181 Entry-level job preferences. Benefits Quarterly (First Quarter, 1995) published a study of entry-level job preferences. A
181 Entry-level job preferences. Benefits Quarterly (First Quarter, 1995) published a study of entry-level job preferences.
A number of independent variables were used to model the job preferences (measured on a 10-point scale) of 164 business school graduates. Suppose stepwise regression is used to build a model for job preference score ( y ) as a function of the following independent variables:
a. How many models are fitted to the data in step 1?
Give the general form of these models.
b. How many models are fitted to the data in step 2?
Give the general form of these models.
c. How many models are fitted to the data in step 3?
Give the general form of these models.
d. Explain how the procedure determines when to stop adding independent variables to the model.
e. Describe two major drawbacks to using the final stepwise model as the “best” model for job preference score ( y ).
Step by Step Answer: