Arabidopsis is a genus of flowering plant related to cabbage. A variegated mutant of the Arabidopsis has
Arabidopsis is a genus of flowering plant related to cabbage. A variegated mutant of the Arabidopsis has yellow streaks or marks. E. Miura et al. studied the origin of this variegated mutant in the article "The Balance between Protein Synthesis and Degradation in Chloroplasts Determines Leaf Variegation in Arabidopsis yellow variegated Mutants" (The Plant Cell, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 1313-1328). In a second-generation cross of variegated plants, 216 were variegated and 84 were normal. Genetics predicts that 75% of crossed variegated plants would be variegated and 25% would be normal. At the 10% significance level, do the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the second generation of crossed variegated plants does not follow the genetic predictions?
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