In developing a theory of organiza onal structura on, Robert McPhee proposed that communica on occurs in
In developing a theory of organiza onal structura on, Robert McPhee proposed that communica on occurs in four flows:
membership nego a on (who can be a member), ac vity coordina on (what members do), self-structuring (how ac vi es are organized), and ins tu onal posi oning (how the organiza on differen ates itself from others). Think of an organiza on to which you belong and then make a list of the types of communica on that occur within each of the four flows. Can you iden fy any pa erns or structures in these communica on prac ces? Do these structures help people in the organiza on get their messages across and be understood? Or do they limit what people can say?
Or both?
Step by Step Answer:
Organizational Communication Theory Research And Practice
ISBN: 9781453370940,9781453370957
1st Edition
Authors: Jason S. Wrench Narissra Punyanunt Carter Mark Ward Sr