Almost everyone dreams of being rich enough to quit working. Respondents were asked, If you were to
Almost everyone dreams of being rich enough to quit working. Respondents were asked, If you were to get enough money to live as comfortably as you would like for the rest of your life, would you continue to work, or would you top working (RICHWORK: 1 = Continue working, 2 = Stop working)? Is there enough evidence to conclude that those who would continue working and those who would stop working differ in their preference for high income?
Please look at the list below and specify which one you would most prefer in a job. Which comes second? Which comes third? Which comes fourth? Which comes fifth? (1 = First , 2 = Second, 3 = Third , 4 = Fourth, 5 = Fifth)
High income ( JOBINC)
No danger of being fired ( JOPBSEC)
Working hours are short, lots of free time ( JOBHOUR)
Chances for advancement ( JOBPROMO)
Work is important and gives a feeling of accomplishment ( JOBMEANS)
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