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Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics: Growth And Business Cycles(1st Edition)


Peter Birch Sørensen, Hans Jørgen Whitta-Jacobsen

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ISBN: 9780077104252

Book publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education

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Book Summary: Aimed at the advanced undergraduate student, Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics: Growth and Business Cycles bridges the gap between intermediate macroeconomics texts and more advanced macroeconomics texts, something not currently available in the market. The text seeks to give students a thorough understanding of some fundamental workhorse models in macroeconomics and to introduce them to methods of formal macroeconomics analysis, without requiring too many technical skills. The first half of the book focuses on macroeconomics for the long run, introducing and developing the basic Solow model, while the second half of the book deals with the economy in the short run, focusing on the explanation of business fluctuations. Key features: