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An Invitation To Computer Science Java Version(1st Edition)


G.Michael Schneider ,Judith Gersting

Free an invitation to computer science java version 1st edition g.michael schneider ,judith gersting 0534374883,
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Book details

ISBN: 0534374883, 978-0534374884

Book publisher: Course Technology

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Book Summary: A Java version of the authors' best-selling introduction to the field of computer science. This text provides a breadth-first overview of the central topics studied in the field: algorithms, hardware design, computer organization, system software, language models, programming, compilation, theory of computation, applications, networks, artificial intelligence, and the impact of computers on society. The authors present these topics in the context of the big picture, using a six-layer hierarchy of abstractions. The hierarchy is based on the algorithmic foundations of computer science and works upward from low-level hardware concepts through virtual machine environments, languages, software, and applications programs to the social issues raised by computer technology. Each layer in the hierarchy builds on ideas and concepts presented earlier. An accompanying lab manual provides exploratory lab activities. For this Java Version, Chapters 7 (Introduction to High-Level Language Programming) and 8 (The Tower of Babel) have been thoroughly revised to incorporate Java 2 as the programming language of implementation.