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your goal is to complete the code in order to get the game work there are four interfaces in the game and 5 spaces and

your goal is to complete the code in order to get

the game work there are four interfaces in the

game and 5 spaces and each space will be

revealed and display a string of letter based

on the class name here is the code :

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collections;

import java.util.InputMismatchException;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Scanner;

import cmps251.homework3.Board;

import cmps251.homework3.Game;

import cmps251.homework3.Player;




* This code is only to help you run the code

* You can verify the functionality by logging in to

* (ssh). A perfect solution is one that

* matches the output on the ssh server



public class Runner {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Runner r = new Runner();



private void studentRunner()


Scanner s = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter your name: ");

String name = s.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter your age: ");

int age = s.nextInt();

s.nextLine(); //clear buffer

Player player = new Player(name, age);

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

for (int i = 0; i

list.add(new Integer(i));

Collections.shuffle(list, new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()));

int[] rabbitPositions = {pickIndexAtRandom(list), pickIndexAtRandom(list), pickIndexAtRandom(list)};

ArrayList gluePositionsArray = new ArrayList<>();

ArrayList thornPositionsArray = new ArrayList<>();

Random a = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

for (int i = 0; i

if(a.nextInt(2) == 1) //flip a coin (50/50 chance) for either a Thorn or a Glue


else thornPositionsArray.add(pickIndexAtRandom(list));


Game myGame = new Game(rabbitPositions, //rabbit positions

gluePositionsArray, //glue positions

thornPositionsArray, //thorn positions

pickIndexAtRandom(list), //bull position

player); //player


int userInput;

int thorneNum = myGame.getBoard().getNumberOfThorns();

while (!myGame.getIsGameOver())


userInput = -1;

System.out.println("Current Play No: " + (myGame.getPlayCount()+1));

System.out.println("Number of rabbits caught so far: " + myGame.getRabbitsCaught());

System.out.println("Number of thornes: " + thorneNum);

System.out.println("Number of glues: " + (Game.MAX_PUNISHABLES-thorneNum) +" ");


System.out.print("Please select a position ('1'-'16'): ");

while(userInput == -1)



userInput = s.nextInt(); //a trick to find the first character of the entered string

if (userInput < 1 || userInput > 16) {

System.out.print("Not a correct input, please try again: ");

userInput = -1;

userInput = s.nextInt();


}catch(InputMismatchException e)


System.out.println("Illegal input, please try again: ");; // clears the buffer




System.out.println(" ");


System.out.println(" FINAL BOARD:");


System.out.println("You found all rabbits!");

System.out.println("It took you: " + myGame.getPlayCount() + " turns. Not bad for a " + myGame.getPlayer().getAge() + " year old!");



private int pickIndexAtRandom(ArrayList list)


int out = list.get(0);


return out;



package cmps251.homework3;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collections;

import java.util.Random;

import cmps251.homework3.interfaces.ResetBoard;

import cmps251.homework3.spacetypes.BullSpace;

import cmps251.homework3.spacetypes.EmptySpace;

import cmps251.homework3.spacetypes.GlueSpace;

import cmps251.homework3.spacetypes.RabbitSpace;

import cmps251.homework3.spacetypes.Space;

import cmps251.homework3.spacetypes.ThornSpace;

public class Board implements ResetBoard {

public static final int NUM_SPACES = 16;

private ArrayList mSpaces;

private Game mGame;


* This constructor should initiate the state of the board with 16 different spaces

* Spaces could be RabbitSpace, BullSpace, EmptySpace, ThornSpace, or GlueSpace.

* To determine which spaces have rabbits, you should

* see the elements of the @param rabbitsPositions. So if rabbitPositions = {3, 5, 7},

* then space[3], space[5] and space[7] have rabbits in them!


* @param rabbitPositions an array of 3 integers with positions of the rabbits as indexes

* @param gluePositions an ArrayList of integers with positions of the glue positions as indexes (if any)

* @param thornPositions an ArrayList of integers with positions of the thorn positions as indexes (if any)

* @param bullPosition the position of the bull in the board

* @param game reference to the game object that called this constructor


//TODO 10 fill in the missing parts of the constructor below

public Board(int rabbitPositions[],

ArrayList gluePositions,

ArrayList thornPositions,

int bullPosition,

Game game)


mSpaces = new ArrayList();

mGame = game;

//TODO 10a add to mSpaces ArrayList with 16 empty spaces (hint: use a for-loop)

//TODO 10b place the bull into the array list (hint use the ArrayList set method)

//Hint, BullSpace needs a "ResetBoard" object, this Board class implements it so you can pass "this"

//TODO 10c add the Punishable items (replace empty spaces with their corresponding Punishable)

//You may use two separate for loops. One for each positions array (thorns/glues)

//TODO 10d add the rabbits (replace empty spaces with their corresponding RabbitSpaces)

//Hint, Rabbit expects "Reset" object. Game implements Reset so you can pass the game.



* This method prints out the board with numbers 1-16 initially

* in a 4x4 matrix.

* Once users select a number, that particular space is selected.



public void displayBoard()


int sizeOfRowOrColumn = (int)Math.sqrt(mSpaces.size());

for (int i=0; i

for (int j=0; j

System.out.printf("%-7s", mSpaces.get((i*sizeOfRowOrColumn)+j).getAsString());


System.out.println(" ");


System.out.println(" ");



* This method returns true if a rabbit exists at position "i"

* hint: use the method isRabbit inside Space.

* @param i index of space to check whether it has a rabbit or not

* @return returns true if a rabbit exists, false otherwise


//TODO 05 implement the method below

public boolean getIsRabbit(int i)


return false; //FIXME



* This method returns true if the space at i is revealed


* @param i index of space to check

* @return true if revealed, false otherwise



public boolean isRevealed(int i)


return mSpaces.get(i).isRevealed();



* Clicks on a space

* @param i the position that was selected or "clicked"


public void clickSpace(int i) {




* Do not use this method in your code! You don't need it


* @return the array of spaces that this board has


public ArrayList getSpaces() {

return mSpaces;



* (BONUS) When the user encounters a bull, the user is knocked off and the

* rabbits run away. As such, the user must now look for the rabbits in the empty

* places again! This also means that all Empty and Rabbit spaces are reset to not revealed


* Keep in mind that this method is called from BullSpace's onClick().


* This method resets the board once a bull is encountered by the user.

* To reset the board successfully it does the following:


* 1- Get 3 new random rabbit positions (use getNewRabbitPositions() ).

* 2- Go over all spaces and do the following:

* a- If the space is either an EmptySpace or a RabbitSpace, then replace the space in that position

* with either a new Rabbit space, or a new Empty space depending on whether a rabbit has moved

* to this space (use the array from point 1). You can also use method "isPositionARabbit(int i)"

* below to help.

* b- If the space is anything else, leave it the way it is; this means

* that nothing changes for Bull, Thorn, and Glue spaces.

* 3- Number of caught rabbits in the game should be reset to 0 (they ran away!)


* At the moment, nothing is happening! It just adds more punishing points to the Game's turns


//TODO 13 BONUS: implement the body of the method bullEncountered below.


public void bullEncountered()


Board.bullCalled = true; //DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE!

//FIXME - type your code below this line for the bonus!



* This method returns the number of thorns that exist in the board's spaces


* @return number of thorn spaces in this board


//TODO 09 write the body of the function below such that it returns the number of ThornSpaces inside the Board.

public int getNumberOfThorns()


return 0; //FIXME



* Simple method to check whether "position" exists in "rabbitPositions" or not.

* You can use this method to check whether one of the rabbits chose to hide in

* a given "new" position.


* @param position the index you are searching for

* @param rabbitPositions all the positions you are searching in

* @return true if position exists in rabbitPositions, false otherwise


//TODO 06 complete this method based on the javadoc description above

protected boolean isPositionARabbit(int position, int[] rabbitPositions) {

return false; //FIXME



public int[] getNewRabbitPositions()


int [] newRabbitPositions = new int[Game.MAX_RABBITS];

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

for (int i = 0; i


Space currentSpace = mSpaces.get(i);

if (currentSpace instanceof RabbitSpace ||

currentSpace instanceof EmptySpace)



Collections.shuffle(list, new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()));

for (int i = 0; i< Game.MAX_RABBITS; i++)

newRabbitPositions[i] = list.get(i);

return newRabbitPositions;


public static boolean bullCalled = false; //do not remove


package cmps251.homework3;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import cmps251.homework3.interfaces.Punishable;

import cmps251.homework3.interfaces.Score;


* Top level class. This class keeps track of the score and status of the game so far

* It is also responsible to advance the game by implementing "nextPlay"



//TODO 08 Implement both Punishable and Score in this class. Read the JavaDoc of the

//two interfaces to understand what to do in the method bodies exactly

public class Game {

public static final int MAX_RABBITS = 3;

public static final int MAX_PUNISHABLES = 3;

private int mRabbitsCaught = 0;

private boolean isGameOver; // true if game is over

private Board mBoard;

private Player mPlayer;

private int mPlayCount;



* This constructor sets initial state of the game it has (board game)


* You should initialize all your instance variables here


* @param rabbitPositions an array of 3 integers that have the locations of the rabbits

* @param gluePositions an ArrayList of glue positions (if any)

* @param thornPositions an ArrayList of thorn positions (if any)

* @param bullPosition the position of the bull in the board

* @param player player to add


public Game(int[] rabbitPositions,

ArrayList gluePositions,

ArrayList thornPositions,

int bullPosition,

Player player)


isGameOver = false;

this.mPlayer = player;

mRabbitsCaught = 0;

mPlayCount = 0;

mBoard = new Board(rabbitPositions, gluePositions, thornPositions, bullPosition, this);



* This method prints "Hello ! Your game is starting... "


public void printStartingGreeting() {

System.out.println("Hello " + mPlayer.getName() +"! ");

System.out.println("Your game is starting... ");



* Method returns whether game is over or not (when all rabbits are revealed)


* @return true if game ended, false otherwise


public boolean getIsGameOver()


return isGameOver;



* This method advances to the next stage (turn) of the game

* It takes a number which the user selected from the board

* and updates the status of the board spaces so that this place

* on the board is clicked.

* Once all rabbits are found, it sets the game ended boolean to

* true because all rabbits are found!



* @param index the number on the board that the user selected


public void nextPlay(int index)



if (mBoard.isRevealed(index)) //if we are already revealed.. do nothing


else {




if (mRabbitsCaught == MAX_RABBITS)

isGameOver = true;



* Get how many turns are played so far?


* @return the number of times the user selected a character so far.


public int getPlayCount()


return mPlayCount;



* @return the Board that this game has


public Board getBoard() {

return mBoard;



* @return the Player that this game has


public Player getPlayer() {

return mPlayer;




* @return the number of rabbits caught so far.


public int getRabbitsCaught()


return mRabbitsCaught;



package cmps251.homework3;


* Player information class.

* A player has name and age which gets set in the constructor


public class Player {

private String name;

private int age;


* Constructor sets the name and age

* @param name

* @param age


public Player(String name, int age)

{ = name;

this.age = age;



* Method to get name

* @return the name of the player as string


public String getName()


return name;



* Method to get age

* @return the age of the player as an int


public int getAge()


return age;



package cmps251.homework3.interfaces;

public interface Clickable {


* Method to process clicking on the item


public void onClick();


package cmps251.homework3.interfaces;

public interface Punishable {

public final int PUNISHMENT_THORN = 3;

public final int PUNISHMENT_GLUE = 5;


* This methods add to the play count of the game

* (the more, the worse). Implement this in Game.


* @param numberOfSteps number of plays to add to the total game play


public void punish(int numberOfSteps);


package cmps251.homework3.interfaces;

public interface ResetBoard {


* This method should be called when a bull is revealed!


* All rabbits are knocked out. Implement it in Board class



public void bullEncountered();


package cmps251.homework3.interfaces;

public interface Score {


* Increases the total rabbits caught by one


public void increaseRabbitsCaught();


* Resets the number of rabbits caught back to 0


public void resetRabbitsCaught();


package cmps251.homework3.spacetypes;

import cmps251.homework3.interfaces.ResetBoard;


* The BullSpace represents a bull. When uncovered, it should reset

* the game by making all rabbits escape and hide in new places by calling bullEncountered()

* in the ResetBoard. Hint: you will use your work from todo XX here.


* BullSpace is displayed as "B" when it is revealed (uncovered).




//TODO 04 Fix the errors. This class is not implementing all the abstract

//methods from the superclass! Read above for hint on what your new method

//bodies should contain

public class BullSpace extends Space {

private ResetBoard mResetBoard;

public BullSpace(int index, ResetBoard resetBoard) {


mResetBoard = resetBoard;



* 1. Call Space's onClick (which reveals the space), then:

* 2. print out "You were knocked down by a bull!"

* 3. call mResetBoard's bullEncountered (which should be implemented in Board)


//TODO 12 implement the method based on the above description


public void onClick() {




package cmps251.homework3.spacetypes;


* EmptySpace represents an empty space that does not contain anything.

* When uncovered, it should not do anything to the game.


* EmptySpace is displayed as " " (empty space) when it is revealed (uncovered).



//TODO 00 Fix the errors. This class is not implementing all the abstract

//methods from the superclass! Read above for hint on what your new method

//bodies should contain

public class EmptySpace extends Space {

public EmptySpace(int index) {




package cmps251.homework3.spacetypes;

import cmps251.homework3.interfaces.Punishable;


* GlueSpace represents glue stuck on the floor. When uncovered, glue cause the player

* to stay in the same place for a number of playCounts specified in the interface Punishable.

* Additionally, the message: "You stepped on GLUE! Yuck!" is displayed to the user.


* Since GlueSpace causes additional playCounts, it should use the punish method available from the mPunishable instance.


* GlueSpace is displayed as "G" when it is revealed (uncovered).



//TODO 03 Fix the errors. Read above for hints on what your method bodies should be

public class GlueSpace extends Space {

Punishable mPunishable;

public GlueSpace(int index, Punishable punishable) {


mPunishable = punishable;



* This method is called when the Glue is clicked

* 1. It should call super class onClick (which reveals the space)

* 2. it should print out "You stepped on GLUE! Yuck!"

* 3. It should call punish() method from Punishable and pass constant (PUNISHMENT_GLUE)

* The punish method is implemented in Game and should increase the number of



* Look at the implementation of the same method in ThornSpace for hints


//TODO 11 fill the body based on the above


public void onClick() {




package cmps251.homework3.spacetypes;

import cmps251.homework3.interfaces.Score;


* RabbitSpace represents a rabbit. When uncovered (clicked), it should first

* increase the number of rabbits in the game by one (using mScore), then display the message:



* RabbitSpace is displayed as "R" when it is revealed (uncovered).



//TODO 01 Fix the errors. Read above for hint on what your new methods' bodies should do

public class RabbitSpace extends Space {

private Score mScore;

public RabbitSpace(int index, Score score) {


mScore = score;



public void onClick() {



System.out.println(" RABBIT CAUGHT SUCCESSFULLY!");



package cmps251.homework3.spacetypes;

import cmps251.homework3.interfaces.Clickable;


* This abstract class is a general representation of all possible Spaces

* in the game. The types of space include:

* EmptySpace, RabbitSpace, BullSpace, ThornSpace, and GlueSpace.



public abstract class Space implements Clickable {

private boolean isRevealed;

private int mIndex;


* This constructor should initialize the space

* At the beginning, it should be not revealed, and based

* on the parameters, it should set whether it has a rabbit

* and what position in the board it currently is


* @param index the index (position) of this space in the board (0-16)

* @param theGame a reference to the Game object that controls the flow of the entire game


public Space(int index)


isRevealed = false;

mIndex = index;




* This method returns String representation of a space


* If the space is not revealed (still not chosen by the user), then it will display the

* index of the space (plus one) as a string (hint: use Integer.toString(....) )


* If this space is revealed, it will either return an empty space string " " for empty spaces,

* or a letter (B, R, T, or G) depending on the type of Space.


* You have two cases you need to take care of:

* 1. If not revealed, then print out the number of the space (hint: use Integer.toString(....) )

* 2. If revealed, it should call the abstract method getRevealedString which will be different

* for each subclass of this class.


* @return "0"-"16", " ", "B", "R", "T", or "G" depending on the type of Space


//TODO 07 add the body of the method below by reading the above

public String getAsString(){

return ""; //FIXME


//DO NOT CHANGE the signature of method getRevealedString below.


* @return " ", "B", "R", "T", or "G" depending on the type of Space.


public abstract String getRevealedString();


* This method returns whether the space has rabbit or not.


* @return true if this space has rabbit, false otherwise


public boolean isRabbit()


return (this instanceof RabbitSpace);



* This method returns whether the space is revealed or not


* @return true if this space is revealed, false otherwise


public boolean isRevealed()


return isRevealed;



* This method makes this space reveal! (show itself/unhide)


private void reveal()


isRevealed = true;



* @return the index position of this space in the board.


public int getIndex()


return mIndex;



* All spaces should be revealed regardless of type.

* Make sure you call this method from all subclasses by using super.onClick();



public void onClick() {




package cmps251.homework3.spacetypes;

import cmps251.homework3.interfaces.Punishable;


* ThorneSpace represents thorns (spikes in plants). When uncovered, thornes cause the player

* to stay in the same place for a number of play counts specified in the interface Punishable.

* Additionally, the message: "You stepped on THRONES! Ouch!" is displayed to the user.


* Since ThornSpace causes additional playCounts, it should use the punish method available from the mPunishable instance.


* ThornSpace is displayed as "T" when it is revealed (uncovered).



//TODO 02 Fix the errors. Read above for hint on what you should do in the new methods

public class ThornSpace extends Space {

private Punishable mPunishable;

public ThornSpace(int index, Punishable punishable) {


mPunishable = punishable;



* This method calls super classes's onClick() which reveals the space

* Then it prints out You stepped on THORNS! Ouch!

* Then it punishes the user by incrementing the number of plays so far by PUNISHTMENT_THORN



public void onClick() {


System.out.println(" You stepped on THRONS! Ouch!");




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