Look back at Figure 8 –4. Which questions would you pair to form a cross tabulation to uncover the following relationships?
Fig 8-4
(a). Frequency of fast-food restaurant patronage and restaurant characteristics important to the customer.
(b). Age of the head of household and source of information used about fast-food restaurants.
(c). Frequency of patronage of Wendy’s and source of information used about fast food restaurants; and
(d). How much children have to say about where the family eats and number of children in the household.
Transcribed Image Text:
1. What things are most important to you when you decide to eat out at a fast-food restaurant? 2. Have you eaten at a fast-food restaurant in the past month? Yes No 3. If you answered yes to question 2, how often do you eat at a fast-food restaurant? Once a week or more 2 to 3 times a month 4. How Important is it to you that a fast-food restaurant satisfies you on the following characteristics? [Check the response that describes your feelings for each characteristic listed.] Characteristic Taste of food . Cleanliness Price Variety of menu Characteristic Taste of food Cleanliness Price Variety of menu 5. For each of the characteristics listed below check the space on the scale that describes how you feel about Wendy's. Mark an X on only one of the five spaces for each characteristic listed. Check the space that describes the degree to which Wendy's Is... Not Tasty Dirty Very Important Statement Adults like to take their families to fast-food restaurants Source of Information Tasty Clean Inexpensive . Our children have a say in where the family chooses to eat Television Newspapers Radio Broad Billboards Internet Social networks 6. Check the response that describes your agreement or disagreement with each statement listed below: Don't Know Restaurant Burger King McDonald's Wendy's Very Important 0000 Somewhat Important Important 7. How Important are each of the following sources of Information to you when selecting a fast-food restaurant at which to eat? [Check one response for each source listed.] O Strongly Agree 0 O O O Once a Week or More O Male Agree Female Single c. How many children under age 18 live in your home? d. What is your age? Under 25 25-44 Married Somewhat Very Unimportant Unimportant Unimportant Somewhat Important 8. How often do you eat out at each of the following fast-food restaurants? [Check one response for each restaurant listed.] 2 to 3 Times a Month Once a month or less OO e. What is your total annual individual or household income? Less than $15,000 O 9. As head of the household, please answer the following questions about you and your household. [Check only one response for each question.] a. What is your gender? b. What is your marital status? Disagree 01 45 or older $15,000-$49,000 Over $49,000 Other (widowed, divorced, etc.) 3 or more 2 Expensive Not at All Important Narrow 000000 Once a Month or Less Strongly Disagree