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Macroeconomics, Australasian Edition(4th Edition)
Olivier Blanchard, Jeffrey Sheen
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ISBN: 9781442559516
Book publisher: Pearson Australia
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Book Summary: This is the fourth edition of G.F.Stanlake's widely used and authoritative book. It has undergone revision to ensure that the content is kept up to date. The book provides an account of macroeconomic theory and gives an introduction of the subject for students preparing for A and S level examinations. It is also suitable for students studying for professional examinations in related subjects such as banking, accountancy and business studies and for first year students on degree courses. All the statistical material has been updated using the most recent figues available, and there are explanations of macroeconomic theory and of how economic policies operate by relating them to the real world. The sections on money and banking have been modified to take account of recent developments in the structure of banking and in the operation of monetary policy, while the section on rate of exchange has been re-written and extended to provide a clear understanding of the importance of this factor in economics. In addition, aggregate demand curves have been introduced to facilitate the different approaches (Keynesian, classical and monetarist) to economic problems and there are essay and multiple choice questions taken from A level examination papers.
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