A certain radar has the following parameters: Peak power P, = 500KW, total losses L = 12dB,


A certain radar has the following parameters: Peak power P, = 500KW, total losses L = 12dB, operating frequency f = 5.6GHZ, PRF f = 2KHz, pulse width t = 0.5s, antenna beamwidth = 2 and 17, noise figure F = 6dB, and scan time Tsc =2s. The radar can experience one false alarm per scan.

(a) What is the probability of false alarm? Assume that the radar searches a minimum range of 10Km to its maximum unambiguous range.

(b) Plot the detection range versus RCS in dBsm. The detection range is defined as the range at which the single scan probability of detection is equal to 0.94. Generate curves for Swerling I, II, III, and IV type targets.

(c) Repeat part

(b) above when noncoherent integration is used.

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