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Myths Of Babylon(1st Edition)
J.K. Jackson
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ISBN: 178664763X, 978-1786647634
Book publisher: Flame Tree 451
Get your hands on the best-selling book Myths Of Babylon 1st Edition for free. Feed your curiosity and let your imagination soar with the best stories coming out to you without hefty price tags. Browse SolutionInn to discover a treasure trove of fiction and non-fiction books where every page leads the reader to an undiscovered world. Start your literary adventure right away and also enjoy free shipping of these complimentary books to your door.
Book Summary: Babylonian myths, inherited in Mesopotamia from Sumeria, influenced by the ancient Assyrians represent a pinnacle of human achievement in the period around 1800 BC. Here we find humankind battling with the elements in their Flood myth, a grim creation story and the great Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the earliest recorded literary treasures. Babylon, a powerful city state at the time of the ancient Egyptians was a centre of profound spiritual, economic and military power, themes all represented in the fragments and myths of this book of classic tales.FLAME TREE 451: From mystery to crime, supernatural to horror and myth, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic.
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