Acme Solar Systems wants to discover the characteristics of those who intend to install solar energy systems
Acme Solar Systems wants to discover the characteristics of those who intend to install solar energy systems in their homes.
Data set: Ch 12 – Exercise 02B.sav
Variable: Install
Definition: [Outcome] Self-reported likelihood that the person would opt for solar energy within the next 12 months.
Type: Continuous (1 = Absolutely will not . . . 10 = Absolutely will)
Variable: Age
Definition: [Predictor] Age
Type: Continuous
Variable: Gender
Definition: [Predictor] Gender
Type: Categorical (0 = Female, 1 = Male)
Variable: Income
Definition: [Predictor] Annual household income
Type: Continuous
Variable: Neighborhood
Definition: [Predictor] Type of neighborhood
Type: Categorical (0 = Urban, 1 = Rural)
Variable: Family
Definition: [Predictor] Number of people living in the household
Type: Continuous
a. Write the hypotheses.
b. Run each criterion of the pretest checklist (sample size, normality, multicollinearity) and discuss your findings.
c. Run the multiple regression analysis and document your findings (overall R2, R2 change of statistically significant predictors, hypotheses resolution).
d. Write an abstract under 200 words detailing a summary of the study, the multiple regression analysis results, hypothesis resolution, and implications of your findings.
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