A physician wants to develop criteria for determining whether a patient?s pulse rate is atypical, and she
A physician wants to develop criteria for determining whether a patient?s pulse rate is atypical, and she wants to determine whether there are significant differences between males and females. Use the sample pulse rates in Data Set 1 from Appendix B.
a. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean pulse rate for males.
b. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean pulse rate for females.
c. Compare the preceding results. Can we conclude that the population means for males and females are different? Why or why not?
Transcribed Image Text:
Data Set 1: Health Exam Results AGE is in years, HT is height (inches), WT is weight (pounds), WAIST is circumference (cm), Pulse is pulse rate (beats per minute), SYS is sys- tolic blood pressure (mm Hg), DIAS is diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg), CHOL is cholesterol (mg), BMI is body mass index, Leg is upper leg length (cm), Elbow is elbow breadth (cm), Wrist is wrist breadth (cm), and Arm is arm circumfer- ence (cm). Data are from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. 58 70.8 169.1 90.6 68 125 22 66.2 144.2 78.1 64 107 71.7 179.3 96.5 88 126 32 31 68.7 175.8 87.7 28 67.6 152.6 87.1 Male Age HT WT Waist Pulse SYS DIAS CHOL BMI 46 69.2 166.8 41 66.5 135.0 72 110 92.4 78.8 72 107 60 56 67.2 201.5 103.3 88 126 20 68.3 175.2 89.1 76 60 64 110 113 96 72 137 54 65.6 139.0 82.5 17 63.0 156.3 86.7 73 68.3 186.6 103.3 52 73.1 191.1 91.8 25 67.6 151.3 75.6 29 68.0 209.4 105.5 17 71.0 237.1 108.7 41 61.3 176.7 104.0 52 76.2 220.6 103.0 76 91.3 84 32 66.3 166.1 20 69.7 137.4 75.2 88 20 65.4 164.2 87.7 72 29 70.0 162.4 56 77.0 85.0 68 18 62.9 151.8 26 68.5 144.1 79.6 64 110 110 33 68.3 204.6 103.8 60 55 69.4 193.8 103.0 68 125 53 69.2 172.9 97.1 60 124 28 68.0 161.9 86.9 60 28 71.9 174.8 88.0 37 66.1 169.8 91.5 40 72.4 213.3 102.9 131 33 73.0 198.0 93.1 84 132 26 68.0 173.3 98.9 88 116 53 68.7 214.5 107.5 56 125 36 70.3 137.1 112 34 63.7 119.5 42 71.1 189.1 18 65.6 164.7 81.6 64 75.7 56 125 95.0 56 120 91.1 60 44 68.3 170.1 94.9 64 115 20 66.3 151.0 79.9 72 115 110 109 153 56 112 64 119 60 113 64 125 84 131 121 132 112 121 116 95 56 109 84 112 72 127 784剖6866517285765幻78275 80 584 654 58 70 68279 8947924日47736875 65 83 75 81 STATDISK: Data set name for males is Mhealth. Minitab: Worksheet name for males is MHEALTH.MTW. Workbook name for males is MHEALTH.XLS. Excel: TI-83/84 Plus: App name for male data is MHEALTH and the file names are the same as for text files. MAGE, MHT, MWT, MWAST, MPULS, MSYS, MDIAS, MCHOL, MBMI, MLEG, MELBW, MWRST, MARM. 44 Text file names for males: 522 23.8 42.5 7.7 23.2 40.2 7.6 24.6 44.4 7.3 42.8 7.5 26.2 23.5 40.0 7.1 24.5 7.1 47.3 21.5 43.4 6.5 590 466 31.4 40.1 7.5 26.4 42.1 121 578 22.7 36.0 78 27.8 44.2 265 28.1 36.7 250 25.2 48.4 23.3 41.0 273 31.9 39.8 272 33.1 45.2 972 75 138 139 638 127 740 49 230 316 265 613 762 303 66 690 120 28.7 702 26.2 26.4 288 32.1 176 19.6 277 20.7 649 26.3 26.9 656 25.6 172 24.2 Leg Elbow Wrist Arm 81 1252 5.2 5.7 6.9 6.0 6.6 41.1 5.7 33.1 8.3 33.2 40.2 6.7 26.7 46.2 7.9 26.6 39.0 7.5 5.7 31.2 6.0 32.2 44.8 6.9 5.6 25.9 19.9 27.1 5.6 33.7 23.4 43.1 5.2 30.3 27.0 38.0 5.8 21.6 41.0 5.7 30.9 46.0 6.1 31 189 25.5 957 24.6 28.3 41.4 42.7 40.5 339 23.8 44.2 416 27.4 118 68 113 7.5 6.9 7.1 8.1 40.9 7.0 7.5 7.4 41.8 47.2 42.8 40.8 8.0 7.0 42.6 44.9 41.1 44.5 44.0 7.8 7.0 7.5 48.2 7.8 42.9 6.7 8.2 7.1 6.6 6.8 7.4 7.2 6.6 7.3 7.4 7.0 6.4 6.2 7.3 7.1 5.8 5.9 6.0 5.8 5.2 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.3 6.7 31.9 31.0 32.7 33.4 30.1 30.5 27.6 38.0 6.0 5.9 5.7 32.0 29.3 31.7 30.7 5.3 5.3 34.7 30.6 34.2 33.6 31.9 32.9 6.0 30.9 6.1 34.0 5.9 6.0 5.8 32.8 31.0 36.2 34.8 33.6 31.3 5.9 37.6 27.9 26.9 6.0 36.9 6.1 34.5 5.8 32.1 5.4 30.7 Data Set 1: Health Exam Results (continued) STATDISK: Minitab: Excel: TI-83/84 Plus: Text file names for females: Data set name for females is Fhealth. Worksheet name for females is FHEALTH.MTW. Workbook name for females is FHEALTH.XLS. App name for female data is FHEALTH and the file names are the same as for text files. 27 29 25 12 41 32 31 FAGE, FHT, FWT, FWAST, FPULS, FSYS, FDIAS, FCHOL, FBMI, FLEG, FELBW, FWRST, FARM. Female Age HT WT 17 64.3 114.8 32 66.4 149.3 25 62.3 107.8 66.7 55 62.3 160.1 93.0 59.6 127.1 82.6 63.6 123.1 75.4 59.8 111.7 73.6 63.3 81.4 67.9 61.4 110.2 156.3 218.8 Waist Pulse SYS DIAS 104 61 99 76 72 88 102 60 72 68 80 64 104 99.4 68 123 67.7 68 93 80 89 76 112 68 107 67.2 82.5 66.7 188.3 100.7 19 64.8 105.4 19 63.1 136.1 37 60.6 149.9 59 63.5 163.1 40 58.6 94.3 45 60.2 159.7 72.9 85.0 23 66.7 182.4 85.7 40 66.8 238.4 126.0 23 64.7 108.8 74.5 27 65.1 119.0 45 61.9 161.9 41 64.3 56 63.4 22 60.7 124.3 57 63.4 255.9 24 62.6 106.7 74.5 94.0 174.1 92.8 181.2 105.5 75.5 126.5 70.0 98.0 104.7 67.8 99.3 72 96 72 68 72 64 80 64 48 67.0 130.4 68.6 16 57.0 100.7 68.7 80 76 76 76 80 104 88 60 95.5 79.5 72 69.1 64 65 114 76 58 66 61 94 101 108 116 181 98 100 127 107 116 97 155 106 110 105 118 114 41 72 61 92 56 62 48 62 102 61 93 53 74 67 71 133 83 113 75 113 66 52 67.6 162.8 91.1 31 63.4 130.0 74.5 76 107 67 32 64.1 179.9 23 62.7 147.8 23 61.3 112.9 95 59 72 108 88 47 58.2 195.6 105.5 293 36 63.2 124.2 78.8 80 104 73 146 34 60.5 135.0 85.7 60 125 73 149 37 65.0 141.4 92.8 72 124 85 149 18 61.8 123.9 72.7 88 920 29 68.0 135.5 75.9 88 119 124 64 106 CHOL BMI Leg Elbow 264 19.6 41.6 6.0 181 23.8 42.8 6.7 267 19.6 39.0 5.7 384 29.1 40.2 6.2 98 25.2 36.2 62 43.2 21.4 22.0 38.7 126 89 531 130 175 44 70 173 69 309 82 94 280 254 123 596 8 2及33 546部464 64 85 600 44.9 59 237 19.2 79 301 72 223 81 27.5 41.0 6.8 7.8 112 28.9 48.6 7.2 462 37.7 33.2 7.0 18.3 43.4 62 98 447 29.8 40.0 6.8 19.8 41.5 6.3 125 6.8 29.7 38.2 31.7 325 23.8 318 6.9 271 207 2 33.5 43.8 20.6 37.3 6.3 29.9 42.3 6.6 17.7 39.1 5.7 24.0 40.3 6.6 5.5 6.0 5.7 28.7 28.5 19.3 31.0 31.1 25.1 39.4 22.8 40.2 33.0 38.6 26.5 34.4 4.8 23.7 5.1 28.4 5.6 34.0 5.4 35.2 6.2 5.2 24.7 5.3 27.0 5.0 35.0 4.7 33.1 5.4 39.6 5.0 27.0 5.6 43.8 5.0 23.6 38.2 38.2 5.9 41.0 38.1 38.0 36.0 32.1 40.6 39.0 41.6 8.0 6.1 Wrist Arm 4.6 23.6 5.5 26.3 4.6 5.0 4.8 4.9 5.1 7.0 6.7 5.4 6.4 5.5 5.8 5.0 5.2 7.1 5.9 30.9 39.2 6.2 26.5 39.0 6.3 4.9 21.2 36.6 5.9 4.7 27.0 7.5 5.5 21.9 38.5 5.6 4.7 6.4 5.2 26.0 39.9 23.5 37.5 6.1 4.8 22.8 39.7 5.8 5.0 20.7 6.3 4.9 20.5 6.0 5.3 21.9 33.8 5.6 4.6 5.1 5.1 4.2 5.2 5.3 5.1 5.0 26.3 32.6 29.2 26.4 27.9 34.3 34.4 23.3 35.6 31.8 27.0 32.8 31.0 27.0 41.2 25.5 30.9 27.9 26.5 27.8 23.0 26.4
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Solution a Construct a 95 confidence interval estimate of the mean pulse rate for males Step 1 We re...View the full answer
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