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moral issues in business
Questions and Answers of
Moral Issues In Business
Are there positive aspects of globalization that Daly has overlooked? What about negative aspects of lntemationalizatiOfl?Which do you taVQr-intemationalization or globalization?
What would be the likely results of letling universities bid financially for college athletes? Would allowing college players to negotiate the best contract they can be good or bad for college
Is playing Division 1 college football a job? Should it bring monetary compensation? Are college atllletes exploited workers? Ase they being treated unfairly by not being allowed to share direcuy in
Should college players have the right to unionize? Is it a matter of fairness? How would unionization affect college athletics?
Is the ideal of the amateur sllident athlete representing his or her university already obsolete, or is it wortll striv·Ing to preserve?
If college athletics becomes completely professional, is there any reason to continue to require tllat atllletes also be students?
Assuming college athletes should have a greater Share of athletic revenues, what sort of compensation system would you design?
Ale synthetic coos a legiUmate business Investment, or are they pure gambling? If the former, what are their benefits? tt the latter, should banks and other companies be allowed to wager on whatever
In your view, what does the rise of synthetic COOs tell us about contemporary capitallsm?
Should synthetic COOs be regulated in some way or even banned altogether?
Should Goldman Sachs have disclosed Paulson's rote to IKB and ABN? In not doing so, did it act immorally? What obligations, effects, and ideals are relevant to answering these questions?
Did John Paulson do anything wrong? Explain why or why not.
As the top banks continue to get larger and larger, can small, community-oriented banks survive? Contrast the models of capitalism represented by the two typeS of banks. Where do you bank?
How typical are the attitudes that Sheehy reports? Does his descriptioo of a new work ethic tally with your own experiences?
What are the implications for the future of American business of the work ethic Sheehy describes?
Some might discount Sheehy's experiences either as being the product of one particular induslly or as simply reflecting the immaturity of young employees. Would you agree?
Is It reasonable to expect workers, especially in a capitalist society, to be more devoted to their jobs, more concerned with quality and customer service, than Sheehy's coworkers were? What explains
In what ways does the cultlJre of our capitalist society encourage attitudes like those Sheehy describes?
Do you like Wal mart? Do you shop there? If so, how frequentty? If not, why not?
Is there a Walmart store in your area? If so, has it had any Impact on your community or on the behavior of local consumers? If there's no store in your area, would you be in favor ofWalmart opening
Is Walmart's rapid rise to retail dominance a positive or a negative development for our society? What does It tell us about capitalism, globalization, and the plight of workers?
can a retailer ever become too large and too powerful?
ls opposition to Walmart's expansion a legitimate part of the political process or Is it unfair interference with our market system and a violation of the company's rights?Do opponents of Walmart
What explains the fact that licenses are required for so many occupations? What do you see as the pros and cons of occupational licensure in general? Does it have benefits tllat Friedman overlooked?
Do you believe that licensure In medicine or any other field is desirable? If so, in which fields and under what circumstances?What guidelines would you use to determine where licensure is needed?
Is occupational licensure consistent with tile basic principles and values of capitalism? Is it a violation of the free-market ideal? How would you respond to the argument that ticensure
Does licensure make the market work more or less effectively? Would you agree that as long as consumers are provided with accurate information, they should be permitted to make their own choices With
Ftiedman and others view tile AMA as a trade union, and they believe that the high incomes of doctors are due more to artificial restrictions on the free market than to tile inherent value of their
Is licensing an all-or-nothing issue? Or is it possible that although only licensed professionals should be permttted to perform certain services, paraprofessionals and laypersons could perform less
Are workers in overseas garment factories exploited? What are the moral pros and cons of outsoorcing gasment manufacturing to countries where workers are paid so little?
Is outsourcing an inevitable feature of globalized capitalism?Are sweatshops? Do Americans gain more from sweatshops (in terms of cheaper products) than they lose(in terms of jobs)?
American Apparel is a clothing manufacturer, distributor, and retailer that does not outsource. It pays its workers, on average, over $12 an hoor. Could other U.S. clothing companies do the same
Do companies have a responsibility to monitor the conduct of the companies that they do business with either directly (suppliers, contractors) or indirectly (subcontractors)? Do clothing companies
Do companies whose ciothing was being made in Rana Plaza have an obligation 10 help the victims or their families? What about companies whO have had clothing made lllere in the past, but not at the
In your view, are Western companies sillcefe about trying to improve fac10ry safety, or is it just a public-relatioos effort?
Do American consumers who wear clothing produced in countries like Bangladesh bear some responsibility for the wages and conditions of workers there? Do they bear some responsibility for the Rana
Many American consumers say that they don't like having llleir clothes made by poor and exploited foreign workers. Would you pay more for ciothing that is made in factories that meet American safety
What if anything, should consumers do to make foreign factOries safer? can consumer pressure get American companies to improve the pay and worl
What do you see as the strongest moral consideration In favor of capltansm? What do yotJ see as the strongest objection to it?
How capitalist is our economic system today?
What do ynu see as the major economic challenges facing our society today and, in particular, your generation?
Complete the following statements by fining in the blanks with either · mora1· or "OOlllllOral" (e.g .. factual, scientific, legal):a. Whether or not dumping should be permitted is a ___
Explain what dumping is, giving some examples. Does dumping raise any moral Issues? What are they? Wllat woo Id an ethical relativist say about dumping?
Speculate on why dumpers dump. Do you think they believe that what they are doing Is morally permissible?How would you look at the situation n you we
If no law Is broken, is there anything wrong with dumping?If so, when is It wrong and why? Do any moral considerations support dumping products overseas when this violates U.S. law?
What moral difference, n any, does It make who is dumping, Wirt they are doing i1. wllefe they are doing il or what the product is?
Critically as.'lesS the present nobfication system. ls it the right approach. or is it Mdameotally Hawed?
Putting aside the question of legality, what moral arguments can be given for and against dumping? What is your positioo oo dumping, and what principles and values do you base it on? Should we have
What would you do if you were in Figg's or Koellmann's situation? What factors would you consider?
Do people have a moral obligation to repay money that they borrow, as Professor Brenkert thinks, or is this simply a business decision based on sett-interest alone, as ProfessorWllite thinks?
"It is morally permissible tor homeowners whose homes are under water to default on their mortgages even ij 1hey could continue to pay them.• Wllat arguments do you see in favor of this
Wilen it comes to paying your debts, does it matter whether you borrow money from a bank or from an individual person? Explain why or why not.
S\Jppose your moral principles imply that you should keep on paying your mortgage, but financial self-interest counsels you to walk away. How are you to decide what to do?
Repaying a loan is a legal obligation. ls It also a moral obligation? Explain why or why not.
Ase the banks responsible for the housing boOm that enticed people to buy homes at inflated prices? If so, does this affect whether you have an obligation to repay your loan? What about Professor
Identify the main characters in this case, and explain what happened.
To what extent did Lawson, Vandivier, and Gretzinger consider tile relevant moral issues before deciding to participate in the fraud? What was their reasoning? What would you haVl! done if you were
How did Sink and Line look at the matter? How would you evaluate their conduct?
Do you think Vandivier was wrong to work up the quail·fication report? Explain the moraJ plinciple or plinciples that undertie your judgment.s. Was Vandivier right to •blow the whistle"? Was he
Describe tile different pressures to conform In this case alld discuss the relevance of the concepts of groupthink alld diffusion of responsibility. Do any of these factors excuse the cooduct of
Should Goodrich be held morally responsible as a company for tile A70 affair, or Just tile individuals involved?a. What might Goodrich have done, and what steps should it take In the future, to
Solomoo contends that ethical errors damage people's careers. How and why does this happen?
Solomoo describes the view that business and ethics don't mix as the "myttl of amoral business.• Why does he think It is a myttl? Do yoo agree?
Solomon suggests several times that unethical conduct hurts business as whole. Why does he think this? Oo You agree with him?
Do most businesspeople respect the ' Three Cs"? In your experience, how much unethical behavi0< is there In business today? Wllat happens to companies like Brake Breakers? Can they be successful?
Does the existence of 'business scum• undermine Solomon's claim that businesspeople are professionals and that business is a practice with definite rules?
Of Solomon's ei~t rules for ethical thinking in business, which ones concem compfiance, wllich ones concern contributions. and Which concern consequences? Wlllch Mes do not fall into these three
Assess Solomon's claim that 'there Is nothing about eth·ics that requires sacrificing the bottom line' (p. 45). is ii compatible with his statement that 'there is no guarantee that ethics is good
In the modem world, most lndivldualS work in organiia·Uons. Describe how this can affect people's sense of responsibllity and the morality of their conduct.
How does the Oalkon Shield example fit Hannah Arendt's point about the •ru1e by Nobody"? Explain what JackaJI means when he writes that middle managers become"potential 'fall guys' when things go
Describe Stanley M1lgram's famous experiment. What are its most signiflCallt implications?
What tour knowledge conditions are presupposed by the standard theOOes of IT100ll decision maldng? Are the authors oorrect to assert that "in an OfganiZatlonal settJoo, one Of mere of the four
What do the authOfs mean by Ille problem of •deeds without doers"? What is their general approach to this problem, and what are the three nval aPPl03Ches Iha!llley put aside?
What is the point of the autllors' drunk·dnvlng analogy?
According to the autllors, what fMl obligatioos do individual$ inside an organization have? Do you agree?Do yoo think that the authors demand too much of the individual?
Suppose an individual falls to fulfill one of these preamp·live duties. To what extent are we fustllied In blaming the person for any subsequent organiiallonal misconduct?
Suppose that you had been one of the MBA appllcan1s who sl\Jmbled across an opporwnity to learn your results early. What would you have done, and why? Would you have considered it a moral decision?
Assess tile morality of what tile curious applicants did from tile point of View of egoism, utilitarianism, Kant's ethics, Ross's pluralism, and rule utilitarianism.
In your View, was it wrong for the MBA applicants to take an unauthorized peek at their application files? Explain why you consider what they did morally permissible or Impermissible. What
Did Harvard and MIT overreact, or was ~ necessary for them to respond as they did in order to send a strong message about the importance of ethics? If you were a business-schOOl admissions official,
Assess the argument that the applicants who snooped were just engaging in the type of bold and aggressive behavior that makes for business success. In your view, are these applicants likely to make
One of the applicants admits that he used poor judgment but believes that his ethics shoo kl not be questioned. What do you think he means? If he exercised poor judgment on a question of right and
What moral Issues does tile Pinto case raise?
Suppose Ford officials were asked to justify their decision. What moral principles do you think they would invoke? Assess Ford's handling of the Pinto from the perspective of each of the moral
utilitarians would say that jeopardizing motorists does not by Itself make Ford's action morally objectionable. The only morally relevant matter is whether Ford gave equal consideration to the
Is cost-benefit analysis a legitimate tool? What rote, If any, should it play in moral deliberation? Critically assess the example of cost-benefit analysis given in the case study. ts there anything
Speculate about Kant's response to the idea of placing a monetary value Oil a human lffe. ls doing so ever morally legitimate?
What responsibilities to its customers do you think Ford had? What are the most important moral rights, if any, operating in the Pinto case?
Would it have made a moral difference if the savings resulting from not improving the Pinto gas tank had been passed on to Ford's customers? Could a ratiooal customer have chosen to save a few
The maxim of Ford's action might be stated thus: •When the cost of a safety improvement would hurt the bottom line. it's au right not to make it" can this maxim be universalized? Does it treat
Should Ford have been foond guilty of criminal homicide in the Ulrich case?
Are carmakers these days concerned enough about safety? Why do yoo think GM failed to address the ignition switch problem?
Is it wrong for business to sell a product thatis not as safe as it could be, given current technology? Is it wrong to sell a vehicle that is less safe than competing products on tile market? Are
ts Sol Levin running a business ' Just like any other busl·ness,' or is his company open to moral criticism? Defend your answer by appeal to moral principle.
Did Plasma International strike a fair bargain witll the West Africans who wppfied their blood to the company?Or is Plasma gullty of exploiting them In some wa'{I Explain yotJr answer.
What are tile contrasting Ideals ol the British and U.S.blood systems? Which system, in your opinion. better promotes human freedom and respect for people? Which system better promotes the supply ol
Examine the pros and cons of commercial transactions in blood from the egoistic, the utilitarian, and the Kantian perspectives.
Ne Titrnuss and Singer correct to suggest that the buying and selling of blood reduces altruism? Does knowing that you can sell your blood (and that others are seUmo theirs)make you less lnciined to
Singer suggesls that althougi the right IO sell blood does not threaten the f()(ffia) right to give blood, tt Is 10001T1patible with "the right to give blood, which cannot be boughL which has no cash
Many believe that commercialization is increasing In all areas of modem ltte. H so, is tt something to be applauded or condemned? Is It wrong to treat certain things-such as human organs-as
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