Do you believe in the Bible? Each year the National Opinion Research Center conducts the General Social


Do you believe in the Bible? Each year the National Opinion Research Center conducts the General Social Survey

(GSS), eliciting opinions of Americans on a wide variety of social topics. One question in the survey asked about a person’s belief in the Bible. A sample of 4,826 respondents selected from one of the following answers: (1) The Bible is the actual word of God, to be taken literally—1,527 respondents; (2) the Bible is the inspired word of God, but not everything is to be taken literally—2,231 respondents;

(3) the Bible is an ancient book of fables legends, history, and moral precepts—996 respondents; and (4) the Bible has some other origin—72 respondents.

a. Summarize the responses to the Bible question in the form of a relative frequency table.

b. Summarize the responses to the Bible question in a pie chart.

c. Write a few sentences that give a practical interpretation of the results shown in the summary table and graph.

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