(1) Write a C program with calls to functions to produce the output given below. (2) The program should display the output to screen as CIS 6 - Introduction to Programming (Using ) Your Name Information - Assignment: HW #3 Exercise #1 Implemented by: Your Name Submitted Date: 2021/03/11 Current Number of LEB available: ? Allowed Number of LEB Used: ? Remaining Number of LEB: You need to replace "Your Name with your real name and "Due Date with the specified due date. The above result should come from a call to a function named as displayClassInfo Your Name(), where Your Name must be replaced by your first name and your last name initial. For examples, if your name is John Smith then YourName should be Johns throughout all of your work code as mentioned. (3) The program will then continue to call other functions and display the results as follows. RUN #1 // OUTPUT - Sample Run #1 CIS 6 - Introduction to Programming (Using ) Your Name Information - Assignment: HW #3 Exercise #1 Implemented by: Your Name Submitted Date: 2921/03/11 Current Number of LEB available: ? Allowed Number of LEB Used: Remaining Number of LEB: Calling extractDigitiYourName() Enter a floating-point: 12385.456 12385.456 is a positive value! The integral portion of 12385.456 is 12385 The 1-digit of 12385 is 5! Calling extractDigit1eYour Name() Enter a floating-point: 12385.456 12385.456 is a positive value! The integral portion of 12385.456 is 12385! The 10-digit of 12385 is 8! // RUN #2 // OUTPUT - Sample Run #2 CIS 6 - Introduction to Programming (Using ) Your Name Information - Assignment: HW #3 Exercise #1 Implemented by: Your Name Submitted Date: 2021/03/11 Current Number of LEB available: ? Allowed Number of LEB Used: Remaining Number of LEB: ? Calling extractvigitiYourName() Enter a floating-point: -12385.456 - 12385.456 is a non-positive value! The integral portion of -12385.456 is -12385! The 1-digit of 12385 is 5! Calling extractDigit1@Your Name() Enter a floating-point: -12385.456 112385.456 is a non-positive value! The integral portion of -12385.456 is - 12385! The 10-digit of 12385 is 8! // RUN #3 // OUTPUT - Sample Run #3 CIS 6 - Introduction to Programming (Using ) Your Name Information - Assignment: HW #3 Exercise #1 Implemented by: Your Name Submitted Date: 2021/03/11 Current Number of LEB available: ? Allowed Number of LEB Used: Remaining Number of LEB: Calling extractDigitiYour Name() Enter a floating-point: -123.456 - 1230.456 is a non-positive value! The integral portion of -123.456 is -1230! The 1-digit of -1230 is e! Calling extractDigitleYour Name() Enter a floating-point: -1238.456 -1230.456 is a non-positive value! The integral portion of -1230.456 is - 123e! The 10-digit of -1230 is 3! RUN #4 // OUTPUT - Sample Run #4 CIS 6 - Introduction to Programming (Using C) Your Name Information - Assignment: HW #3 Exercise #1 Implemented by: Your Name Submitted Date: 2821/03/11 Current Number of LEB available: ? Allowed Number of LEB Used: Remaining Number of LEB: ? Calling extractDigitiYourName() Enter a floating-point: -8.456 -0.456 is a non-positive value! The integral portion of -8.456 is e! The 1-digit of e ise! Calling extractDigit1@Your Name() Enter a floating-point: -0.456 -0.456 is a non-positive value! The integral portion of -8.456 is e! The 10-digit of is o! Your program should have and use the following functions. displayClassInfoYour Name ( ) extractDigitiYour Name() extractDigit1eYourName() where Your Name must be replaced by your first name and your last name initial. For examples, if your name is John Smith then Your Name should be Johns throughout all of your work/code as mentioned You must run your program four (4) times to produce the output as shown above. (4) Save the program as cis6Spring2021 Your Name Hw3.c and (5) The above output should be copied to the OUTPUT comment block as shown