The S&P/TSX Composite Index was $11 944.54 on January 6, 2010 and $9472.09 on January 6, 2009.
The S&P/TSX Composite Index was $11 944.54 on January 6, 2010 and $9472.09 on January 6, 2009. Josh holds an investment portfolio representative of the stocks in the index. If the value of the portfolio on January 6, 2009, was $279 510, what was the value of the portfolio on January 6, 2010?
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I am a Highly skilled Online Tutor has a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering as well as seven years of experience tutoring students in high school, bachelors and post graduate levels. I have a solid understanding of all learning styles as well as using asynchronous online platforms for tutoring needs. I individualise tutoring for students according to content tutoring needs assessments.
My strengths include good understanding of all teaching methods and learning styles and I am able to convey material to students in an easy to understand manner. I can also assists students with homework questions and test preparation strategies and I am able to help students in math, gre, business , and statistics
I consider myself to have excellent interpersonal and assessment skills with strong teaching presentation verbal and written communication
I love tutoring. I love doing it. I find it intrinsically satisfying to see the light come on in a student's eyes.
My first math lesson that I taught was when I was 5. My neighbor, still in diapers, kept skipping 4 when counting from 1 to 10. I worked with him until he could get all 10 numbers in a row, and match them up with his fingers.
My students drastically improve under my tutelage, generally seeing a two grade level improvement (F to C, C to A, for example), and all of them get a much clearer understanding!
I am committed to helping my students get the top grades no matter the cost. I will take extra hours with you, repeat myself a thousand times if I have to and guide you to the best of my ability until you understand the concept that I'm teaching you.