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My Coursework For Financial Engineering At The Age Of 44(1st Edition)


Jongnam Kim

Free my coursework for financial engineering at the age of 44 1st edition jongnam kim 1656373394
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ISBN: 1656373394

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Book Summary: I spent a whole year working hard to write this book in 2019. The book is still lacking, but it is written in order not to forget financial engineering that studied in the U.S. I will continue to investigate to add and update the contents. I tried to reconstruct my study using the professors' lecture slides. It is only when I can explain the contents of the class again in my own way that it becomes truly my knowledge. However, it was not easy in itself to select the important content from the vast amount of teaching materials without a sufficient understanding of the content. And because I was self-publishing, the miscellaneous work I had to do to edit in the form of a book bothered me. If it's rewarding, there's a lot of things that I don't understand during the semester that came into my head doing this work.