loan there? Check all that apply. When you filled out the application, Sam said if you weren't sure about something on it, you could take the application home and complete it when you had the correct answers. Sam gave you a range of terms and said they'll be worked out at closing, Sam spent most of the time emphasizing benefits of loans with balloon payments and interest-only payments. Sam said that today is the only day you can secure the loan with favorable terms. When you filled out the loan application, Sam told you to leave out the smaller amounts you owe to department stores. Sam discussed options for taking out a smaller loan, such as selling current assets to raise a bigger down payment. Your parents may be able to help you with the down payment, but Sam told you to assume they will and to enter a down payment on the application including their contribution cum raid that his loan was most likely the only one you'd be able to obtain