1. Using 12different readings of the share price of each company (Month end price July 2019 to June 2020), calculate the mean and standard deviation of returns earned by each share. You can illustrate your calculations and comparisons in a table structure. 2. Compare the mean return and standard deviation(risk) achieved by each of your shares with the mean return and standard deviation (risk) for government bonds. Analyse these results and discuss the reasons for the differences. In particular, outline reasons for the differences in risk (approximately 500 words). 3. Assuming you were to hold each of the shares proportionately (50% each) in a portfolio, calculate the mean and standard deviation for the portfolio. Analyse and discuss the results achieved, in particular the effect of holding the shares in a portfolio (approximately 500 words). 4. Discuss any other factors which may have influenced the differences in returns achieved by the different companies. These may be market specific or company specific (approximately 500-700 words). 1. Using 12different readings of the share price of each company (Month end price July 2019 to June 2020), calculate the mean and standard deviation of returns earned by each share. You can illustrate your calculations and comparisons in a table structure. 2. Compare the mean return and standard deviation(risk) achieved by each of your shares with the mean return and standard deviation (risk) for government bonds. Analyse these results and discuss the reasons for the differences. In particular, outline reasons for the differences in risk (approximately 500 words). 3. Assuming you were to hold each of the shares proportionately (50% each) in a portfolio, calculate the mean and standard deviation for the portfolio. Analyse and discuss the results achieved, in particular the effect of holding the shares in a portfolio (approximately 500 words). 4. Discuss any other factors which may have influenced the differences in returns achieved by the different companies. These may be market specific or company specific (approximately 500-700 words)