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strategic marketing
Questions and Answers of
Strategic Marketing
=+3 The figures in Table 12.5 show the estimate of cash flows associated with each of the products -
=+return on investment as measured in the answer to question 1, how would this influence its evaluation of the new products under consideration?
=+2 Assuming that the firm does not want to go ahead with products that offer less than a 20 per cent
=+1 W hich product appears to offer the best return on investment?
=+How would you advise the firm in matters relating to international marketing?
=+above. W h a t other factors might govern whether or not one or other of the projects might be implemented?
=+6 Using the yield method calculate the internal rate of return of the two projects illustrated in the text
=+sought in the twenty-first century?
=+5 W h at are the benefits and disadvantages of vertical integration? How might the advantages best be
=+products to the market be minimized?
=+ How can risk of failure in introducing
=+ What is a new product success?
=+3 What is a new product
=+Ansoff matrix along with integrative strategies. In particular when is each one most appropriate?
=+2 In what order should an organization consider the various strategic approaches which make up the
=+these objectives be pursued in practice?
=+4 Suggest some of the kinds of objectives that might be set for marketing communications. How might
=+4 How in your view COM U N may try to accomplish product or service positioning?
=+3 Has COM U N adopted a mass-marketing strategy? Ju stify your answer.
=+2 W h a t m arket opportunities and 'strategic windows' have resulted for COMUN from m arket segmentation?
=+1 W hat benefits is COM U N trying to gain from employing market segmentation, as opposed to treating the market as a single entity?
=+3 W h at suggestions would you make to ensure that Casa could retain its loyal customers?
=+2 Should Casa focus on a new market segment with the entrance of new competitors in the m arket?W hy?
=+1 In the face of aggressive competition, how should Casa reposition itself?
=+2 In what ways might the wants or needs of the different market segments differ?
=+1 How might the organization segment the market for with respect to people who might be interested to make use of its facilities.
=+ Discuss the factors that influence choice of positioning strategy.
=+3 W hat do you understand by a competitive positioning strategy? How is product or service positioning accomplished?
=+'segment strategies' and how do these influence a firm 's approach to market segmentation?
=+2 W hat factors im pact upon a firm 's selection of m arket segments? W hat do you understand by
=+W hy should some bases of segmentation be more suitable for some products than others?
=+1 W hat benefits are to be gained from employing market segmentation as opposed to treating the m arket as a single entity?
=+Given that M olly is going to retire, what do you think Barney's best options are?
=+2 H ow relevant are Porter's generic strategy typologies in the twenty-first century?
=+What steps do you think John Grant could take to ensure that his approach to users of the products and services he has to offer is optimal?
=+organizational buyers are also subjected to a variety of influences/ Expand on this statement.
=+5 'In the same way that consumers are subjected to various influences on their buying behaviour,
=+4 How does postmodernism impact on marketing activities in the twenty-first century?
=+which illustrate this point and explain how the 'five stages in the buying process' model is relevant to these situations.
=+2 Many consumer-purchasing situations involve complex buying decisions. Describe some situations
=+decision regarding which make or brand I will buy/ How generalizable do you feel this statement is? Justify your answer.
=+1 'When deciding on the purchase of a new watch 1 am the only person who has any influence on the
=+7 Where does the market buy?
=+6 When does the market buy?
=+5 How does the market buy?
=+4 Who participates in the buying?
=+3 Why does the market buy?
=+2 What does the market buy?
=+Who constitutes the market?
=+Suggest possible strategies that the firm might pursue.
=+the impact of environmental change on the fortunes of a business.
=+5 Discuss how techniques such as scenario writing and scenario daydreaming may be useful in assessing
=+affect what firms can and cannot do?
=+4 How does society try to cope with deviant behaviour in the business environment? How does this
=+3 W h at types of information source can financial service organizations use about competitors?
=+2 W h at types of information are required in order to monitor competitors continually?
=+1 Discuss the usefulness of Porter's five forces model in helping an organization such as the Arnos Popular Bank to develop its business strategies.
=+How would you interpret these evaluations?
=+How might this analysis be reflected in its marketing strategy?
=+W h at kind of competitor analysis would be of most benefit to Cyproswim ?
=+and discuss the various strategies which might be pursued by each one of the four categories.
=+3 Differentiate between:(a ) m arket leader(b) m arket challenger(c) m arket follower(d) market nicher
=+that a company is 'stuck in the middle', with no competitive advantage. How can this point of view be reconciled with the success of those firms which apply both of these strategic thrusts?
=+2 Porter argues that failure to make the choice between cost leadership and differentiation implies
=+Comment on how useful you think this data would be.
=+historical data. Discuss the various merits of these methods and indicate under what circumstances they might be used in practice.
=+and on the other hand, there are those which involve the statistical or mathematical analysis of
=+2 There are two basic approaches to forecasting sales for established products, both of which have a number of variants. On the one hand, there are the methods which rely on asking people questions,
=+How would you advise the company?
=+Conduct a S P A C E analysis for the organization.
=+Consider what the future may hold for such a company and suggest how it might alter its strategies in the future.
=+advantages and disadvantages in terms of being a useful analytical approach?
=+4 Indicate how you might use the competitive advantage matrix. What do you regard as its main
=+■ how feedback is obtained from customers/stakeholders on how the firm is doing, and what can be done to improve further.
=+■ how one selects and develops the technologies that give a competitive edge to the organization;and
=+■ how one keeps up-to-date with the most efficient and effective techniques
=+■ how one motivates organizational teams to perform well
=+■ how one recruits people with the skills to provide the best service
=+ What are the limitations of the G E/M cKinsey model. Does the Directional Policy matrix offer anything radically new? Explain.
=+4 How might the GE/McKinsey matrix be used to assess the health of a firm's product mix and to suggest strategies?
=+Does the product life cycle portfolio matrix offer any real Improvements on the BCG?
=+3 Explainhowthe Boston Consulting Group (B C G ) model might be used to assess the health of a firm's product mix and to suggest strategies. What are the limitations of the BCG model?
=+3 W h a t m ight stakeholder interests in the building be and how might these im pact on the desire to make the building self-financing?
=+2 To w hat extent do you think these purposes could make the H all self-financing?
=+1 To w hat kinds of purposes do you think the H all might be put?
=+5 Identify the various stakeholder interests and how they might influence choice of strategy.
=+ How should the firm seek to meet these changes?
=+met the changes in the market and the industry successfully. W h at kind of changes are likely to ensue with the accession of Cyprus in the European Union?
=+4 The strategic window of opportunity has remained open for some thirty years for this firm. It has
=+5 Discuss how an organization should set about identifying and selecting competitive strategies. How might various stakeholder interests Impinge on this process? Illustrate with an example.
=+ Is the Idea of marketing planning still relevant? Why or why not?
=+4 Given the nature of a rapidly changing environment where new developments take place very rapidly and firms need to react rapidly,
=+strategic window and to minimize the risks posed by the threats.
=+5 Implement the chosen strategy to take best advantage of the opportunities presented by the
3 What kind of problems would you envisage in implementing the plan and how would you try to overcome such problems?
2 Draw up an outline marketing plan for the company for the next three years.
1 What do you recommend is the best strategy for the firm?
3 Getting good strategies adopted by management can often pose problems.Indicate the nature of the problems and outline the mechanisms that can be applied to overcome the difficulties presented by
2 Examine the relationship between marketing planning and marketing control.
1 A small firm marketing computer software is keen to introduce a system of marketing planning into its management process. What steps would you advise it to take in order to achieve this?
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