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moral issues in business
Questions and Answers of
Moral Issues In Business
Assess the three criticisms that Carson makes of Holley's theory. Do you find them persuasive?
According to Carson, what four duties do salespeople have? Explain how the Golden Rule supports these duties. ls Carson's interpretation of the G.olden Rule the best way of understanding it? In your
Do Carson's duties 1 through 4 provide a more plausible account of tile ethics of sales than Holley's theory does?Explain why or wily not. Do you agree that the actions in examples A. B. and Care
Carson believes that he makes a strong case for duties 1 through 4, but that reasonable people can disagree about duties 5 and 6.In your view. do salespeople have duties 5 and 6? In example D, was
Do salespeople ever face ethical issues ttiat Carson's theory doesn't answer? If so, give an example.
Have you encountered unethical conduct by a salesperson?Is such conduct widespread, or do most salespeople try to behave ethically? When salespeople do act unethically, what explains this, and what
What Is •manipulative advertising"? What Is 'associative advertising"? Give examples of advertisements that you consider manipulative. Does advertising socialize people to a tile of consumption? To
Assess Galbraith's contention that because advertising induces or creates consumer wants, those wants are not urgent and their satisfaction does not generate much utility.
Is Levitt correct tllat consumers need and want the illusions of advertising? Is n true that as consumers we are buying not only a physical product but also a set of positive feelings connected with
Hare advances two Kantian arguments against manipulative advertising (based on different ways of formulating Kant's categorical imperative). What are tlley?
Assuming that manipulative advertising is effective, does it undermine one's autonomy? Does It promote undesir·able behaviOIS and character traits. as the virtue· ethics critique alleges?
Assess the argument that manipulative advertising Is a necessary evil because It is central to the continued functioning of our socioeconomic system. In your view, does advertising play a positive or
Is manipulative advertising wrong? What do you see as the strongest ethical argument against it? Suppose manlpula·live advertising doesn't work. Would It still be wrong?
Who is the •we• in the question "Why do we consume so much?" Is Juliet Schor correct that "there is increasingly little that we do which is not a consumption experience"?And that we have become a
Schor identifies three assumptions aboUl consumption that constitute "conventional wisdom' today.What are they? By contrast, what do the critics of consumer culture say? Schor says that each position
Explain why Schor believes that •more leisllred, less consumerist lttestyles are structurally blocked." Why can't peoplesimply choose to work less and enjoy more free time? Do you agree that
Schor refers to the second structural feature that creates too much consumption as "the ecological bias.• What does she mean by this? Do you agree wtth her that tt is serious?
Explain why you agree or disagree with Schor's contention that consumption has become a social competition. How has the old concept of "keeping up with the Joneses• changed? Do you agree that it is
Would It be good for us as individuals and for society as a whole to escape from the culture of excessive consumption? Is this goal possible? If so, how? If not, why not?
Pie corporations moral agents? Do they have moral responsibilities? Or, In your view. do only human beings have moral agency and moral obligations?
Which view of corporate social responsibility-the narrow or the broad-
What do you think companies should do to make themselves more moral organizations? How can they promote a healthy moral cDmate Inside the company?
What moral issues does this controversy raise? What obi!·galions should Yahoo have weighed in this situation? Was the company a "traitor• to its customer, as Liu Xiabo says?
In your view, was Yahoo right or wrong to assist Chinese authorities? What would you have done tt YoU were in charge of Yahoo?
Is Jerry Yang correct that the company had •no choice"?Assuming that Yahoo was legally required lo do what it did, does that justify its conduct morally?
Assess the actions of Yahoo and of Microsoft, Google, and Cisco from the point of view of both the narrow and the broader views of corporate responsibility. What view of corporate responsibility do
In light of this case, do you think it makes sense to talk of a CO(JJO(ation like Yahoo as a moral agent, or is it Oflly the people in ii who can be properly described as having moral responsibility?
Would American companies do more good by refusing to cooperate with Chinese authorities (and risk not being able to do business in China) or by cooperating and WOlking gradually to spread Internet
Assess the pros and cons of a law forbidding American high-tech companies from assisting repressive foreign governments.
What explains the high price of prescription medicines In the United States? What if anything should be done about It? Do you believe that in the United States drug prices reflect the operation of a
Given the nature of their product. do pharmaceutl·cal companies have ethical responsibilities that other corporations don~ have? In your view, are the large U.S.drug companies good corporate
Are the large drug companies guilty of price gouging or of charging an unfair or exploitative price for their products?Should Americans be permitted to import drugs from Canada or other countries?
Assess the motivatloos of drug companies that do their testing overseas. Do you think test subjects are being exploited or taken aelvantage of? Under what circum·stances, if any, are companies
Do drug companies have an obligation to make new drugs available to patients who were involved in their development, either here or overseas? Does the size of the company make a difference? What
Is It ethical for companies to decline to sell a useful drug like ranolazine in a poor country because they can make more money marketing tt elsewhere?
When it comes to life-saving drugs, do pharmaceutical companies have a moral obligation to make them avail·able In poor countries at little or no cost? Explain why or why not. Wllat about effective
In this case, was Nike engaged In commercial speech, or were its statements political or social speech? What determines whether speech is commercial or not?
Was the out-of-court settlement a reasonable resolu·lion of this case? What would have been the good or bad consequ011ces of tile Supreme Court's deciding in Nike's favor? Of Its deciding in Kasky's
Should commercial speech receive less First Amendment protection than otller types of speech, or does this violate the rights of corporations? Explain your answer.
Do corporations have the same moral rights as individual human beings? Should they have the same political rights? Is it morally permissible to limit the speech of corporations in ways that would be
Does Nike have a social responsibility to address matters of public concern such as tile working conditions in its overseas operations? If it chooses to do so, does tt have an obligation to make its
Although corporatioos are not human beings, they have a number of legal and political rights. Do they also have a Rrsl Amendment right that "Congress shall make no law ... prohibiting the free
ls ii possible for corporations to have religious beliefs, or can only human beings have such beliefs? 11 COfPOralions can be said to have religious beliefs, are those beliefs the same as the beliefs
The Hahns have a right to exercise their religion. Does this right transfer to any corporations they own? Ale corporations •persons• within the meaning of the RFRA? Do you think that Congress
Assuming that the RFRA applies to Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialities, does the requirement that their health-care policies indude contraception impose a"substantial burden' on their exercise
Both companies are privately held, meaning that their shares do not trade on the stock market. Does this fact affecttheissue?llso,hol'I'?
What do you think Baytown should do? Explain your reasoning. What business factors are relevant to your decision? Wllat moral factors?
Are Baytown's directors operating willl a broad or a narrow conception of corporate responsibility?
Were Baytown and the other companies right to have witlldrawn their support from the Boy Scouts? Is there anything wrong with companies' attempting to influence the policies of an organization like
What do you think explains Bank of America's policy reversal? Is Lynn Martin's cynicism warranted?
Scott Arming doubts that businesses have an obligation to support charitable organizations. Oo they?
In your opinion, do corporations now pay their fair share of taxes? Explain why or why not. If not, what should be done about it?
Do corporations have a social responsibility not to exploit loopholes in the tax system or use accounting tricks to dodge taxes? Explain why or why not.
If a company like Apple is not acting Illegally, Is there anything wrong with its tax avoidance gimmicks? In general, is there anything wrong with either Individuals or corporations arranging their
Why do you think Starbucks decided to pay voluntarily taxes It was not legalty required to pay? was this Ille right decision from the moral point of view? From the business point of view? Should
Should corporate taxation be abolished? Explain why or why not.
Individual income from dividends and capital gains is now taxed at a lower rate than individual income from wages.Is this fair?
In order to avoid U.S. taxes, some long-standing American companies have reincorporated overseas, which they can do if, after a merger or acquisition, foreign sharehold·ers own more than 20 percent
What is the difference between a •managerialist" philosophy and a "shareholder primacy" philosophy of corporate governance? What problem was the new doctrine of sharehOlder primacy thought to solve?
According to Stout, what three changes in corporate law and practice played large roles in creating the·new shareholder-centric reality"?
What is the point of her discussion of the earnings statement of Abbott laboratories? Stout writes that the divergence of the interests of stockholders from those of creditors and other stakeholders
What is the problem of "short-termism"?
Stoot believes that publicly held U.S. corporations are showing three negative symptoms. What are they? Do you think these trends can be blamed on the doctrine of shareholder primacy? What is the
How does Stout's discussion of managerialism vs. shareholder primacy relate to the debate between the broad and narrow views of corporation social responsibility?
Explain Mackey's business philosophy, and how he sees it differing from Friedman's.
Why does Friedman believe that his view and Mackey's basically come to the same thing? Is he correct about this, or is Mackey right that they aren't the same?
Why is Mitton Friedman critical of corporate charily? Who is right about this-Mackey or Friedman?
Rodgers charges that Mackey cannot be a free-market libertarian, as he claims, and that Mackey subordinates his business to attruistlc ideals. ls Rodgers right aboot this? Assess his argument that
Mackey believes that It is o.k. for Rodgers to run his company for the sole purpose of making profit if he wants to. But, tt Mackey's own ideas are correct, shouldn't companies try to be like Whole
Mackey is known for having strong anti-uni011 views. ls this compatible with emphasis Oil respecting the Interests of all stakeholders? In general. do you think Whole Foods is a model of corporate
Which approach to business-Mackey's, Friedman's, or Rodgers's-seems the best to you? Why? Does Mackey's business model represent a new and potentially better capitalist philosophy?
Explain the two ways, according to camenisch, In which discussions of business ethics often fail to connect with the cen1Jal activity of business.
How would yoo assess a company that Is "socially responsible" but makes products for human torture?What about companies that make cigarettes, cheap guns, pornographic movies, or junk food?
What are camenisch's three reasons for maintaining that the business goal of providing goods and services takes priority over making a prolit? Do yoo agree with them?
camen.isch argues that business should promote "human flourishing.• What does that mean to you? Do you think that there is any means other than the marl
Wirf does Camenisch believe that It is juS1ified and Important to develop criteria for assessing business in te1Tlls of hurnan flourishing?
Would you agree that Camel1isch has taken us to the"heart" of business ethics? What practical implications does his approach have?
Explain each of De George's five theses in your own words. Do you agree with them? />le any open to doubt or possible objection? Explain.
What do you see as the most Important moral dilemmas that face American MNCs operating overseas? With regard to tile five types of business operations distinguished by De George (in his discussion of
De George offers seven moral guidelines for multinationals operating in the Third World. Do you agree with them?What would a proponent of the narrow view of corpoiate responsibility say about tllem?
De George denies thatAmerlcan MNCs Should live up to and implement the same standards abroad as they do at home. Do you agree? Does De George's position Imply some kind of ethical relativism?
From the Buddhist point of view, what is the function of work? What do you see as the main social and economic implications of the Buddhist perspective?
Sdlumacher sees simplicity as a keynote of Buddhist economics. What's the connection be~n simplicity and nonvio4ence? Why does Buddhism value simplicity? Does capitalism promote needless complexity?
How do Buddhism and capitalism differ in their undefS!anding of the nature and purpose of human existence? Is the Buddhist view of the role of women sexist?
What distinguishes Buddhist economics from modem economics in its approach to material wealth? To nalural resources? With which awooch are you more sympathetic and why?
Is a capitalist economic system compatible wtth a Buddhist perspective? Is any other economic system?
Would you agree that Buddhism has something to teach us about economics?
Orlando distinguishes between property for private use and property for profit, using the example of a landlord renting an apartment. Do you find the example persuasive?Explain why or why not
Orlando discusses five arguments intended to show that the interests of shareholders take priority over those of other groups. State each of these arguments in one or two sentences and critically
Do yoo agree that there is moral equality between workers and shareholders? If so, what does this imply?
Can downsizing be supported on utilitarian grounds?Explain why or why not.
Is downsizing wrong because it is an instance of "harming some to benefit others,· as Ortando argues?
Ortando's "legitimate expoctations" argument against downsizing rests on the premise that "workers have made plans under the assumption of a continued source of income.' ts that premise true and, if
Orlando argues that downsizing is unfair by appealing to the principle that people do not deserve rewards or punishments for things for which they are not responsible.Oo you accept O~ando's
What does Professor Daly mean by •internationalization"and by "globalization"? What do you see as the central difference between the two?
Daly be.lieves that the World Bank and its sister institu·lions have lost sight of their mission. What does he mean?
Daly quotes the president of the Wo~d Bank as saying,"Globalization is a practical methodology f0< empowering the poor to improve their lives.· What can be said in sup·port of this propositiOn?
Many people believe that increasing globalization is an inevitable and necessary stage of economic development.Explain why you agree or disagree with this.
Daly argues that globalization risks four negative consequences. Explain what each of these Is. Which of the four strikes you as the most serious problem? In each case, do you agree with Daly or has
Is stringent enforcement of intelleel\Jal property rights a necessary aspect of globalization? Is tt a good thing or a bad thing?
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