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Statistical Case Studies A Collaboration Between Academe And Industry(1st Edition)


Roxy Peck ,Larry D Haugh ,Arnold Goodman

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ISBN: 0898714133, 978-0898714135

Book publisher: Society For Industrial And Applied Mathematics

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Book Summary: Statisticians know that the clean data sets that appear in textbook problems have little to do with real-life industry data. To better prepare their students for all types of statistical careers, academic statisticians now strive to use data sets from real-life statistical problems. This book contains 20 case studies that use actual data sets that have not been simplified for classroom use. Each case study is a collaboration between statisticians from academe and from business, industry, or government. This book is the result of a collaborative workshop of statisticians focusing on academic-industrial partnerships. The cases come from a wide variety of application areas, including biology/environment, medical and health care, pharmaceutical, marketing and survey research, and manufacturing.