Yum Food Barls a popular restaurant in The Rocks, Nea South Wales Ken Jotnson recenly lrberked the restaurant from bis lathoc. For the past 25 years, Kevi a father managed almost eveyting in the restauram mamualy. Yum Feed Bar's menu is sensational and has won many cu hay acoolades. The selecion indudes al-diy breaklast, pancokes, starten, grils, pizza, desserts, and cheks: Ken is an ICt Diploma Holdec from Weatern Sydney Unlverity The Coltege. He vould the to use Hs enowledge to inpiere the the deing experience in his tathers rostzxant by impieving the tecinology in the resteursm. The new syaten should diglay the menu, make both onshe and onine ordaring. organtie delvery, make point-ol-sale transactions, and malnsin the loyaly program Thus, Ken started documenting the requirements for the new syalem. The folowing paragraphs detal his findings. The following paragraph detalls the ateps (process) of placing an onslite ordor: A waller drects the custemer(s) to a table that displays a unlque OR Code. The customer scens the QR Code viling a smantphone or uases the UTL. io access the Yum Foed Bars system. Then, te cusloener cas select the menu hem(9) and the quantiyliea) Once an litem is selocted, in will gat added to the order. When al the lteess are solected, the cuslomer can vew the order denils If the cusloner has a voucher or a diccount code, the customer can include \& bere. The order detalls include the selected llem(s) and quansty(les), subtotal, discount (f appleable). and botal It fie customer as happy with the erder, the syslam prempha the cuatomat to coninee to make the peymenea. if tiv cuskmar is moble phene. The system prompts the custocear to enter the socurity code. Once the custbiner enien the conect code, the system directs the customer to enter payment detals - il the cosiamat has uned change a if needed. Then the Yum Food Bar's nysuem provides the payment ditas w se payen tie. detalis to the custemer along weth the order delals whached as oPDF He. Mithe same times, the bystem aeods the order ditills to the bilichen staff. and this step cencludes the ohtilo eider procens as addens lo in Halian Pleza maru hem). Cuntomens can eam byaly pobst tor each eeder. They can eas one (1) wydey peint for every fue dolars that they spend Once they have 200 keyaly ponis, they cas wasem the points for thetr chelce of liem at the tale of 10 peints far two doftan Some of the othec finctiondany that the nystem is expected to suppar is - Customer peofle updale - Placing an onlise ender bor silvery - Chededng oider atatus Naree and docurbent in detae the use cose that deale walh caeasing an onste ondec. This uso ca: i need this one below answered please Use your answer to Question 1 (use case documentation) and the information in the case study to identify a minimum of SIX entity classes. Place these classes in ONE DETAILED class diagram showing the SIX classes. Ensure you have shown class relationships, class stereotypes, multiplicities, and notes on your model. It is essential to show at least THREE attributes and THREE operations for each class