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1. What is the business in Lab 2? Would you recommend any of the solutions in the textbook to the business represented in Lab 2?

1. What is the business in Lab 2? Would you recommend any of the solutions in the textbook to the business represented in Lab 2?

2. What can you determine about the sales of the business represented in Lab 2? What does the analysis of the Product Costs worksheet in Lab 2 tell you about the frequency the items purchased?

3. What observations about the data can you provide the business represented in Lab 2? What data represented in Lab 2 would you consider private?

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17,775.00 12/01/19 12/12/19 Airframe fasteners C2323 1122 4.25 15,500 $ 65,875.00 08/25/19 09/01/19 A0446 5,417.00 Control Panel 255.0 406.00 $ 103,530.00 12/05/19 12/15/19 Airframe fasteners C3232 1122 4.25 18,000 $ 76,500.00 12/02/19 2/13/19 C1111 9,955.00 Door Deca 0.55 125.00 $ 68.75 09/05/19 09/10/19 8 Airframe fasteners C3434 1122 4.25 12,500 $ 53, 125.00 09/01/19 09/10/19 B3111 5,234.00 Electrical Connector 1.65 4,850.00 $ 8,002.50 08/25/19 09/05/19 Airframe fasteners C4545 1122 4.25 15,000 $ 63,750.00 10/15/19 10/20/19 A0622 9,752.00 Gasket 4.05 1,550.00 $ 6,277.50 10/09/19 10/14/19 C5656 1122 4.25 14,500 $ 61,625.00 10/20/19 10/27/19 49865 9,967.00 Hatch Decal CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 10 Airframe fasteners 0.85 550.00 467.50 09/28/19 10/03/19 08/25/19 11 Airframe fasteners D2121 1122 4.25 17,500 $ 74,375.00 10/01/19 0/15/19 C3333 8, 148.00 Machined Valve 655.50 125.00 81,937.50 08/31/19 12 Airframe fasteners D3232 1122 4.25 17,000 $ 72,250.00 10/29/19 2/10/19 A0777 6,489.00 0-Ring 3.00 ,050.00 $ 3, 150.00 10/05/19 10/1 1/19 Airframe fasteners A0443 1243 4.25 10,000 $ 42,500.00 08/20/19 8/26/19 A2367 9,977.00 Panel Decal 1.0 ;25.00 525.00 10/01/19 10/08/19 4 Airframe fasteners B0247 1243 4.25 9,000 $ 38,250.0 08/15/19 08/22/19 C2222 7,258.00 Pressure Gauge 100.50 90.00 $ 9,045.00 09/10/19 09/15/19 15 Airframe fasteners B0567 1243 4.25 0,500 $ 44,625.00 08/28/19 9/05/19 A0666 5,125.00 Shielded Cable/ft. 1.15 15,000.00 17,250.00 10/07/19 10/13/19 16 Bolt-nut package A1457 4569 3.50 3,900 $ 13,650.00 9/25/19 0/01/19 C0456 5,677.00 Side Panel 195.00 130.00 $ 25,350.00 08/25/19 08/29/19 17 Bolt-nut package A1222 4111 3.55 4,200 $ 14,910.00 09/20/19 10/10/19 18 Bolt-nut package A1444 4111 3.5 4,250 $ 15,087.50 09/25/19 0/25/19 19 Bolt-nut package A1445 4111 3.55 4,200 $ 14,910.00 10/05/19 10/19/19 20 Bolt-nut package A1449 4111 3.55 4,600 $ 16,330.00 10/15/19 10/20/19 21 Bolt-nut package A346 4111 3.55 4,800 $ 17,040.00 10/05/19 10/10/19 22 Bolt-nut package A5689 1 YOU W WOOOO NN NN NN WOOO- 4111 3.55 4,585 $ 16,276.75 09/25/19 09/30/19 23 Bolt-nut package A012 4312 3.75 4,250 $ 15,937.50 09/02/19 09/13/19 24 Bolt-nut package A0207 4312 3.75 4,200 $ 15,750.00 10/01/19 10/06/19 25 Bolt-nut package B0445 4312 3.75 4, 150 $ 15,562.50 10/25/19 12/03/19 CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 26 Bolt-nut package A0223 4224 3.95 1.500 $ 17,775.00 12/01/19 12/12/19 27 Control Pane A1344 5454 220.00 550 $121,000.00 12/01/19 12/07/19 28 Control Pane A1456 5454 220.00 500 $110,000.00 09/10/19 19/30/19 29 Control Panel A0433 5417 255.00 500 $127,500.00 12/05/19 12/16/19 30 Control Panel A0446 5417 255.00 406 $103,530.00 12/05/19 2/15/19 31 Door Deca A9876 9955 0.55 150 82.50 09/05/19 09/13/19 32 Door Decal C1111 9955 0.55 125 68.75 09/05/19 09/10/19 33 Electrical Connectc C1313 3166 1.25 5,600 7,000.00 08/20/19 08/31/19 34 Electrical Connectc C2929 3166 1.25 5,500 $ 6,875.00 09/15/19 0/05/19 35 Electrical Connectc C7875 3166 1.25 5,650 7,062.50 09/01/19 09/10/19 36 Electrical Connect C8854 3166 1.25 5,425 $ 6,781.25 09/20/19 09/25/19 37 Electrical Connectc C0234 5166 1.25 5,650 $ 7,062.50 10/13/19 10/21/19 38 Electrical Connectc B3041 5234 1.65 4,500 $ 7,425.00 10/28/19 12/07/19 39 Electrical Connectc B3042 234 1.65 CA CA 4,750 $ 7,837.50 10/28/19 12/04/19 40 Electrical Connectc B3111 5234 1.65 4,850 $ 8,002.50 8/25/19 09/05/19 41 Gasket A1234 9399 3.65 1,250 $ 4,562.50 10/05/19 10/10/19 42 Gasket A1235 9399 3.65 1,450 $ 5,292.50 10/20/19 10/29/19 43 Gasket A1345 9399 3.65 1,470 5,365.50 10/01/19 10/07/19 44 Gasket A1346 9399 3.65 1,985 $ 7,245.25 09/05/19 09/20/19 45 Gasket B1111 9764 3.75 1,980 7,425.00 09/15/19 09/22/19 46 Gasket C2211 9764 3.75 1,850 $ 6,937.50 10/25/19 2/03/19 47 Gasket D1111 9764 3.75 1,800 6,750.00 10/13/19 10/19/19 48 Gasket D3333 9764 3.75 1,750 $ 6,562.50 09/20/19 09/25/19 49 Gasket A0533 9752 4.05 1,500 $ 6,075.00 10/01/19 10/06/19 Data Product Costs +. . . AutoSave OFF Lap 2 (1).xIs - Compatibility Mode Home Insert Draw Page Layout Formulas Data Review View Tell me Share Comments Arial 10 AA Wrap Text v General X Ov CA Paste BIUV MVAv Merge & Center v $ ~ % 9 00 Conditional Format Cell Insert Delete Format Sort & Find & Formatting as Table Styles DV Analyze Filter Select Data L37 4 X fx B D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R 48 Gasket D3333 976 3.75 1,750 $ 6,562.50 09/20/19 09/25/19 49 Gasket A0533 9752 4.05 10/01/19 V- NNOO 1,500 $ 6,075.00 10/06/19 50 Gasket A0622 9752 4.05 1,550 $ 6,277.50 10/09/19 10/14/19 51 Hatch Deca C8989 9966 0.75 500 $ 375.00 10/05/19 10/10/19 2 Hatch Decal A9865 967 0.85 550 $ 467.50 09/28/19 10/03/19 3 Machined Valve B3222 8008 645.00 150 $ 96,750.00 12/05/19 12/10/19 4 Machined Valve 33333 8008 645.00 100 $ 64,500.00 08/05/19 08/13/19 65 Machined Valve C0467 8008 645.00 20 $ 77,400.0 09/25/19 10/05/19 56 Machined Valve C3333 8148 655.50 125 $ 81,937.50 08/25/19 08/31/19 57 0-Ring B2333 6321 2.45 1,300 $ 3, 185.00 10/25/19 12/03/19 58 0-Ring B2345 6321 2.45 1,200 $ 2,940.00 10/29/19 12/04/19 59 0-Ring B2356 6321 2.45 2,500 $ 6,125.00 10/10/19 10/17/19 60 0-Ring B2367 6321 2.45 1,250 $ 3,062.50 9/20/19 09/29/19 61 0-Ring B2378 6321 2.45 1,500 3,675.00 08/25/19 08/28/19 62 0-Ring A2345 6431 2.85 1,250 $ 3,562.50 09/04/19 09/13/19 63 0-Ring A2378 6431 2 .85 1,350 $ 3,847.50 10/10/19 10/17/19 64 0-Ring A9821 6431 2.85 1,300 3,705.00 09/05/19 09/13/19 65 0-Ring 49999 6433 2.95 ,500 $ 4,425.00 09/28/19 10/05/19 66 0-Ring A0111 6489 3.00 900 $ 2,700.00 09/15/19 10/15/19 67 0-Ring 10555 6489 3.00 1, 100 $ 3,300.00 0/03/19 10/08/19 68 0-Ring A0777 6489 3.00 ,050 A CA E 3.150.00 10/05/19 10/1 1/19 AWW NNNN OO 69 Panel Decal A2367 9977 1.00 525 $ 525.00 10/01/19 10/08/19 70 Pressure Gauge B 1234 7258 90.00 100 $ 9,000.00 12/05/19 12/12/19 71 Pressure Gauge B1345 7258 90.0 120 $ 10,800.00 12/01/19 12/06/19 72 Pressure Gauge B2499 7268 95.00 110 $ 10,450.00 09/27/19 10/03/19 73 Pressure Gauge B2511 26 95.0 105 $ 9,975.00 10/25/19 10/30/19 74 Pressure Gauge A2356 7258 100.50 95 $ 9,547.50 9/01/19 09/06/19 75 Pressure Gauge A9842 7258 100.50 00 $ 10,050.00 09/08/19 09/15/19 16 Pressure Gauge C2222 7258 100.50 90 $ 9,045.00 09/10/19 09/15/19 77 Shielded Cable/ft. C6765 5066 0.95 25,000 $ 23,750.00 08/08/19 08/14/19 78 Shielded Cable/ft. D1212 5066 0.95 17,500 $ 16,625.00 09/25/19 10/05/19 79 Shielded Cable/ft. B1589 5275 1.00 25,000 $ 25,000.00 09/05/19 09/13/19 80 Shielded Cable/ft. B2519 5462 1.05 22,500 $ 23,625.00 09/29/19 10/04/19 81 Shielded Cable/ft. B2537 5462 1.05 21,500 $ 22,575.00 09/13/19 09/23/19 82 Shielded Cable/ft. B2566 5462 1.05 23,000 $ 24, 150.00 09/25/19 10/04/19 83 Shielded Cable/ft. C0433 5462 1.05 22,500 $ 23,625.00 12/01/19 12/09/19 84 Shielded Cable/ft. A0125 5319 1.10 17,500 $ 19,250.00 09/05/1 09/13/19 85 Shielded Cable/ft. A0204 5319 1.10 16,500 $ 18,150.00 10/15/19 10/26/19 A A NOOOA 86 Shielded Cable/ft. C0589 5319 1.10 18, 100 $ 19,910.00 0/10/19 10/17/19 87 Shielded Cable/ft. A0666 5125 1.15 15,000 $ 17,250.00 10/07/19 10/13/19 Side Panel B2498 5689 175.00 150 $ 26,250.00 09/05/19 09/09/19 Side Panel B2528 5689 175.00 175 $ 30,625.00 08/25/19 09/04/19 Side Panel C0423 5689 175.00 155 $ 27, 125.00 10/25/19 12/02/19 91 Side Panel B0447 5634 185.00 150 $ 27,750.00 08/10/19 08/15/19 92 Side Panel B0479 5634 185.00 140 $ 25,900.00 12/05/19 12/17/19 93 Side Pane A0205 5677 195.00 120 $ 23,400.00 10/10/19 10/21/19 Side Panel B3022 5677 195.00 110 $ 21,450.00 08/25/19 09/02/19 95 Side Panel C0456 5677 195.00 130 $ 25,350.00 08/25/19 08/29/19 96

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