1. I've collected data on the heights of a sample of24two-year-olds; their mothers' education; and their parents' marital status. Height is a continuous, dependent variable.
I've collected data on the heights of a sample of24two-year-olds; their mothers' education; and their parents' marital status. Height is a continuous, dependent variable. Mother's Education is grouped into "Less Than Baccalaureate Degree" and "Has Earned Baccalaureate Degree"; and Parent's Marital Status is grouped into "Married" and "Not Married". Use a .05 alpha level.
If the sum of squares for Mother's Level of Education is 0.48, what is F for the main effect of Mother's Level of Education on Child's Height?
Isthe main effect of Mother's Level of Education on Child's Heightstatistically significant?------
HINT: Mean Square for Within Groups (MSW) = 7.65.
I've collected data on the heights of a sample of24two-year-olds; their mothers' education; and their parents' marital status. Height is a continuous, dependent variable. Mother's Education is grouped into "Less Than Baccalaureate Degree" and "Has Earned Baccalaureate Degree"; and Parent's Marital Status is grouped into "Married" and "Not Married". Use a .05 alpha level.
If the sum of squares for Parents' Marital Status is 17.28, what is F for the main effect of Parents' Marital Status on Child's Height?----
Isthe main effect ofParents' Marital Statuson Child's Heightstatistically significant?------
HINT: Mean Square for Within Groups (MSW) = 7.65.
I've collected data on the heights of a sample of24two-year-olds; their mothers' education; and their parents' marital status. Height is a continuous, dependent variable. Mother's Education is grouped into "Less Than Baccalaureate Degree" and "Has Earned Baccalaureate Degree"; and Parent's Marital Status is grouped into "Married" and "Not Married". Use a .05 alpha level.
If the sum of squares for Parents' Marital Status is 103.25, what is F for the main effect of Parents' Marital Status on Child's Height?----
Isthe main effect ofParents' Marital Statuson Child's Heightstatistically significant?-----
HINT: Mean Square for Within Groups (MSW) = 7.65.
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