You will explore a computing innovation of your choice in one of these areas of study. A computing innovation is an innovation that includes a computer or program as an integral part of its functionality. Your close examination of this computing innovation will deepen your understanding of computer science! Computing Innovation Definition: To help you choose a good computing innovation, ask yourself these three questions: 1. Does it use data? (input, transform, output) 2. Can I identify a group it impacts? (both positively and negatively) 3. Can I find published references about it? If the answer is "yes" to all three questions, then you probably have picked a true computing innovation Computing Innovation Examples: The innovations" below are probably a bad choice because it is hardware or not actually a computational thing. Some hardware may be used if you can find the software that drives it or processes the data it collects or works with: fiber optic cable digital clock wireless phone TCP protocol email charging bluetooth speakers A The "innovations" below may work if you focus on the actual computational part: self-driving car laptop computer Google glasses fiber optic cable digital clock wireless phone TCP protocol email charging bluetooth speakers A The "innovations" below may work if you focus on the actual computational part: I self-driving car laptop computer Google glasses smart watch police body GPS backup camera on a car 3D printer cameras . The "innovations" below are good choices - it is software with well known social implications: music medical records Snapchat recommendation digitizing and phone app app sharing system video streaming facial recognition Instagram service (example, software bitcoin Netflix) Requirements: Select and investigate a computation innovation to: analyze the computing innovations impact on society, economy, or culture and explain at least one beneficial effect and at least one harmful effect the computing innovation has had, or has the potential to have software bitcoin Netflix) Requirements: I. Select and investigate a computation innovation to: analyze the computing innovations impact on society, economy, or culture and explain at least one beneficial effect and at least one harmful effect the computing innovation has had, or has the potential to have explain how the computing innovation consumes (the input), produces (the output), or transforms data, (data includes: integers, numbers, Booleans, text, image, video, audio, signals, etc.) describe at least one data storage, data privacy, or data security concerns raised based on the capabilities of the computing innovation