You wa use this in your written assignment this week. There are links to the JPL website and other articles at the bottom of this poge. THE CULTURE OF THE REAL ROCKET SCIENTSTS then the spinit and Opporturity rovers followod in.2004 Limor that yoar, the Cossini probe wont into ortil arcund Gachum Pie-in-the-sky Thinking The Lab han a fondness for wid ideas, going bock to the 1960s, when the Lab eskableled an office to dream up plans for future missions An ongineer crunchno numbers one day happoned lo notce that in 1977 , Jupdor, Soturn, Uianes, and Noptune would fal into a rwe planetary line up The insent set the stage for the lour planet Voyager flgith suggention for a futuro mission book bme with feam X and pay lor A out of ther own operating bodgot in e gven yoar. 70 or more missions come betore Team X, and only one or the aen rocormmended to NASA. The group techrique assules that those two massions aie went thought out Tolerance for Flops. the true test of the Labis business model comes whien samething goes wene Every mission moans bificens of dolars and decades of planring aie at nok s.L tot times tefore Rangot 7 succeoded The Lab encourages emplopees to push the ints in a thoughthut way th J1s future are mone missions to Mars and possibly lo Phuto The following articles weil previde additional information for your written assignent: bro anme isi nase aove thas llowWer nesa goviatoute blto miniadnssicos crotiogs ontrviwhat is like to muik it fasa You will use this in your written assignment this week. There are links to the JPL website and other articles at the bottom of this page. THE CULTURE OF THE REAL. ROCKET SCIENTSTS then the Spint and Opporturity rovers followod in 2004 . Laver that yoar, the Cassirm probe went into ortbit around Saturn In the loir docades it has been antiated with NASA, the Lab has dispatched probes to seven of the planets and dozens of thwit moons According to the depuly director of Mars exploration Pele Thoisengee, Wo do interplanetary. Wore not the ontl peoplo who can do it but were the ceby anes who have done it for A0 voars? JPL is not owned by NASA, but ralhec is a nee-peot, federally funded research center managed by the Califoenia institute of Technotogy it doos its work for NhSA indor contract. What is responsble foe this suconss? One reason a handtul of straghithorwid niles that JPL. has always laken care to foliow Culture of Critique For big burinesses, tesesech and developthen is a societwe thing wi. sciertsts come from the acedemic teld and lwe by peer review, in wfich theorebcal workismt convidered sound unal a lot of objective eyes have looked at a When smat people ank quostions of othor smat people, often an not they out samat answers Pie-in the-Sky Thinking The Lab has a fondness for wid ideas, gomg back to the lge0s, whon the Lab ostabtirthed an ofice to diearn up plans for future missuans An engineer crunching numbers one day hagpened to notioe that in 107 . Jupter Soturn, Wasis, and Noptune would fal into a fare planotary line ip. Thes insight set the stage for the four-planot Voyagor fights during the 1070 and 1990 . Today this blio-sky thationg has become insthutondized weth a 20 -person group caled the Advanced Projects Dosign Tosm- of Toam X Scientists with a suggostion foe a fulure mission book time with leam X and pay for is out of ther own operating budget, in a gvea year, 70 or more missians come before Feam X, and only one or two are recomenended to NASA. The goup technique assuces that these wo missions are woll thought oud Each One Teach One The grevest tesoulco JPL has is not good ideas as much as the poople who generate them Hiving Calloch noat door provides a steady stepam of inteligont recruits meribers of any team are chacged with the responsibaty of tringing a least one junior member along. assaring institutional momory. Tolerance for Flops. The true tost of the Lab's buswess model comes when somelting goes weong Every mission means bithons of dollis and decados of planing are at iak JPt not times before Ranger? succooded The Lab encourages enplevees to pash the limts in a theoghttul way In JPL's fuduee ace moce messines to Mars and pessbly to Phuto Engomenng, Novertene 1, 2006, and Markos, Nox, Tuiding the Path to Mars, U.S. Nous a Woeld Report, Oed 30, 2006. The followeng articles will provide additional information for your written assignment: trite. wainiok nasagox Hesilmowieinosa oor about) 1. Where do you see JPL fitting in the CVF framework (fig 8.3)? Explain your choice in detail. 2. Is Person-Organization Fit important for JPL? Explaild your answer. 3. Discuss the core values at JPL. 4. Assess and explain the following for JPL: - Is JPL's structure tall or flat? (include span of control) - Does JPL have centralized or decentralized authority? - Does JPL have a simple, divisional, or matrix structure? 5. Would you like to work for an organization like JPL? Why or why not? You wa use this in your written assignment this week. There are links to the JPL website and other articles at the bottom of this poge. THE CULTURE OF THE REAL ROCKET SCIENTSTS then the spinit and Opporturity rovers followod in.2004 Limor that yoar, the Cossini probe wont into ortil arcund Gachum Pie-in-the-sky Thinking The Lab han a fondness for wid ideas, going bock to the 1960s, when the Lab eskableled an office to dream up plans for future missions An ongineer crunchno numbers one day happoned lo notce that in 1977 , Jupdor, Soturn, Uianes, and Noptune would fal into a rwe planetary line up The insent set the stage for the lour planet Voyager flgith suggention for a futuro mission book bme with feam X and pay lor A out of ther own operating bodgot in e gven yoar. 70 or more missions come betore Team X, and only one or the aen rocormmended to NASA. The group techrique assules that those two massions aie went thought out Tolerance for Flops. the true test of the Labis business model comes whien samething goes wene Every mission moans bificens of dolars and decades of planring aie at nok s.L tot times tefore Rangot 7 succeoded The Lab encourages emplopees to push the ints in a thoughthut way th J1s future are mone missions to Mars and possibly lo Phuto The following articles weil previde additional information for your written assignent: bro anme isi nase aove thas llowWer nesa goviatoute blto miniadnssicos crotiogs ontrviwhat is like to muik it fasa You will use this in your written assignment this week. There are links to the JPL website and other articles at the bottom of this page. THE CULTURE OF THE REAL. ROCKET SCIENTSTS then the Spint and Opporturity rovers followod in 2004 . Laver that yoar, the Cassirm probe went into ortbit around Saturn In the loir docades it has been antiated with NASA, the Lab has dispatched probes to seven of the planets and dozens of thwit moons According to the depuly director of Mars exploration Pele Thoisengee, Wo do interplanetary. Wore not the ontl peoplo who can do it but were the ceby anes who have done it for A0 voars? JPL is not owned by NASA, but ralhec is a nee-peot, federally funded research center managed by the Califoenia institute of Technotogy it doos its work for NhSA indor contract. What is responsble foe this suconss? One reason a handtul of straghithorwid niles that JPL. has always laken care to foliow Culture of Critique For big burinesses, tesesech and developthen is a societwe thing wi. sciertsts come from the acedemic teld and lwe by peer review, in wfich theorebcal workismt convidered sound unal a lot of objective eyes have looked at a When smat people ank quostions of othor smat people, often an not they out samat answers Pie-in the-Sky Thinking The Lab has a fondness for wid ideas, gomg back to the lge0s, whon the Lab ostabtirthed an ofice to diearn up plans for future missuans An engineer crunching numbers one day hagpened to notioe that in 107 . Jupter Soturn, Wasis, and Noptune would fal into a fare planotary line ip. Thes insight set the stage for the four-planot Voyagor fights during the 1070 and 1990 . Today this blio-sky thationg has become insthutondized weth a 20 -person group caled the Advanced Projects Dosign Tosm- of Toam X Scientists with a suggostion foe a fulure mission book time with leam X and pay for is out of ther own operating budget, in a gvea year, 70 or more missians come before Feam X, and only one or two are recomenended to NASA. The goup technique assuces that these wo missions are woll thought oud Each One Teach One The grevest tesoulco JPL has is not good ideas as much as the poople who generate them Hiving Calloch noat door provides a steady stepam of inteligont recruits meribers of any team are chacged with the responsibaty of tringing a least one junior member along. assaring institutional momory. Tolerance for Flops. The true tost of the Lab's buswess model comes when somelting goes weong Every mission means bithons of dollis and decados of planing are at iak JPt not times before Ranger? succooded The Lab encourages enplevees to pash the limts in a theoghttul way In JPL's fuduee ace moce messines to Mars and pessbly to Phuto Engomenng, Novertene 1, 2006, and Markos, Nox, Tuiding the Path to Mars, U.S. Nous a Woeld Report, Oed 30, 2006. The followeng articles will provide additional information for your written assignment: trite. wainiok nasagox Hesilmowieinosa oor about) 1. Where do you see JPL fitting in the CVF framework (fig 8.3)? Explain your choice in detail. 2. Is Person-Organization Fit important for JPL? Explaild your answer. 3. Discuss the core values at JPL. 4. Assess and explain the following for JPL: - Is JPL's structure tall or flat? (include span of control) - Does JPL have centralized or decentralized authority? - Does JPL have a simple, divisional, or matrix structure? 5. Would you like to work for an organization like JPL? Why or why not