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1. The forecast product you read on August 30 mentions that a cold front with instability along frontal boundary will be moving through your locality

1. The forecast product you read on August 30 mentions that a cold front with instability along frontal boundary will be moving through your locality in northern Iow The weather event you are likely to be most concerned about during this frontal passage is:A. Steady precipitation and potential flooding B. A severe thunderstorm with possible hail C. Early season snowfall accumulating on tree limb D. A freeze affecting vulnerable plants and agriculture 2. Today's Area Forecast Discussion for your municipality north of Canton contains this phrase: AN AREA OF ENHANCED LIFT IN THE 850MB-700MB LAYER CONTINUES TO AFFECT LOCATIONS NORTH AND WEST OF A CANTON TO TOLUCA LINE. TO THE SOUTH SKIES WERE PARTLY CLOUDY WITH EARLY AFTERNOON TEMPERATURES RISING INTO THE MID/UPPER 70S. As an emergency manager, what might you be concerned about based on the word 'lift'?A. Warmer air aloft with cooler air near the surface B. Long-duration stratiform rain showers C. Convective storms, precipitation, instability D. Debris lofted by tornadoes 3. You are the emergency manager in Applegate, a community located alongside a stream called Big Creek. Six miles to your northeast, near the headwaters of the creek, is a community called Bunker Hill. Your local weather forecast office has just issued this Special Weather Statement: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DOPPLER RADAR HAS INDICATED A THUNDERSTORM CAPABLE OF PRODUCING PENNY SIZE HAIL. THIS STORM WAS LOCATED 3 MILES NORTH NORTHWEST OF BUNKER HILL...MOVING SOUTH AT 5 MPH. Should you anticipate any potential hazards from this storm?A. No; penny size hail does not qualify the storm as 'severe' so effects are expected to be minimal in Applegate B. Yes; the slow-moving storm could cause flooding along Big Creek, including in creekside areas of Applegate C. Yes; the storm is headed directly to Applegate and significant hail damage should be expected D. No; based on the direction of travel this round of storminess will not affect my area 4. The Forecast Discussion says "A WEAK PRESSURE GRADIENT IS EXPECTED TO PERSIST, KEEPING RAIN OVER THE AREA FOR SEVERAL DAYS." From a preparedness point of view, this phrase suggests that:A. You should be ready to respond to downed power lines, etc. B. You should stay alert for potential flooding C. You should be alert for severe storm development D. There is nothing weather-related to concern you 5. In order from lowest urgency to highest, which sequence properly ranks the product categories issued by the National Weather Service? Note that not all product categories are issued for all hazard types.A. Outlook, Advisory, Watch, Warning B. Watch, Advisory, Outlook, Warning C. Outlook, Watch, Advisory, Warning D. Advisory, Outlook, Watch, Warning 6. Which of the following is included in a National Weather Service Area Forecast Discussion product?A. Forecaster reasoning B. 10-14 day forecast C. Temperature probability graphics D. Radar imagery 7. It is July 16 and the Area Forecast Discussion you are reading mentions that instability is high. Starting this morning and through the afternoon, your community is hosting a large art festival in an open park along the river. Which of the following represents an immediate action to take as you prepare for the day?A. Alert festival organizers to the potential for thunderstorms later today B. Have organizers order extra tents for protection from wind and rain C. Evacuate people from the park vicinity D. Let organizers know they should reschedule the event for a different week 8. A train has derailed in your community, resulting in a hazardous materials release. Resources available to you from the National Weather Service include all EXCEPT:A. Incident meteorologists who can monitor conditions and provide 'spot' forecasts B. Customized wind forecasts to help determine areas that might be impacted C. Anticipated health impacts of the hazardous substances D. Dispersion modeling to determine how the materials will be transported 9. In two days your community is hosting the State baseball championship and expecting record crowds. The Day 2 Convective Outlook indicates your area could have severe weather on game day. As an emergency manager, you should:A. Continue to monitor the forecast products and coordinate with the Weather Forecast Office B. Discuss the situation with event organizers and suggest they review their safety plans for severe weather C. Inform public safety agencies in your community about the severe weather potential D. All of the above 10. Tornadoes are small, short-lived storms formed on the:A. mesoscale B. synoptic scale 11. Uncertainties in forecasts are primarily due to which of the following?A. Atmospheric processes are very complex, posing difficulties for both models and forecasters B. Meteorologists are not paying close enough attention to the evolving weather situation C. The overnight model forecasts are poor so meteorologists must use their own best judgment D. The large number of observations input to the models means that guidance might be delayed 12. You have just arrived at the office this morning. What is the best source for quickly determining the potential for severe thunderstorms today?A. Check the Convective Day 1 Outlook B. Check the local Weather Forecast Office hourly storm summary C. Consult a farmer's almanac for today's forecast D. Check in with your Warning Coordination Meteorologist 13. During a rain event, you observe heavy, wind-driven rain for 30 minutes. The dispatch center has received calls about small stream flooding on the southern edge of your community. You report this flooding to the Weather Forecast Office. They will use the information to:A. map the areas that should be evacuated. B. input data into weather prediction models. C. deploy an Incident Meteorologist to verify conditions. D. refine their forecast to alert others in the storm's path. 14. What factors should you account for when doing a threats analysis for your community?A. What weather events are likely and at what time of year B. Percentage of population and property likely to be affected C. Expected impacts of the hazard on critical infrastructure D. All of the above 15. Your local Weather Forecast Office has just issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for the western part of the county to your north. The system is moving to the southeast. What should you do?A. Dispatch spotter groups to the adjacent county B. No action is required; the storm is not in my county C. Monitor the storm's movement and prepare accordingly D. Monitor stream gauges for increased runoff from storms upstream 16. The components that determine the difference between an inconvenient weather situation and one that is hazardous are:A. Event type B. Event severity C. Community vulnerability D. All of the above 17. As an emergency manager, what are your four primary roles in planning for and acting during periods of hazardous weather?A. Mitigate, Prepare, Respond, Recover B. Detect, Forecast, Alleviate, Recover C. Prepare, Act, Recover, Respond D. Prepare, Defend, Recover, Respond 18. Who is authorized to initiate official watches and warnings?A. The National Weather Service B. Registered private weather information vendor C. Certified broadcast meteorologist using Doppler radar D. All of the above 19. Severe weather season is around the corner. You would like to begin some public awareness efforts, as well as make sure your spotters are trained and organized. Who in the National Weather Service should you call to work with you on these activities?A. Science and Operations Officer (SOO) B. Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) C. No one; both of these tasks are your responsibilities D. Lead Duty Forecaster 20. Condensation is a process that can lead to precipitation, flooding, and storm development. Condensation can occur and begin providing the fuel for severe weather when:A. the dewpoint temperature is significantly less than the air temperature. B. the probability of precipitation equals 100%. C. the dewpoint temperature equals the air temperature. D. the dewpoint temperature is warmer than the surrounding air temperature. 21. True or False: A Tornado Watch has been issued for your county for the next three hours. One of the actions to take is to follow your Emergency Operations Plan's guidance on when it might be time to activate spotter groups.A. True B. False 22. Long-range forecast products tend to be as accurate as short-range ones.A. True B. False 23. Your threats analysis should include analyzing the vulnerabilities of power generation, water, and sewage treatment facilities.A. True B. False 24. Which of the following is NOT a consideration for a threats analysis?A. Frequency of hazardous weather B. Distance to nearest weather forecast office C. Locations of special needs populations D. Severity of past and anticipated weather events 25. Methods for receiving the most recent hazardous weather information and current updates directly from your local Weather Forecast Office (WFO) include all EXCEPT which of the following?A. NOAA Weather Radio B. EMWIN or other message broadcast systems C. NWSChat, phone calls, phone alerts D. Local broadcast media 26. Your Warning Partnership includes your local National Weather Service Forecast Office, you, and all of the following EXCEPT:A. Police and emergency responders B. The media C. Weather spotters D. Emergency Management Institute (EMI) 27. An example of an indirect weather observation system is:A. ASOS B. Buoys C. Radar D. Radiosondes 28. True or False. NOAA Weather Radio with SAME technology is programmable to sound alerts for hazards in your specific area, can be heard almost everywhere in the country, and can be relied on even if there is a power outage at your home or business.A. True B. False 29. True or False: The latest hurricane intensity forecast indicates a 20% probability for a Category 2 storm, 39% probability for Category 3 storm, and 28% probability for a Category 4 storm tomorrow afternoon as it approaches your area. Guidance for working with probabilities would suggest that you anticipate the worst-case scenario by preparing for a Category 5 event.A. True B. False 30. If a community has warning sirens, other communication methods will not be necessary.A. True B. False 31. What should the word 'convection' in a forecast discussion alert you to as an emergency manager?A. A cold, sinking air mass causing potential heavy precipitation B. Upward-moving air with the potential for storms to form C. An inversion in which air moves upward very rapidly D. Several days of overcast skies and continual rain or snowfall 32. Good warning messages for the public should:A. Explain the possible consequences if the instructions are not followed B. Avoid mentioning possible consequences that may cause people to panic 33. Today's Hazardous Weather Outlook refers to an inversion that is likely to break after 10:00 am. What conditions might you expect while the inversion persists?A. Any particulate matter near the surface will quickly disperse B. Skies will be cloud-free increasing visibilities C. Strong thunderstorms could result D. Fog could be present in low-lying areas 34. You are working on a threats analysis for your community. Which of the following would be considered a variable environmental factor?A. Soil type B. soil saturation C. Locations of dams D. Locations of mountains or hills 35. You read in the forecast for today that strong westerly winds are expected. This means that the winds will blow from the west toward the east.A. True B. False 36. After a winter of above-average snowfall, temperatures in your area have been moderate and rainfall has been near average. On April 10, you find this phrase in the Hazardous Weather Outlook from your local forecast office: UPPER LEVEL DISTURBANCES WILL CONTINUE TO MOVE NORTHEAST ACROSS THE REGION TODAY. THESE FEATURES WILL INTERACT WITH A MOIST AIRMASS TO GENERATE NUMEROUS SHOWERS WITH LOCALLY HEAVY RAINFALL. What is the most likely hazard that you should be alert to?A. Lightning-generated fires B. Tornadic winds C. Potential flooding D. Severe storms with hail 37. Suppose you are the emergency manager for the small community of Lake Isabella, California Yesterday was the third consecutive day of near record high temperatures and today's Area Forecast Discussion contains this phrase: CONTINUED WARM TEMPERATURES AND VERY LOW HUMIDITY TODAY AND WEDNESDAY WITH POOR TO NO OVERNIGHT RECOVERY OF HUMIDITY. NORTH TO NORTHEAST WINDS WILL LIKELY BE GUSTING OVER 35 MPH... What is the primary hazard you should be aware of for your community?A. Development of convective storms B. Damaging winds causing power outages C. Onset of a drought period D. Increased wildland fire danger 38. It has been an above-average snowy winter in your riverside agricultural community in the upper Midwest. On a cloudy day in early spring, you find this phrase in the Area Forecast Discussion: RAIN AND SNOW SHOWERS WILL PERSIST ACROSS THE FORECAST AREA OVER THE NEXT COUPLE DAYS. SOME LIGHT ACCUMULATIONS ARE POSSIBLE WITH TEMPERATURES REMAINING IN THE LOWER 30S. TEMPERATURES WILL RECOVER RAPIDLY OVER THE NEXT COUPLE DAYS...INTO THE 50S BY SATURDAY.What weather hazard might you need to prepare for in your community?A. Continued dramatic temperature changes B. Severe thunderstorms associated with warmer temperatures' C. Late-season winter storms D. Flooding due to ice jams 39. Advisories are issued:A. For threats that are likely to occur a few hours or more in the future B. For situations with high potential for flooding C. When the threat or hazard is expected to impact a sparsely populated area D. For threats that are dangerous but that might not be life-threatening 40. Forecasting precipitation type (rain, snow, sleet, ice) is difficult because:A. the lifting process determines the precipitation type that is possible B. it requires knowing the type and location of cloud nuclei in the atmosphere C. it requires knowing the depth of the moist and dry layers in the atmosphere D. it requires knowing the depth of the melting and freezing layers in the atmosphere 41. A Tornado Watch has been issued for your county through 11 p.m. this evening. Which of the following is the best source to make sure you have the earliest possible information about any Tornado Warnings issued for your area?A. Local broadcast media B. Local Weather Forecast Office C. Your citizen network D. Storm Prediction Center 42. A Winter Weather Advisory has been issued for your metropolitan area. Snow accumulation is expected to begin between 3 and 4 p.m. and continue through the evening. What action do you take?A. Refer to your Hazards Plan for snow events impacting rush hour in your area B. No action is required; an Advisory does not indicate a severe event C. Put the Emergency Operations Center on full alert to deal with traffic accidents and delays D. Immediately scramble snow removal equipment to clear roads for the evening commute 43. When a life-threatening weather situation is occurring or is imminent, who has the responsibility to activate the local warning sirens within a jurisdiction?A. State emergency management officials B. The National Weather Service C. The local governmental jurisdiction D. An elected member of city council 44. The Zone Forecast mentions: "CHANCE OF RAIN 60 PERCENT." The correct way to interpret the forecast is:A. Rain is likely to fall for 60% (or 14 hours) of a 24-hour period B. Sixty percent of the forecast area will receive rain and 40% will be dry C. Sixty percent of the towns and cities in the zone will receive rain D. A given point in the forecast area has a 60% chance of receiving rain 45. True or False: Geography is not a factor in assessing community risk.A. True B. False 46. A Watch means that:A. Citizens should look for and take shelter immediately B. A hazardous weather event is imminent or occurring C. There is an increased risk of hazardous weather D. A severe weather event has occurred in a nearby county 47. Which is a method that local Emergency Operations Centers can implement to improve coordination with partners prior to a hazardous event?A. Hold topic-focused conference calls and webinars B. Conduct drills to practice coordination and test response C. Develop hazards plans for any threats to your community D. All of the above 48. Who issues Tornado Watches?A. Hydrometeorological Prediction Center B. Convective Weather Prediction Center C. Private sector weather providers D. Storm Prediction Center

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