Wouldit be advisable for the firm to set up a proce-dure for screening out accident-prone individuals? How
Wouldit be advisable for the firm to set up a proce-dure for screening out accident-prone individuals?
How might they do so? Employees safety and health are very important mat-ters in the laundry and cleaning businessthey work in very hot and slippery conditions. Each facility is a small production plant in which machines, powered by high-pressure steam and compressed air, work at high temperatures washing, cleaning, and pressing garments.
Chemical vapours are produced continually and caustic chemicals are used in the cleaning process. High-temper-ature stills are continually cooking down cleaning sol-vents in order to remove impurities so that the solvents can be reused. If a mistake is made in this processfor example, by injecting too much steam into the stilla boilover occurs. A boilover is when a chemical solven Carter Cleaning Centres 363 boils and erupts out of the still and onto the floor. It can be dangerous for anyone standing nearby
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