Effect of weighting class adjustment on variances. Suppose that an SRS of size n is taken. Let
Effect of weighting class adjustment on variances. Suppose that an SRS of size n is taken. Let Zi =1 if unit i is included in the sample and 0 otherwise, with P (Zi = 1) = n/N. Two weighting classes are used to adjust for non response; define xi =1 if unit I is in class 1 and 0 if unit i is in class 2. Let Ri =1 if unit i responds to the survey and 0 otherwise. Assume that the Ri’s are independent Bernoulli random variables with P (Ri =1) =xiφ1 + (1 − xi) φ2, and that Ri is independent of Z1. . . ZN. The sample sizes in the two classes are n1 = ƩNi =1 Zixi and n2 =ƩNi =1 Zi (1−xi); note that n1 and n2 are random variables. Similarly, the number of respondents in the two classes are n1R =ƩNi =1 ZiRixi and n2R = ƩNi =1 ZiRi (1 − xi). Assume the number of respondents in each group is sufficiently large so that E [nc / ncR] ≈ 1/φc for c = 1, 2. With these assumptions, the weighting class adjusted estimator of the mean,
Section A.4.
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