Monte Carlo study. As an aid to understanding the probit model, William Becker and Donald Waldman assumed
E(Y | X) = 1 + 3X
Then, letting Yi = 1 + 3X + εi , where εi is assumed standard normal (i.e., zero mean and unit variance), they generated a sample of 35 observations as shown in the following table.
a. From the data on Y and X given in this table, can you estimate an LPM?
Remember that the true E(Y | X) = 1 + 3X.
b. Given X = 0.48, estimate E(Y | X = 0.48) and compare it with the true E(Y | X = 0.48). Note XÌ = 0.48.
c. Using the data on Y* and X given in above table, estimate a probit model. You may use any statistical package you want. The authors estimated probit model is the following:
YÌi = 0.969 + 2.764Xi
Find out the P(Y = 1 | X = 0.48), that is, P(Y1 > 0 | X = 0.48). See if your answer agrees with the authors answer of 0.64.
d. The sample standard deviation of the X values given in above table is 0.31. What is the predicted change in probability if X is one standard deviation above the mean value, that is, what is P(Y = 1 | X = 0.79)? The authors answer is 0.25.
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