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Create a diagram that depicts the following scenario where Springfield Power Plants network has been breached by an attacker. or other software may be used to create the diagram: An attacker sends a...
1. Complete the diagram illustrating ionic bonds. Atom X gives I electron to each atom Y. Wha are the ions that form as result? Put the charges under each atom. 2. You add a negatively charged...
Imagine that you have a mixture containing cobalt and barium ions. Using their individual solubility properties, devise a flow chart that shows how you would successfully seperate the two ions. Make...
In this task, you will research and present your findings on ammonium lauryl sulfate, also called ammonium dodecyl sulfate.Ammonium lauryl sulfate is a type of surfactant, a cleaning chemical...
Balance a ration for a milking dairy cow to contain: CP = 16 % Ca = .66 % P= .41 % 27 % Corn Silage Feed Feed Feed 23 % Alfalfa 5 % Brewers Grains Feed 3 % Whole Cotton Seed Leave 2% slack space for...
Your client, Leona Ledford, was personally served with a summons and complaint on October 23 in the case of Masters v Ledford Her answer is due in 30 days. You will mail the answer to the court. What...
1. Should the calcium oxalate solution be made acidic or basic to achieve the MINIMUM amount of precipitate? Provide an explanation and use the following chemical equations and your experimental...
1. What effect would each of the following errors have on the mole of each reacted (indicate if the error would make the zinc too high, too low or unchanged? a) some zinc was transferred during the...
Calculate the amount (in grams) C7BzO surfactant would need to be added to 10mL of 7M urea, 2M thiourea so that the C7BzO concentration is 1%. This solution is referred to as UTC7 Amount of C7BzO in...
An imaginary element (X) on Mars is composed of three isotopes, 50.24% of isotope X-16 with a mass of 16.0 amu, 18.95% of isotope X-14 with a mass of 14.0 amu, and 30.81% of isotope X-17 with a mass...
The irreversible gas phase non elementary reaction A+2B ? C is to be carried out isothermally in a constant-pressure batch reactor. The feed is at a temperature of 227? o C, a pressure of 1013 kPa,...
In this experiment I need to identify eleven clear and colorless solutions using analytical techniques. The assignment gives a list of chemical compounds that are aqueous solutions. By using flame...
1. Where are carbon atoms forced to go in GaAs with less Ga(CH3)3 and more AsH3? 2. Can you guess why there is a singularity in the figure where the net carrier concentration goes to zero? You can...
In a candy company, separate streams of sugar, butter, corn syrup, cocoa, vanilla extract, and milk enter a mixer-boiler and come out as fudge. The sugar (sucrose, C 12 H 22 O 11 ) is purchased from...
For each of the following compounds, classify it with the atomic-scale picture that best represents it in solution or as insoluble in aqueous solution.
How many grams of CaCo3 are needed to prepare 100mL of a 10,000uL/dL standard solution of Ca^2+?
A system consisting of 1 kg of H2O undergoes a power cycle composed of the following processes: Process 1-2: Constant-pressure heating at 10 bar from saturated vapor Process 2-3: Constant-volume...
One method for the analysis of Fe3+, which can be used with a variety of sample matrices, is to form the highly colored Fe3+thioglycolic acid complex. The complex absorbs strongly at 535 nm....
The atomic orbital sets of similar energy are grouped into a series of seven shells, which is equal to the number of periods in the periodic table. Complete the energy-level diagram by filling the...
For each of the given pairs indicate which substance (A or B) will react faster in an SN2 reaction by selecting the correct compound from the dropdown menu. Then select the chemical principle why...
Why is it necessary to conduct the reaction under acidic conditions?
A cube 1 cm on a side is made up of one giant polyethylene molecule, having a density of 1.0 g/cm3 . (a) What is the molecular weight of this molecule? (b) Assuming an all trans conformation, what is...
OSSO has three resonance Lewis structures that complete the octet for all the atoms. Which statements about these structures are correct? I. All are equivalent. II. All are nonequivalent. III. Two...
A. The starting concentration (time zero) of Crystal Violet Dye is 1 x 10-4 M. Calculate the concentration of crystal violet after 240 seconds. Please include any equations used to determine your...
0.1 M CH3COOH with 0.1 M NH3. The relative conductivities of the solutions tested are as follows: 0.1 M CH3COOH/0.1 M NH3 measured in parallel: (b) 0.1 M CH,COOH with 0.1 M NH,. The relative...
22.0 mL of 0.100 M NaOH is required to titrate 0.500 g of a mixture containing ascorbic acid. Calculate the % ascorbic acid in the mixture. (The molar mass of ascorbic acid is 176.13 g/mol)
Suppose we have an economy with two consumers, i = 1, 2, who have identical Cobb- Douglas preferences over their private goods consumption, xi, and a public good, g, that can be represented by the...
The complex [(C18H18N4S)]HgBr2] crystallizes from solution in acetonitrile (CH3CN) to give triclinic crystals with a unit cell volume of 1113.5 3 and a density of 2.16 Calculate the number of...
Phenol OH groups have an approximate pka of 10, while NaHCO3 (the conjugate acid of Na2CO3) has a pka of 10.3. This means the phenol and it's conjugate base (phenoxide) should exist in equilibrium...
If an amino acid is found at the exact same location in the alignment of two homologous proteins, that amino acid is said to be "absolutely conserved." An amino acid type can also be conserved at a...
A water sample from which 10, 1, and 0.1 ml/100mL dilutions resulted in 5, 4 and 3 positive lactose-fermentation tubes, respectively. Determine the MPN/100 mL through finding the maximum value of...
Briefly explain the surface chemistry of granular silica particles used in normal-phase liquid chromatography and state how surface chemistry is changed in reverse phase chromatography.
The sex attractant A produced by Anomala cuprea is derived from oleic acid. Propose a biosynthetic scheme for this transformation. . rea oleic acid A
Carbon Dioxide has a critical temperature of 304.13 K, critical pressure of 7377.3 kPa and critical volume of 9.41 x 105 m mol 1, By using the Van der Waals Equation of State, calculate the...
For a SPAD operating in Geiger mode with no impinging photons, a dark count rate of 25 counts/s, and no afterpulsing, draw the voltage output vs time for a period of 100 ms.
Design a neural network to solve the XOR problem, i.e. the network should output 1 if only one of the two binary input variables is 1, and 0 otherwise (see in Figure 1a). Use the hyperbolic tangent,...
Draw the structure of each compound. (a) o-nitroanisole (b) 2.4-dimethoxyphenol (c) p-aminobenzoic acid (d) 4-nitroaniline (e) m-chlorotoluene (f) p-divinylbenzene (g) p-bromostyrene (h)...
Vitamin A is an important part of the visual cycle that ultimately enables you to see. On the line structure below, select all atoms with tetrahedral molecular geometry. H3C. CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 -: H
Calculate the recoil energy of the technetium atom as a result of photon emission in the isomeric transition 99m 43 Tc 99 43 Tc +
Suppose you are standing in the dark facing a 20-W LED light bulb 100m away. If the diameter of the your pupils is about 8mm under these conditions, about how many photons of visible light enter your...
Large central power stations (about 1000 MW electrical) using fluidized bed combustors may be built some day These giants would be fed 240 tons of coallhr (90% C, 10 % H2,), 50% of which would burn...
What is the pH change of a buffer that has 0.100 mol HC2H3O2 and 0.130 mol NaC2H3O2 in 1.00 L after 0.010 mol HCl added to it? pKa = 4.74
The names of covalent compounds use _____ to state the nuber of atoms which is dervived from the _____ names. For example, 2 atoms would be identified as _____
An inverted open tank is held in place by a force R as shown in Fig P2.41. If the specific gravity of the manometer fluid is 2.5, determine the value of h. 2-ft- diameter tank 1 ft 1 R Figure P2.41...
A student attempted to identify an unknown compound by the method described in this experiment. When he heated a sample weighing 1.031 g the mass went down to 0.688 g. When the product was converted...
Corn farmers typically use 5000 kg of ammonium nitrate per square kilometer of cornfield per year. Ammonium nitrate can be prepared by the following reaction. How much nitric acid would be needed to...
How many grams of (NH4)2SO4 (MM=132 g/mol) are needed to create 750 mL of 0.1 M ammonium sulfate? A) 9.9 g B) 99 g C) 7.5 g D) 0.99 g E) 75 g
Jenny has a 15x stock of rifampicin in methonal and she needs 8ml of a 1x working solution. How many ml of the stock solution does she need? Jenny has a 50.00 mg/ml ampicillin stock and she needs 1...
Research is being carried out on cellulose as a source of chemicals for the production of fibers, coatings, and plastics. Cellulose consists of long chains of glucose molecules (C6H12O6), so for the...
Methanol is combusted to provide heat. The reaction and the enthalpy for the reaction are shown below. CH 3 OH(1) + 1.5O 2 (g) CO 2 (g) + 2H 2 O (1) H = -715 kJ Below is a list of sentances that...
Richards and Willard determined the molar mass of lithium collected the following data. 6 (a) Find the mean molar mass determined by these workers (b) Find the median molar mass (c) Assuming that the...
Consider the system shown in Figure 6-107. Design a lead compensator such that the dominant closed-loop poles are located at s = -2 ? j2 ?3. Plot the unit-step response curve of the designed system...
During a chromatography experiment, a student calculated two Rf values. They are A: 0.62 and B: 0.30. The solvent front for the original chromatogram was 12.0 cm. If A and B were run on a second...
a) A liquid is contained in a reactor vessel at 115 bar absolute pressure. It is transferred to a storage vessel through a 50 mm internal diameter commercial steel pipe. The storage vessel is...
Draw the products of the following acid-base reaction. Na draw structure conjugate base CH3-CEC-H + NANH2 draw structure conjugate acid
Because of environmental considerations, acetone must be removed from air used in your chemical plant before the air is released into the atmosphere. The acetone is removed by absorbing it into water...
The Beer-Lambert law is a linear relationship for Select one: a. Pure compounds in reactive solvents; b. Impure compounds in inert solvents; c. Pure compounds in inert solvents; d. Impure compounds...
Provide a test (including reagents needed and what to look for if it gives a positive result), and the net ionic equation for the test used, to distinguish between the following compounds. NiCl2 or...
The repeat unit of a polymer is the smallest section of the polymer that includes all of the original monomers and is identically repeated end to end along the entire polymer chain. Draw the repeat...
Given the atomic radius of helium, 0.32 , and knowing that a sphere has a volume of 4r3/3, calculate the fraction of space that He atoms occupy in a sample of helium at STP.
The compound K 2 O 2 also exists. A chemist can determine the mass of K in a sample of known mass that consists of either pure K 2 O or pure K 2 O 2 . From this information, can the chemist answer...
Using the single-step global mechanism for combustion of a hydrocarbon with air, compare the mass rates of fuel carbon conversion to CO, for 0 =1, P= 1 atm, and T = 1600 K for the following fuels: A....
A vitamin C tablet was dissolved in 50.0 mL of distilled water, and then titrated with 0.0100 M KIO3; 16.57 mL of KIO3 solution was needed to reach the endpoint. Calculate the grams of vitamin C were...
A pressurised air tank supplies compressed air to an air engine. When the air engine is not running the absolute pressure in the tank is 300 bar and the temperature of the air is 60C. Typical gas...
construct a flow chart that illustrates how you could separate and recover all three compounds from a tri-component mixture. You may add as much acid or base as you like at whatever point you deem...
7. Why does the number of elements in successive periods of the periodic table increase by the progression 2, 8, 18, 32? 8. Give the electron configurations for the following atoms in complete spdf...
I mix the following things into a SINGLE 1 L beaker: 150 mL of 0.100 M Na2CO3 50.0 mL of 0.050 M BaCl2 100.0 mL of 0.025 M Cu(NO3)2 100.0 mL of 0.125 M Ca(NO3)2 50.0 mL of 0.100 M NaOH After the soup...
A.0.50 mole sample of N2O4(g) is allowed to come to equilibrium with NO2(g) in a 0.750L flask. At equilibrium , 0.42mol N2O4 remains. Calculate the equilibrium concentrations of N2O4 and NO2 and...
A researcher was studying red blood cells from a patient homozygous for the sickle cell mutation in the -globin gene (E6V). She found that increasing the concentration of one of the following...
If 1.32 g MgO is combined with 100.0 mL of 1.00 M HCl in a coffee cup calorimeter, the temperature of the HCl solution increases from 24.2 0 C to 34.4 0 C. Calculate the enthalpy change for the...
Consider the example polymer below to complete the statement relating polymer patterns to plastic flexibility. 0 0 9
2. A pair of students forgets to precipitate the carbonate ions in their leaf compost jar's NaOH solution prior to the HCI titration. How would this affect the perceived amount of NaOH present in the...
Suppose you need 8.5 m of Grade 70 tow chain, which has a diameter of 3/8? and weights 2.16 kg/m, to tow a car. How you calculate the mass of this much chain? Set the math up. But don?t do any of it....
As stated in the text, convincing examples that demonstrate the law of conservation of matter outside of the laboratory are few and far between. Indicate whether the mass would increase, decrease, or...
How much does Camouflage Affect Predation on Mice by Owls with and without Moonlight? D.W. Kaufman hypothesized that the extent to which the coat color of a mouse contrasted with the color of its...
1. If the molar extinction coefficient () of a compound is 2.5 x 10 5 mol -1 lcm -1 at 528 nm and the Abs (at 528 nm) = 0.254 find the concentration of that solution. (assume a path length of 1.0 cm)...
Consider the stirred-tank reactor shown in Fig. P5-5. The reaction occurring is A ? B and it proceeds at a rate r = kCo where r = (moles A reacting)/(volume)(time) k = reaction rate constant Co (t) =...
Problem #2: This compound contains 1 oxygen and is an ether. A. Determine the M' peak (Which m/z peak represents the M peak?). B. Determine the chemical formula. Determine the degrees of...
Problem #3: This compound contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The M peak is at 88 m/z. A. This compound loses a fragment very easily to form the peak at 70 m/z. What has been lost? B. Determine...
Draw a voltaic cell in which silver ion is displaced from solution by aluminum metal. Label the cathode, the anode, and other features of the cell. Show the direction of flow of electrons. Also,...
For the reaction below, Kc = 7.2 x 10-4. What is the equilibrium concentration of NOF if the reaction begins with 0.92 M NO and 0.92 M F? 2 NO (g) + F2 (g) =2 NOF (g)
How many moles of aluminum are necessary to generate 4.88 moles of aluminum oxide, according to the following equation: 4Al+3O22Al2O3 Your answer should have three significant figures.
Use average bond energies (table in the hint) to compare the combustion energies of ethane, ethylene, and acetylene. Calculate which of these hydrocarbons releases the most energy per gram. These...
Figure is a sketch of an artificial kidney, a medical device used to remove waste metabolites from the blood in cases of kidney malfunction. The dialyzing fluid passes across a hollow membrane, and...
The following liquid-phase reactions were carried out in a CSTR at 325 K. kLA = 7.0 min- - B+C k0 = 3.0 dm mol?-min 2C+A- 3D dm mol min 4D+3C 3E kE = 2.0 !!
The rates of thermolysis of a variety of cis- and trans-azoalkanes have been measured over a range of temperatures in order to settle a controversy concerning the mechanism of the reaction. In...
Part A - Practice Reading and Comparing Graphs Consider the following graph containing line plots for the moles of Product 1 versus time (minutes) and the moles of Product 2 versus time in minutes....
A 25.00 mL sample of a liquid bleach was diluted to 1000mL in a volumetric flask. A 25-mL portion of the diluted sample was transferred by pipet into an Erlenmeyer flask and treated with excess KI,...
A student was given an unknown metal. The student determined that the mass of the metal was 30.2 g. The student placed the metal in a graduated cylinder filled with 20.0 mL of water. The metal...
A thermocouple junction of area A, mass m, heat capacity C, and emissivity e is located in a furnace that normally is at TC. At these temperatures convective and conductive heat transfer to the...
Draw the major organic products for the reaction of 1,4-dimethylcyclohexa-1-3-diene with catalytic HBr in H2O. '123-5n,8
A student reacts 25.0 mL of 0.225 M NaOH with 25.0 mL of 0.147 M H2SO4. Write a balanced chemical equation to show this reaction. Calculate the concentrations of NaOH and H2SO4 that remain in...
*Complete the following sequence of reactions by drawing the structures of compounds A through D. Hint: Compound D has the molecular formula C5H8O4. HO-CH 2 -CH 2 -CO-NH2 -> Hydrolysis (pH 1)...
Xylene has three major isomers, m-xylene, o-xylene, and p-xylene. When o-xylene is passed over a Cryotite catalyst, the following elementary reactions are observed: The feed to the reactor is...
Considering that [OH] = 0.00158 M, calculate the % hydrolysis of the CN ion in this solution. Give your answer to 3 significant figures. View Available Hint(s) Hint 1. % hydrolysis equation %...
The Redlich-Kwong equation of state is given by RT P= v-b v(v+b)T where R= gas constant for methane (0.518 kJ/(kg K) T= absolute temperature, K P = absolute pressure, kPa v = specific volume, m/kg...
Draw the product of an alternate reaction: treatment of the starting material with HNO3 and H2SO4 to generate a product with formula C8H7NO5. 1) Nal / NaOCI ethanol / H20 H. H. HO 2) Na2S203 (10% aq)...
Lab: Ketal formation of meso-hydrobenzoin Please write a paragraph for: [ ] Background [ ] protection-desired reaction-deprotection technique: - Protection: to remove reactivity of undesired FG) -...
In the following arrangement, write the names of the glass materials corresponding to the letters A, B, C, and indicate what you put into the compartments where the letters A and B are written, and...
Give the major product of the following reactions. State the mechanism(SN1, SN2, E1 and E2) through which each reaction proceeds (i) CH3CH2CH,OH CH3 eat CH3 CH3 CH3 H H3C Br CH3 DBU Br (CH3)3CO (iv)...
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