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Modern Calculus And Analytic Geometry(1st Edition)


Richard A Silverman

Free modern calculus and analytic geometry 1st edition richard a silverman 0486421007, 978-0486421001
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Book details

ISBN: 0486421007, 978-0486421001

Book publisher: Dover Publications

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Book Summary: A self-contained text for an introductory course, this volume places strong emphasis on physical applications. Key elements of differential equations and linear algebra are introduced early and are consistently referenced, all theorems are proved using elementary methods, and numerous worked-out examples appear throughout. The highly readable text approaches calculus from the student's viewpoint and points out potential stumbling blocks before they develop. A collection of more than 1,600 problems ranges from exercise material to exploration of new points of theory — many of the answers are found at the end of the book; some of them worked out fully so that the entire process can be followed. This well-organized, unified text is copiously illustrated, amply cross-referenced, and fully indexed.