For the simple model xt = xt1 + wwt and yt = xt + vvt, where wt
For the simple model xt = xt−1 + σwwt and yt = xt + σvvt, where wt ∼ N(0, 1), vt ∼ N(0, 1), and they are independent. Implement the following algorithms:
(A.1) SMC using the full information proposal distribution.
(A.2) Bootstrap particle filter (state equation as proposal distribution).
(A.3) Independent particle filter (observation equation as proposal distribution)
with single matching L = 1.
(A.4) Kalman filter.
Use the following variances when simulating data:
Use the following resampling schedules:
(C.1) Resample every step.
(C.2) Resample every five steps.
(C.3) No resampling.
Simulate 500 series, each of 200 observations, starting at x0 = 0 under the three variance settings, and run the four algorithms under the three resampling schedules (for SMC algorithms). Use initial distribution x0 ∼ N(0, 1).
Make comparisons.
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