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1. Being normative' ethics, whether business or traditional, studies all but what construct? A. Discover conclusions about what things are good B. Discover conclusions about

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1. Being "normative' ethics, whether business or traditional, studies all but what construct? A. Discover conclusions about what things are good B. Discover conclusions about what actions are right C. Discover conclusions about what actions are wrong D. Discover conclusions of what should not be E. Discover conclusions about what things are bad 2. What statement reflects the "punishment and obedience orientation' stage of moral development theorized by Lawrence Kohlberg! A. I do not steal because I do not want to be spanked B. I do not steal because my friends do not steal C. I do not steal because it would harm society as a whole D. I do not steal because it would not be fair to everyone else if I did E. I do steal because it would benefit me no matter what of others 3. In what business scenario is the subordinate most guilty? A. His boss, who does not believe X to be wrong, commands him to do X; the subordinate does X, knowing it not to be wrong B. His boss, who knows that X is wrong, commands him to do X, the subordinate does X, knowing it to be wrong C. His boss, who does not believe X to be wrong, commands him to do X; the subordinate does not do X, but though he believes it to be wrong, does not prevent X from being done by others D. His boss, who knows that X is wrong. commands him to do X; the subordinate does not do X, but does not prevent X from being done by others E. His boss, who does not believe X to be wrong, commands him to do X; the subordinate does X, knowing it to be wrong 4. What is not a basic issue investigated by business ethics? A. Systemic issues B. Corporate issues C. Structural issues D. Individual issues E. Business issues 5. What is an incorrect reason/statement for bringing ethics into business? A. The prisoner's dilemma B. Ethical considerations are inconsistent with the pursuit of profit C. Business is a cooperative activity having its very existence require ethical behavior D. Self-interested organizations have good reason to be ethical - it is in their long term best interest E. Most people will reward those who are perceived as ethical 6. Ethicists employ all but what to evaluate the adequacy of moral reasoning? A. Factual evidence must be relevant B. Moral standards must be consistent C. Factual evidence must be accurate D. Moral reasoning must be illogical E. Factual evidence must be complete 7. What stage of moral development theorized by Lawrence Kohlberg corresponds to "loyalty to one's nation" and 'upholding law except when in conflict with other fixed social duties?" A. Level Three - Social Contract Orientation B. Level One - Punishment and Obedience Orientation C. Level Two - Law and Order Orientation D. Level Three - Universal Ethical Principles Orientation E. Level Two - Interpersonal Concordance Orientation 8. What is not a distinguishing characteristic of moral standards from non-moral standards? A. Moral standards are not established nor changed by authoritative bodies B. Moral standards are based on partial standards C. Moral standards deal with matters that can seriously injure or benefit humans D. Moral standards are associated with special emotions and a special vocabulary E. Moral standards should be preferred to other values including self-interest36. According to Kant what is the "Categorical Imperative?" A. Act only according to a principle that can be universalized B. Act only according to a principle that suits the situation C. Act only according to a principle that suits the individual D. Act only according to a principle that suits both the individual and situation E. Act only according to a principle that may be situational and universal 37. According to Kant of what is the "Will" equivalent? A. Mind B. Body C. Practical Reason D. Soul E. Intellect 38. According to Kant how should Man treat "Rational Beings?" A. As the situation dictates B. As ends in themselves and never merely as means C. Always as means to an end D. As the being should be treated according to their position E. As a being 39. According to Kant which is "the sole principle of ethics?" A. Autonomy B. Virtue C. Mind D. Reason E. Experience 40. According to Kant what is the basis of "Human Dignity?" A. The Intellect B. The Mind C. Reason D. The Will E. Thought 41. According to Kant what is the only thing good without qualification? A. Thoughts B. Good Will C. Good Deeds D. Minds E. Good Luck 42. According to Kant what describes duty? A. Acting as one sees fit B. The objective necessity to act from obligation C. The desired Result for which the act is done D. The way in which an act is performed E. Performing an act43. According to Marx in The German Ideology what is not a component or by-product of "Big Industry?" A. It is a contradiction between the instrument of production and private property B. Private property is a by-product of "Big Industry" C. "Big Industry" allows for the possibility of the abolition of private property D. "Big Industry" must be highly developed E. "Big Industry" does not force labour to alienate workers 44. According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what is not a "Power of Money?" A. I am a wicked man without conscience, but money is honored as so is its possessor B. I am a man without intellect, but money is honored as so is its possessor C. I am a honest man without money, I am honored as a man with riches D. I am ugly, but I can buy myself the most beautiful women E. I am lame, but money can create feet for me 45. According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what is not a production of "Labour?" A. Palaces B. Hovels C. Culture D. Freedom E. Beauty 46. According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts where does man not feel "freely active?" A. Procreating B. Drinking C. Eating D. In Dress E. In Work 47. According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what does not "degrade" the worker (for within the degradation of the worker it is the process that enslaves man)? A. Alienation of the worker B. Private property C. Capitalism D. Competition E. Communism 48. According to Marx in The German Ideology what is not a conclusion "we have sketched [by history ]?" A. A class has to bear all the burdens of society without enjoying its advantages B. Ours is a revolution which overthrows the majority with a minority for common good C. Every revolutionary struggle is directed towards a class in power D. The communist revolution does away with labour and abolishes the rule of classes E. The ruling class cannot be overthrown in any other way than by violent overall revolution 49. According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what is not a tenet of establishing "Communism?" A. Destroy everything that cannot be possessed by everybody as private property B. Seize all private property forcibly and immediately C. Allow old folks their own private property D. Kill dissidents to the cause of "Communism" E. Physically disarm the general populous 50. According to Marx in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts what is not a feature of "Alienated labour?" A. Alienating man from himself B. Makes the species-being of man alien to himself C. Alienated from the product of his work D. Makes the species-life of man alien to himself E. Alienating nature from man9. Accordingly a person is not morally responsible for an injury in all but what case? A. The person did not inflict the injury of his own free will B. The person did not cause the injury or wrong C. The person could not prevent the injury or wrong D. The person did know he was inflicting the injury E. The person did not know he was inflicting injury 10. What is not a construct mentioned within the Chapter I summary? A. Merck & Company - drug Ivermectin - potential river blindness cure B. Arthur Andersen - accounting firm - caught in conflict of interest with their accounting practices C. B.F. Goodrich - Kermit Vandivier - brake inspection (of failed product) for U.S. Government contract D. Enron - Energy & internet space provider - accounting & partnership contract schemes E. Post-Civil War Virginia - slavery - Nazi Germany and ethical relativism On The Edge - A Traditional Business (Female Circumcision - pp. 35) 1 1. What is untrue speaking of female circumcision (a.k.a. female genital mutilation) according the article? A. It cleanses the spirituality of the woman B. Female circumcision is required by some of the sayings of the Prophet Mohammed C. It is a fundamental part of becoming a young woman D. There is no risk of serious infection E. Permanently deprives the woman of the ability to feel sexual pleasure 12. What statement is not in support of "ethical relativism' according the Somali practitioner of female circumcision? A. In order for our daughters to be free they must have this procedure B. We will allow foreigners to tell us how to behave C. This a great interference with our lives and our lifestyle [by Westerners] D. We will not deny them that (i.c. young ladies female circumcision) because of some misplaced sense of morality from foreigners E. This a great offence with[in] our lives and our lifestyle [by Westerners] 13. What group does not believe female circumcision is immoral or unethical to young women according the article? A. Kurdish B. Americans C. Scandinavians D. Europeans E. North Africans 14. What is untrue speaking of female circumcision (a.k.a female genital mutilation) according the article? A. This service business is mostly by female practitioners having the industry make tens of millions of dollars B. Female circumcision is usually performed on a girl between the ages of 7-12 C. Anesthesia is used for the girl's comfort D. A small knife or razor blade is used E. Several women must hold the girl down 15. Does this case support ethical relativism or does it suggest there are certain things wrong no matter what? A. This case suggests there are certain things wrong no matter what B. This case does not support ethical relativism C. This case suggests no things are wrong with female circumcision according Dr. Waites D. This case suggests all things are wrong with female circumcision according the Somali practitioner E. This case supports ethical relativism On The Edge - WorldCom's Whistleblower (pp. 42-3) 16. What stage of Kohlberg's stages of moral development would you say Cynthia Cooper has reached? A. Instrument and Relativity Orientation B. Social Contract Orientation C. Law and Order Orientation D. Interpersonal Concordance Orientation E. Universal Ethical Principles Orientation17. Cooper's statement "There is a price to be paid. [But] it comes back to the values and ethics that you learn... The fear of losing my job was secondary to the obligation I felt" illustrates her (a) agreement/disagreement of Carol Gilligan's ethical theory and (b) what key term/ideal of human behavior? A. Agreement with Carol Gilligan's Care Ethics; Ideal of reconciliation B. Disagreement with Lawrence Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development; Ideal of generosity C. Disagreement with Carol Gilligan's Care Ethics; Ideal of justice D. Agreement with Lawrence Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development; Ideal of competition E. Agreement with Carol Gilligan's Care Ethics; Ideal of harmony 18. What is untrue within the WorldCom whistleblower article? A. CFO Scott Sullivan moved $400 million from a reserve account recording it as income but is not arrested B. Controller David Myers reports for years billions as "capital expenditures" that were actually operating costs C. Arthur Andersen being the company's auditor and accounting firm - helped in the scheme by covering up as well D. Head of Internal Auditing Cynthia Cooper discovers $3.8 billion inflated profit - reports to directors 06/25/03 E. Voted best CFO by CFO Magazine in 1998 Sullivan angrily threatens Cooper for her job if she goes public 19. What is not a result of revelations with the WorldCom scandal? A. David Myers is arrested B. Shareholders of WorldCom lose $3 billion C. Arthur Andersen is shut down for shredding evidence (in this case as well as others) D. Cynthia Cooper is arrested E. 17,000 WorldCom workers lost their jobs On The Edge - Slavery in the Chocolate Industry (pp. 64-7) 20. What company uses "tainted" cocoa beans produced by slave labor according the article? A. Newman's Own Organics B. Cargill Incorporated C. Montezuma's Chocolates D. Cliff Bar E. The Endangered Species Chocolate Company 21. What percentage of chocolate consumed in the United States (3. 1 billion Ibs. each year) is made from cocoa beans grown and harvested in the Ivory Coast (a small western coast nation of Africa)? A. Fifty-five percent B. Forty-two percent C. Thirty-six percent D. Forty-five percent E. Twenty-five percent 22. What is the age of kidnapped boy slaves utilized on the cocoa plantations in Ivory Coast to produce the chocolate we enjoy and cat daily? A. Ages 9-10 B. Ages 11-12 C. Ages 13-14 D. Ages 15-16 E. All of the above ages 23. What company uses "untainted" cocoa beans untouched by slave labor according the article? A. M&M Mars, Incorporated B. Hershey Foods Corporation C. Denman Island Chocolate D. Nestle' USA E. Kraft Foods 24. What is untrue of the Ivory Coast when speaking of the cocoa industry and child slavery? A. Willingness of local officials to accept bribes allows child slavery in the cocoa industry B. An overage of law enforcement officers C. Poverty motivated many farmers to buy children trafficked as slaves D. Open borders of Ivory Coast with surrounding nation states E. Slavery is illegal in Ivory Coast25. Who shares in the moral responsibility for the child slavery occurring within the chocolate industry according your reading of the article? A. Archer Daniels Midland, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D) and former Senate Minority & Majority Leader Bob Dole (R). M&M Mars Incorporated; Hershey Foods Corporation; Kraft Foods B. Ivory Coast local law enforcement, national law enforcement, local and national political officials C. Worldwide consumers of the chocolate produced within the "tainted" chocolate plantations D. Worldwide producers of the chocolate within the "tainted" chocolate plantations E. All of the above - which may include more than we have listed here specifically and generally 26. The "Harkin-Engel Protocol" (enacted in Spring 2002) binds all but whom by signature to the agreement to "establish a system of certification that would verify and certify that the cocoa beans they used were not produced by the use of child slaves... fund training programs for cocoa bean farmers to educate them about growing techniques while explaining the importance of avoiding the use of slave labor?" A. Guittard Chocolate, Archer Daniels Midland, Barry Callebaut, and Blommer Chocolate (major cocoa processors) B. World Cocoa Foundation C. Hershey Foods, M&M Mars, Nestle, and World's Finest Chocolate (major chocolate producers) D. The 600,000+ small farms producing cocoa in Ivory Coast E. The Chocolate Manufacturers Association 27. According the 2010 study conducted by the Payson Center at Tulane University what percentage of farming communities had been contacted between Spring 2002-September 2010 to enact the "Harkin-Engel Protocol?" A. 23%% B. 8.6% C. 2.3% D. 43% E. 9.1% On The Edge - Gun Manufacturers and Responsibility (pp. 63) 28. What is not a reason cited by survivors of the victims why Muhammad and Malvo should not have possessed the weapon used in the sniping spree! A. Malvo (age 17 at the time - October 2002) was a minor - federal law prohibits selling B. Both Bushmaster Firearms Incorporated and Bull's Eye Shooter Supply are directly responsible C. Audits by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) show Bull's Eye lost 238 weapons in a 3 year span D. Bushmaster had an obligation to monitor its distributors preventing risk of foreseeable harm from its weapons E. Muhammad (age 41 at the time - October 2002) had a record of domestic battery - federal law prohibits selling 29. Are gun manufacturers ever morally responsible for deaths caused by the use of their weapons according the rights view of John Locke... if so when? A. Gun manufacturers are always responsible for death caused by the intentional use of their weapons B. Gun manufacturers produce weapons that may be lethal... users intent means nothing to the law C. Gun manufacturers may be responsible for death of user if said death is caused by product defect D. Gun manufacturers are never responsible for death caused by their weapons E. Gun manufacturers may be responsible for death of intentional victim of weapon if caused by product defect 30. What group is not held responsible by the victims' survivors according the article? A. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) - government agency for oversight B. Lee Boyd Malvo (in article misnamed as John Lee Malvo) - sniper/shooter/accomplice C. Bull's Eye Shooter Supply - distributor of weapon D. Bushmaster Firearms Incorporated - manufacturer of weapon E. John Allen Muhammad - sniper/shooter/accomplice 31. Are gun distributors and dealers ever morally responsible for deaths caused by the use of their weapons according the rights view of John Locke... if so when? A. Gun distributors and dealers are always responsible for death caused by the intentional use of their weapons B. Gun distributor and dealers are solely responsible for death of user if said death is caused by product defect C. Gun distributors and dealers may be responsible for death of intentional victim of weapon if caused by product defect D. Gun distributors and dealers are never responsible for death caused by their weapons E. Gun distributors and dealers sell weapons that may be lethal... users intent means everything to the law as well as rights of individuals and corporate entities... morality stems from this "intent" and is adjudicated via reason through 'natural laws'32. According the natural law view of Saint Thomas Aquinas what entity is morally responsible for the shootings? A. Bull's Eye Shooter Supply - distributor B. Lee Boyd Malvo (age 17 at the time - October 2002) C. The STOLEN Bushmaster XM-15 223 calibre rifle equipped with an EOTech HOLOgraphic sight with tripod tied by ballistics tests to at least 1 1 of the shootings D. John Allen Muhammad (age 41 at the time - October 2002) E. Bushmaster Firearms Incorporated - manufacturer On The Edge - Working for EN Lilly & Company (pp. 92) 33. What is not one of the benefits delivered test subjects of clinical drug trials by Eli Lilly & Company? A. Test subjects can make as much as $4,500 per trial over a period of months while within study B. Possible organ damage or death while within or result of study C. Alcohol-free with good medical care while within study D. Clean warm bed and good food while within study E. Drug-free with good medical care while within study 34. Are the actions of Eli Lilly & Company using "the homeless - volunteers" moral according the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham... why or why not? A. Maybe; The drawbacks and pains of the many are promoted by the attempted preventing whatever malady Eli Lilly can provide relief from while pleasure is reduced to a relative few while also having their pleasure be minimal B. No; The drawbacks and pleasures of the many are promoted by the attempted preventing whatever malady Eli Lilly can provide relief from while pleasure is reduced to a relative few while also having their pleasure be minimal C. Yes; The benefits and pleasure of the many are promoted by preventing whatever malady Eli Lilly can provide relief from while pain is reduced to a relative few while also having their pain as minimal as possible D. No; The sanctions of society have not allowed the measurement of pleasures and pains appropriately for the individual alcoholics (as the article states as subjects) or society via Eli Lilly administrators E. Yes; the pains outweigh the pleasures for the individual and legislator 35. Are the actions of Eli Lilly & Company using "the homeless - volunteers" moral according the rights view of John Locke... why or why not? A. Yes, Eli-Lilly provides a possibility of $4.500 per trial, free room-and-board, clean warm bed, good food, drug- free upon leaving study, alcohol-free upon leaving study, good medical care while within study, providing documentation of "informed consent" to all participants respecting the decision making of all allowing a "truly voluntary and uncoerced decision" B. No; Eli-Lilly provides a possibility of $4,500 per trial, free room-and-board, clean warm bed, good food, drug- free upon leaving study, alcohol-free upon leaving study, good medical care while within study, providing documentation of "informed consent" to all participants respecting the decision making of all allowing a "truly involuntary and coerced decision" C. Maybe; Eli-Lilly provides a possibility of $4,500 per trial, free room-and-board, clean warm bed, good food, drug-free upon leaving study, alcohol-free upon leaving study, good medical care while within study, providing documentation of "informed consent" to all participants respecting the decision making of all allowing a "truly involuntary and coerced decision" D. Yes; Eli-Lilly provides a possibility of $4,500 per trial, free room-and-board, clean warm bed, good food, drug- free upon leaving study, alcohol-free upon leaving study, good medical care while within study, providing documentation of "uninformed dissent" to all participants respecting the decision making of all allowing a "truly involuntary and uncoerced decision" E. No; Eli-Lilly provides a possibility of $4,500 per trial, free room-and-board, clean warm bed, good food, drug- free upon leaving study, alcohol-free upon leaving study, good medical care while within study, providing documentation of "uninformed consent" to all participants respecting the decision making of all allowing a "truly voluntary and coerced decision" Chapter 2 - Ethical Principles in Business - Velasquez 36. Who stated "An action is right from an ethical point of view if and only if the sum total utilities produced by that act is greater than the sum total of utilities produced by any other agent could have performed in its place?" A. John Stuart Mill B. Immanuel Kant C. John Rawls D. Robert Nozick E. Jeremy Bentham37. Since modern business could not exist without the institution of contracts --- what is not an ethical rule governing contracts? A. Neither party must be coerced to enter the contract B. Both parties must have full knowledge of the nature of the agreement C. It must bind the parties to an immoral act D. Neither party must intentionally misrepresent the facts E. It must bind the parties to a moral act 38. What is not one of the four basic moral standards considered within the Caltex Oil Company during apartheid era South Africa A. Justice B. Social contract C. Caring D. Utilitarianism E. Rights 39. What is not one of the important features defining "moral rights?" A. They do provide a basis for justifying one's actions in a given situation B. They are closely correlated to duties C. Judgment made on the basis of rights differ substantially from those based upon utility D. They provide individuals with autonomy in the free pursuit of their interests E. They do not provide a basis for justifying invoking the aid of others 40. What is untrue of the Ford Motor Company Pinto rear impact explosion case? A. Ford Motor Company used the Utilitarian approach in 'solving' the Pinto problem B. If forced to pay Ford calculated costs at $49,000,000 to settle court cases stemming from the Pinto problem C. Ford knew it would cost $137,000,000 to remedy the Pinto problem D. Ford stated society placed a high price on the health and lives of the victims E. Ford knew Pinto would potentially explode in rear-impact collisions at a speed of 20 Mph or above 41. Who stated "From each according to what he chooses to do, to each according to what he makes for himself and what others choose to do for him and choose to give him for what they have been given previously and have not yet expended or transferred... If I choose to help another, that is fine, but I should not be forced to do so?" A. John Stuart Mill B. Immanuel Kant C. John Rawls D. Robert Nozick E. Jeremy Bentham 42. What is not a portion or function of Rawls' theory of Justice as Fairness? A. Social and economic equalities are arranged so that they - (A) be to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged (known as the difference principle or Principle II Part A) B. Each person has an equal right to the most extensive basic liberties compatible with equal liberties for all (known as the principle of equal liberty or Principle I) C. Principle II Part A takes priority over Principle II Part B D. Social and economic equalities are arranged so that they -(B) are attached to offices and positions open fairly and equally to all (the principle of equal opportunity or Principle II Part B) E. Principle I is to take priority over Principle II (both Part A & B) 43. Who stated "An action is morally right for a person in a certain situation if, and only if, the person's reason for carrying out the action is a reason that he or she would be willing to have every person act on, in any similar situation?" A. John Stuart Mill B. Immanuel Kant C. John Rawls D. Robert Nozick E. Jeremy Bentham 44. What is not a form of justice or freedom mentioned within this chapter or on this exam? A. Compensatory justice: concerned with compensating people for what they lose when harmed by others B. Economic freedom: concerned with freedom within the marketplace for earning and attaining wealth C. Retributive justice: concerned with the just imposition of penalties and punishments D. Distributive justice: concerned with the fair distribution of society's benefits and burdens E. Divine justice: concerned with the moral perfection of the individual through social growth45. What type of ethical theory is listed? ((a)we exist in a web of relationships and should preserve these valuable relationships; (b) we should exercise special care for those we are concretely related to by attending their particular needs, values, desires, and concrete well-being respecting their personal perspective while responding their needs, values, and desires especially those most vulnerable and dependent on our us) A. Ethics of Justice B. Ethics of Care C. Ethics of Rights D. Utilitarian Ethics E. The Categorical Imperative Wall Street Journal - The Fat 25 Years - February 28, 2006 46. From the late '60s until 1982, an average of 1.6 million jobs were added to the American economy each year, from 1982 through 2000 the average added was 2.3 million. A. True B. False 47. We should move from dynamic to static economic calculations. Dynamic calculations say that when income tax rates are cut by 10%, federal tax receipts will decline by 10%. But that is erroneous thinking, for when income taxes are cut some individuals decide to work more and some companies to invest more, so tax revenues increase. Harvard economist Martin Feldstein calculates that income tax rate reductions give back one-third of their projected revenue loss to the government. A. True B. False 48. In the '70s unemployment began to rise, growing during the Carter presidency and peaking at 10.8% in 1982 in Reagan's second year. Reagan got it down to 5.3%, Clinton to 4.8%; today [February 2006] it stands at 4.7%, lower than the average for the 1970s, '80s and '90s. A. True B. False 49. Over four decades, income tax rate reductions have helped grow the economy. President Kennedy's tax cuts, proposed before his death and enacted in 1964, lowered the top marginal rate to 70% from 91%, and real economic growth jumped by more than 40%. Reagan's rate reduction to 28% raised real economic growth by one-third, and income tax receipts went up an average of 7% a year. President Bush's 2003 tax cuts lowered the rate to 35% from Mr. Clinton's 39.6% and created the economic growth that has increased tax revenues each year--by 5.5% in 2004 and 14.5%--the largest in a quarter century--in 2005 A. True B. False 50. As Robert Samuelson recently noted in The Wall Street Journal, in the 13 years before 1981 there were four recessions lasting a total of 48 months. In the next 23 years--nearly twice as long--there were just two recessions, lasting 16 months. Real annual growth in gross domestic product averaged just over 2.3% a year in the late 1960s and '70s. From 1982 to 2000 GDP grew an average of almost 3% a year. A. True B. False

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