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Management And Cost Accounting Student Manual(1st Edition)


Colin Drury

Free management and cost accounting student manual 1st edition colin drury 9781844805686, 9781844805686
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Book details

ISBN: 9781844805686, 9781844805686

Book publisher: Cengage Learning Emea

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Book Summary: Drury's Management & Cost Accounting is the market-leading European text on management accounting and is a comprehensive authority on all aspects of the subject. This accompanying Student's Manual is a workbook that comprises a set of extra problems and solutions that correspond with the chapters of the main text. Together, the main text and the Student's manual form an ideal learning package. The problems and solutions allow students to pursue topics in more depth and to concentrate on the application of principles in management and cost accounting. The key topics are covered in detail and provide a superb opportunity to practise answering exam questions, many of which are taken from past papers of professional accountancy bodies such as CIMA, ACCA, AAT, ICAEW and ICAI.