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1. What eriteria would be used to determine how the expensive machinery located in the factory would be classed and treated? 2. Of the


1. What eriteria would be used to determine how the expensive machinery located in the factory would be classed and treated? 2. Of the property identified in this scenario, what would be classed as real property', and likely pass to Joe and his sibling, and what would be classed as "personal property, and likaly pass to Joe's halt-siblings? 3. Joe's father has indicated that he intends to leave a lite eatate in the family home to his wife. Exactly what does this mean and what are the impilications of this for Joe? 4. Which of the aspects in relation to the mousetrap invention, if any, would be connected to the law of "copyright", "designe", patents", trademarke? 5. What could Joe's futher have done differently, in order to protect all of his Inteliectual property rights in relation to the mousetrap invention? PutE - Research Task - B00 words [10 merks Busresses within Ausiruka operate wihin e legal tramework besed on fundanerntal common-aw principles, induding proprietary rights lownerahipl. Granvile Machinery Py Lid (GMPL') aela karge induszial or compreasora and ather similur equpment. for use in luctories. Each muctine sets lor $150.000 or mare. Machinee are delivered and inetalled in sustomer premises, ofen on eredt terme with payments due to GMPL at en agreed tuture dae, eg 30 days, or 60 days. etc. GMPL indudes e erm in thoir sales egreements at rle in the machinery does not pass to the custamer unti GMPL has been paid in full Preparation: Research the decision in Maidon C PSEJ Pty Ltd v Queenstand Excevation Servico0s Pty Lud & Ors (2013) NSWSC 852 and the Pernonal Property Secuntkes. Act 200s (Cn) Da nat corsider any other kegiskation jeg. Sule of Goods, ACL etc Required: lustrate, by applying the law and providing exangles, how GMPL could manoge various types of kk when selling machinery os descrbed above company uses a number of processes thet Joe's larter invented and over which he holde patenta end for which paya hir an arral royally, Jos'a futher owns al of the sharus in the company. Last year Joe's father invented a better mousetrap and decided to manufacture and market k himset The funcional part of the new inverton is e intemal mechanism. Because Joe's father had no expeience in product presentation, he hred an employen to areate a design tor an ecenal casing He tokd her that he wanted it to maka the product more pyscaly atiracive to eoneures-and sater to hande. The caing and the internai madheriorn ers manutecturee and sasembied koonly by a subcontractor who was recommended to Joe's farher by the Chamber of Cammerce. He aiso engaged a tochrical specialist to wite he instruction bookiet thet accompanies he meusetrap (the trap consists of sophisticated electronic components, and seting ard deaing e evaves a procesa that requires careful attention to the instructions). The instructkn bookiet and the mousetrap bear a logo identfying the company. A conpany empioyee devised kin her froo Sme. Joe's father was particulary impressed by t when she showed im what she had done, and he hopes that, eventualy, the buying public wil come to identity har logo wih he company and the technicolly superior producta k produces. Ony recenty, however, the employee sad she is resigring to travel ovarseas, whare she hapas to work with a similar design and innovation company Joe's futher abo awna the warehouse which acjains the factory, which he bought in his own name and which he leases to the company as a storage area for its products He has just told Joe that ne is revaing his we and proposes to provide equaly for both familes' by leaving his real property to Jbe and his sibling and his pereonal property to Joe's hatablings. He ako intends to laave a ite estae in the family home to his wile 'so she can selshe ever needs to go into a nursing home. He aso has wittan to the company asking them to oont nue making royalty payments to his wite tor the remaindar of her He. He lels Joe thet tis wil bath provide for his wite and provide equaly for all of te chidren Decause you wa get my share of te tactory, he warehouse and, perhaps, the home and te oters wil get the business and all of me machinery. Joe is not sure thot this is an entirely accurate statement of the efect of his father's proposod will Jon knows you have succeaatully complered Commercial Law and are curently studying Conmercial Low il and love every minute of it. He also knows that you have access to ets of ibrary resources and poses the foikwing questions soeking your sesistanos Required Each of the tolowing quostons requires you to identily the egal rights that may be availatle to the parties in the scenario given above. Then, Apply the legal ights you have identled to deal with each question and justity your arguments by c ng rekevant legisation and case law appropriate Case Study / Research Report - 25% Weighting Due Week 10 - Sunday 17 October 2021 Refer to the hitp:licourses highered for the specitic requirements of this aasesament task. This assesament involves complex scenarlos involving muliple areas of law requiring in depth aralysis, problem solving and judgement with reward for the use of property reforenced academic and other independent sources beyond those presented in tutorinis (2.000 worda All submissions must addrese two (2) quesions. Student submissions should include a simplo cover page that indludes word counts for each question. In-text citasons must be in the Harvard AGPS style. A single Harvard AGPS Reforence List at the end of the submission shouid include all relevant references cited in both questions Students should note the POF ile on acceaptabin iegal abbreviations, available on the Moodle. Students should note the ward limits for each quesion, and the need to write concisely. Responses must be within 10% 6+1- of each word imi. Students must clearly siate the word count for each quesion, on their oover page. Note thet the reference list and footnotes if any) does not torm pert of the word count Students are encouraged t0 sart wrting eorty: edting typically takes more time than wriing PartA-Case Study -1,200 words (15 marks) After Joe's mother died, his father remarked and now has wo familios": Joe and his sbling from his father's first marriage and Joe's half-sister and half-brather from his father's second mariage. Joe's father is a very successtul man whose grandmother left him the famly home (in which he and his second wite soll ivo) and a hat share in a factory (which he and a cousin inherited as joint tenants). Shortly ater laaving university he set up a company to run a manufacturing business from the fuctory - which it leases trom him and his cousin and in which k has installed a production ine consisting of highly technical and very expensive machinery, some of which is secured to the floor for stability. The 1. What eriteria would be used to determine how the expensive machinery located in the factory would be classed and treated? 2. Of the property identified in this scenario, what would be classed as real property', and likely pass to Joe and his sibling, and what would be classed as "personal property, and likaly pass to Joe's halt-siblings? 3. Joe's father has indicated that he intends to leave a lite eatate in the family home to his wife. Exactly what does this mean and what are the impilications of this for Joe? 4. Which of the aspects in relation to the mousetrap invention, if any, would be connected to the law of "copyright", "designe", patents", trademarke? 5. What could Joe's futher have done differently, in order to protect all of his Inteliectual property rights in relation to the mousetrap invention? PutE - Research Task - B00 words [10 merks Busresses within Ausiruka operate wihin e legal tramework besed on fundanerntal common-aw principles, induding proprietary rights lownerahipl. Granvile Machinery Py Lid (GMPL') aela karge induszial or compreasora and ather similur equpment. for use in luctories. Each muctine sets lor $150.000 or mare. Machinee are delivered and inetalled in sustomer premises, ofen on eredt terme with payments due to GMPL at en agreed tuture dae, eg 30 days, or 60 days. etc. GMPL indudes e erm in thoir sales egreements at rle in the machinery does not pass to the custamer unti GMPL has been paid in full Preparation: Research the decision in Maidon C PSEJ Pty Ltd v Queenstand Excevation Servico0s Pty Lud & Ors (2013) NSWSC 852 and the Pernonal Property Secuntkes. Act 200s (Cn) Da nat corsider any other kegiskation jeg. Sule of Goods, ACL etc Required: lustrate, by applying the law and providing exangles, how GMPL could manoge various types of kk when selling machinery os descrbed above company uses a number of processes thet Joe's larter invented and over which he holde patenta end for which paya hir an arral royally, Jos'a futher owns al of the sharus in the company. Last year Joe's father invented a better mousetrap and decided to manufacture and market k himset The funcional part of the new inverton is e intemal mechanism. Because Joe's father had no expeience in product presentation, he hred an employen to areate a design tor an ecenal casing He tokd her that he wanted it to maka the product more pyscaly atiracive to eoneures-and sater to hande. The caing and the internai madheriorn ers manutecturee and sasembied koonly by a subcontractor who was recommended to Joe's farher by the Chamber of Cammerce. He aiso engaged a tochrical specialist to wite he instruction bookiet thet accompanies he meusetrap (the trap consists of sophisticated electronic components, and seting ard deaing e evaves a procesa that requires careful attention to the instructions). The instructkn bookiet and the mousetrap bear a logo identfying the company. A conpany empioyee devised kin her froo Sme. Joe's father was particulary impressed by t when she showed im what she had done, and he hopes that, eventualy, the buying public wil come to identity har logo wih he company and the technicolly superior producta k produces. Ony recenty, however, the employee sad she is resigring to travel ovarseas, whare she hapas to work with a similar design and innovation company Joe's futher abo awna the warehouse which acjains the factory, which he bought in his own name and which he leases to the company as a storage area for its products He has just told Joe that ne is revaing his we and proposes to provide equaly for both familes' by leaving his real property to Jbe and his sibling and his pereonal property to Joe's hatablings. He ako intends to laave a ite estae in the family home to his wile 'so she can selshe ever needs to go into a nursing home. He aso has wittan to the company asking them to oont nue making royalty payments to his wite tor the remaindar of her He. He lels Joe thet tis wil bath provide for his wite and provide equaly for all of te chidren Decause you wa get my share of te tactory, he warehouse and, perhaps, the home and te oters wil get the business and all of me machinery. Joe is not sure thot this is an entirely accurate statement of the efect of his father's proposod will Jon knows you have succeaatully complered Commercial Law and are curently studying Conmercial Low il and love every minute of it. He also knows that you have access to ets of ibrary resources and poses the foikwing questions soeking your sesistanos Required Each of the tolowing quostons requires you to identily the egal rights that may be availatle to the parties in the scenario given above. Then, Apply the legal ights you have identled to deal with each question and justity your arguments by c ng rekevant legisation and case law appropriate Case Study / Research Report - 25% Weighting Due Week 10 - Sunday 17 October 2021 Refer to the hitp:licourses highered for the specitic requirements of this aasesament task. This assesament involves complex scenarlos involving muliple areas of law requiring in depth aralysis, problem solving and judgement with reward for the use of property reforenced academic and other independent sources beyond those presented in tutorinis (2.000 worda All submissions must addrese two (2) quesions. Student submissions should include a simplo cover page that indludes word counts for each question. In-text citasons must be in the Harvard AGPS style. A single Harvard AGPS Reforence List at the end of the submission shouid include all relevant references cited in both questions Students should note the POF ile on acceaptabin iegal abbreviations, available on the Moodle. Students should note the ward limits for each quesion, and the need to write concisely. Responses must be within 10% 6+1- of each word imi. Students must clearly siate the word count for each quesion, on their oover page. Note thet the reference list and footnotes if any) does not torm pert of the word count Students are encouraged t0 sart wrting eorty: edting typically takes more time than wriing PartA-Case Study -1,200 words (15 marks) After Joe's mother died, his father remarked and now has wo familios": Joe and his sbling from his father's first marriage and Joe's half-sister and half-brather from his father's second mariage. Joe's father is a very successtul man whose grandmother left him the famly home (in which he and his second wite soll ivo) and a hat share in a factory (which he and a cousin inherited as joint tenants). Shortly ater laaving university he set up a company to run a manufacturing business from the fuctory - which it leases trom him and his cousin and in which k has installed a production ine consisting of highly technical and very expensive machinery, some of which is secured to the floor for stability. The 1. What eriteria would be used to determine how the expensive machinery located in the factory would be classed and treated? 2. Of the property identified in this scenario, what would be classed as real property', and likely pass to Joe and his sibling, and what would be classed as "personal property, and likaly pass to Joe's halt-siblings? 3. Joe's father has indicated that he intends to leave a lite eatate in the family home to his wife. Exactly what does this mean and what are the impilications of this for Joe? 4. Which of the aspects in relation to the mousetrap invention, if any, would be connected to the law of "copyright", "designe", patents", trademarke? 5. What could Joe's futher have done differently, in order to protect all of his Inteliectual property rights in relation to the mousetrap invention? PutE - Research Task - B00 words [10 merks Busresses within Ausiruka operate wihin e legal tramework besed on fundanerntal common-aw principles, induding proprietary rights lownerahipl. Granvile Machinery Py Lid (GMPL') aela karge induszial or compreasora and ather similur equpment. for use in luctories. Each muctine sets lor $150.000 or mare. Machinee are delivered and inetalled in sustomer premises, ofen on eredt terme with payments due to GMPL at en agreed tuture dae, eg 30 days, or 60 days. etc. GMPL indudes e erm in thoir sales egreements at rle in the machinery does not pass to the custamer unti GMPL has been paid in full Preparation: Research the decision in Maidon C PSEJ Pty Ltd v Queenstand Excevation Servico0s Pty Lud & Ors (2013) NSWSC 852 and the Pernonal Property Secuntkes. Act 200s (Cn) Da nat corsider any other kegiskation jeg. Sule of Goods, ACL etc Required: lustrate, by applying the law and providing exangles, how GMPL could manoge various types of kk when selling machinery os descrbed above company uses a number of processes thet Joe's larter invented and over which he holde patenta end for which paya hir an arral royally, Jos'a futher owns al of the sharus in the company. Last year Joe's father invented a better mousetrap and decided to manufacture and market k himset The funcional part of the new inverton is e intemal mechanism. Because Joe's father had no expeience in product presentation, he hred an employen to areate a design tor an ecenal casing He tokd her that he wanted it to maka the product more pyscaly atiracive to eoneures-and sater to hande. The caing and the internai madheriorn ers manutecturee and sasembied koonly by a subcontractor who was recommended to Joe's farher by the Chamber of Cammerce. He aiso engaged a tochrical specialist to wite he instruction bookiet thet accompanies he meusetrap (the trap consists of sophisticated electronic components, and seting ard deaing e evaves a procesa that requires careful attention to the instructions). The instructkn bookiet and the mousetrap bear a logo identfying the company. A conpany empioyee devised kin her froo Sme. Joe's father was particulary impressed by t when she showed im what she had done, and he hopes that, eventualy, the buying public wil come to identity har logo wih he company and the technicolly superior producta k produces. Ony recenty, however, the employee sad she is resigring to travel ovarseas, whare she hapas to work with a similar design and innovation company Joe's futher abo awna the warehouse which acjains the factory, which he bought in his own name and which he leases to the company as a storage area for its products He has just told Joe that ne is revaing his we and proposes to provide equaly for both familes' by leaving his real property to Jbe and his sibling and his pereonal property to Joe's hatablings. He ako intends to laave a ite estae in the family home to his wile 'so she can selshe ever needs to go into a nursing home. He aso has wittan to the company asking them to oont nue making royalty payments to his wite tor the remaindar of her He. He lels Joe thet tis wil bath provide for his wite and provide equaly for all of te chidren Decause you wa get my share of te tactory, he warehouse and, perhaps, the home and te oters wil get the business and all of me machinery. Joe is not sure thot this is an entirely accurate statement of the efect of his father's proposod will Jon knows you have succeaatully complered Commercial Law and are curently studying Conmercial Low il and love every minute of it. He also knows that you have access to ets of ibrary resources and poses the foikwing questions soeking your sesistanos Required Each of the tolowing quostons requires you to identily the egal rights that may be availatle to the parties in the scenario given above. Then, Apply the legal ights you have identled to deal with each question and justity your arguments by c ng rekevant legisation and case law appropriate Case Study / Research Report - 25% Weighting Due Week 10 - Sunday 17 October 2021 Refer to the hitp:licourses highered for the specitic requirements of this aasesament task. This assesament involves complex scenarlos involving muliple areas of law requiring in depth aralysis, problem solving and judgement with reward for the use of property reforenced academic and other independent sources beyond those presented in tutorinis (2.000 worda All submissions must addrese two (2) quesions. Student submissions should include a simplo cover page that indludes word counts for each question. In-text citasons must be in the Harvard AGPS style. A single Harvard AGPS Reforence List at the end of the submission shouid include all relevant references cited in both questions Students should note the POF ile on acceaptabin iegal abbreviations, available on the Moodle. Students should note the ward limits for each quesion, and the need to write concisely. Responses must be within 10% 6+1- of each word imi. Students must clearly siate the word count for each quesion, on their oover page. Note thet the reference list and footnotes if any) does not torm pert of the word count Students are encouraged t0 sart wrting eorty: edting typically takes more time than wriing PartA-Case Study -1,200 words (15 marks) After Joe's mother died, his father remarked and now has wo familios": Joe and his sbling from his father's first marriage and Joe's half-sister and half-brather from his father's second mariage. Joe's father is a very successtul man whose grandmother left him the famly home (in which he and his second wite soll ivo) and a hat share in a factory (which he and a cousin inherited as joint tenants). Shortly ater laaving university he set up a company to run a manufacturing business from the fuctory - which it leases trom him and his cousin and in which k has installed a production ine consisting of highly technical and very expensive machinery, some of which is secured to the floor for stability. The 1. What eriteria would be used to determine how the expensive machinery located in the factory would be classed and treated? 2. Of the property identified in this scenario, what would be classed as real property', and likely pass to Joe and his sibling, and what would be classed as "personal property, and likaly pass to Joe's halt-siblings? 3. Joe's father has indicated that he intends to leave a lite eatate in the family home to his wife. Exactly what does this mean and what are the impilications of this for Joe? 4. Which of the aspects in relation to the mousetrap invention, if any, would be connected to the law of "copyright", "designe", patents", trademarke? 5. What could Joe's futher have done differently, in order to protect all of his Inteliectual property rights in relation to the mousetrap invention? PutE - Research Task - B00 words [10 merks Busresses within Ausiruka operate wihin e legal tramework besed on fundanerntal common-aw principles, induding proprietary rights lownerahipl. Granvile Machinery Py Lid (GMPL') aela karge induszial or compreasora and ather similur equpment. for use in luctories. Each muctine sets lor $150.000 or mare. Machinee are delivered and inetalled in sustomer premises, ofen on eredt terme with payments due to GMPL at en agreed tuture dae, eg 30 days, or 60 days. etc. GMPL indudes e erm in thoir sales egreements at rle in the machinery does not pass to the custamer unti GMPL has been paid in full Preparation: Research the decision in Maidon C PSEJ Pty Ltd v Queenstand Excevation Servico0s Pty Lud & Ors (2013) NSWSC 852 and the Pernonal Property Secuntkes. Act 200s (Cn) Da nat corsider any other kegiskation jeg. Sule of Goods, ACL etc Required: lustrate, by applying the law and providing exangles, how GMPL could manoge various types of kk when selling machinery os descrbed above company uses a number of processes thet Joe's larter invented and over which he holde patenta end for which paya hir an arral royally, Jos'a futher owns al of the sharus in the company. Last year Joe's father invented a better mousetrap and decided to manufacture and market k himset The funcional part of the new inverton is e intemal mechanism. Because Joe's father had no expeience in product presentation, he hred an employen to areate a design tor an ecenal casing He tokd her that he wanted it to maka the product more pyscaly atiracive to eoneures-and sater to hande. The caing and the internai madheriorn ers manutecturee and sasembied koonly by a subcontractor who was recommended to Joe's farher by the Chamber of Cammerce. He aiso engaged a tochrical specialist to wite he instruction bookiet thet accompanies he meusetrap (the trap consists of sophisticated electronic components, and seting ard deaing e evaves a procesa that requires careful attention to the instructions). The instructkn bookiet and the mousetrap bear a logo identfying the company. A conpany empioyee devised kin her froo Sme. Joe's father was particulary impressed by t when she showed im what she had done, and he hopes that, eventualy, the buying public wil come to identity har logo wih he company and the technicolly superior producta k produces. Ony recenty, however, the employee sad she is resigring to travel ovarseas, whare she hapas to work with a similar design and innovation company Joe's futher abo awna the warehouse which acjains the factory, which he bought in his own name and which he leases to the company as a storage area for its products He has just told Joe that ne is revaing his we and proposes to provide equaly for both familes' by leaving his real property to Jbe and his sibling and his pereonal property to Joe's hatablings. He ako intends to laave a ite estae in the family home to his wile 'so she can selshe ever needs to go into a nursing home. He aso has wittan to the company asking them to oont nue making royalty payments to his wite tor the remaindar of her He. He lels Joe thet tis wil bath provide for his wite and provide equaly for all of te chidren Decause you wa get my share of te tactory, he warehouse and, perhaps, the home and te oters wil get the business and all of me machinery. Joe is not sure thot this is an entirely accurate statement of the efect of his father's proposod will Jon knows you have succeaatully complered Commercial Law and are curently studying Conmercial Low il and love every minute of it. He also knows that you have access to ets of ibrary resources and poses the foikwing questions soeking your sesistanos Required Each of the tolowing quostons requires you to identily the egal rights that may be availatle to the parties in the scenario given above. Then, Apply the legal ights you have identled to deal with each question and justity your arguments by c ng rekevant legisation and case law appropriate Case Study / Research Report - 25% Weighting Due Week 10 - Sunday 17 October 2021 Refer to the hitp:licourses highered for the specitic requirements of this aasesament task. This assesament involves complex scenarlos involving muliple areas of law requiring in depth aralysis, problem solving and judgement with reward for the use of property reforenced academic and other independent sources beyond those presented in tutorinis (2.000 worda All submissions must addrese two (2) quesions. Student submissions should include a simplo cover page that indludes word counts for each question. In-text citasons must be in the Harvard AGPS style. A single Harvard AGPS Reforence List at the end of the submission shouid include all relevant references cited in both questions Students should note the POF ile on acceaptabin iegal abbreviations, available on the Moodle. Students should note the ward limits for each quesion, and the need to write concisely. Responses must be within 10% 6+1- of each word imi. Students must clearly siate the word count for each quesion, on their oover page. Note thet the reference list and footnotes if any) does not torm pert of the word count Students are encouraged t0 sart wrting eorty: edting typically takes more time than wriing PartA-Case Study -1,200 words (15 marks) After Joe's mother died, his father remarked and now has wo familios": Joe and his sbling from his father's first marriage and Joe's half-sister and half-brather from his father's second mariage. Joe's father is a very successtul man whose grandmother left him the famly home (in which he and his second wite soll ivo) and a hat share in a factory (which he and a cousin inherited as joint tenants). Shortly ater laaving university he set up a company to run a manufacturing business from the fuctory - which it leases trom him and his cousin and in which k has installed a production ine consisting of highly technical and very expensive machinery, some of which is secured to the floor for stability. The

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1 What criteria would be used to determine how the expensive machinery located in the factory would be classed and treated The expensive machinery loc... blur-text-image

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