3.9 Show that k, the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree k in d, and k, the...
3.9 Show that k, the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree k in ℝd, and k, the space of all polynomials of degree ≤ k in ℝd have dimensions pH(k) = dim(k) = (k + d − 1 k
, pF(k) = dim(k) = (k + d k
, as stated in (3.16).
Hint: This exercise can be done using a simple counting argument (e.g.
Feller, 1968, p. 38). Write down a string of k + d − 1 characters, of which d − 1 characters are “|” and k characters are “x.” Let the number of
“x” characters between successive “|” characters indicate the power of successive components of t = (t[1], ..., t[d]). For example, with d = 4 and k = 5, one such string might be x|xx|xx|, corresponding to the monomial t[1]
0. Count the number of different arrangements of strings to get the dimension of k. For k, add an extra component t[d + 1] = 1 and note that a monomial of degree k in t[1], ..., t[d + 1] corresponds to a monomial of degree ≤ k in t[1], ..., t[d].
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