In Chapter 13, Exercise 1 (b) proposed a relationship between the amount of time spent watching sports


In Chapter 13, Exercise 1 (b) proposed a relationship between the amount of time spent watching sports on television and the amount of time actually playing sports:

\# hours watching sports \((X)\) : Range \(=0-7, \bar{X}_{i}=2.72, s_{X}=1.92\)

\# hours playing sports \((Y)\) : Range \(=0-4, \bar{Y}=1.20, s_{Y}=.96\) Correlation: \(r=-.04\)

a. Calculate the linear regression equation predicting number of hours playing sports from number of hours watching sports and draw it into a scatterplot.

b. How many hours playing sports would you predict for someone who watches sports for 5 hours?

Chapter 13, Exercise 1 (b)

b. Is there a relationship between the amount of time spent watching sports on television and the amount of time actually playing sports? The following data are from a small sample of children who reported their average number of daily hours spent watching sports on television and playing sports.image text in transcribed

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